Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Atrum dude i had to put my sunglasses on man. But once i did that i seen a tree for sure. Try not to leave the windows or doors open right now. Its mating season for some birds and u may end up with a nest somewhere..
Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I got some ladies preflowering right now, they showed their bush a couple days ago!

No closeups, yet. Wait until I get some REAL bush showing before we ask the girls for the hardcore porn, yea?


Great club you got here! Going to take me a while to get through all the posts!

This is my first grow and I just wanted to drop in and show you my cheap DIY DWC setup and show you how I control my res temps (now that summer's here and it's 100* F where I live!).

First picture is my setup - two 7 gallon ice chests in a 2X2 area with 4 AK-48's in their 4th week of veg from seed under a 250 watt conversipn bulb.

2nd picture was taken yesterday afternoon - notice the 68* res temp.

3rd picture was taken this afternoon - about two inches of growth today.

Pictures 4-6 show how I control temp, both outside and inside the res. When I built my initial setup I was using the typical rubbermaid tote container. I gave it a dry run with my fans, lights, and ventilation running (but not the A/C in my house - I hate cooling the whole house when nobody's home) and the temps were in the 90's outside the res and 80's inside the res. So I made the following changes:

1. Made a DIY cool tube for the bulb - I can get it within 4 inches of the tops with no fear of burning now.

2. Built my res out of ice chests - really stabilized the temperature.

3. Each res is using about 1 quart of water a day. I took some quart-sized containers and fitted them with some drip lines and a drip shut-off valve (pic 4). I fill them up with ph-adjusted water and freeze them. In the morning before I head to work I stick the tube in a hole in my res (pic 5). The water melts during the day, keeping my res cool and topped off. Also helps keep the top cool.

4. Occasionally my res will get up to 72* before lights out - then I'll just throw 1 or 2 of those little Blue Ice bags (about a dollar each at WalMart) into the res (pic 6). Each one cools the res about 2-3 * within minutes.

You can also see in pic 6 that I put a divider inside the res to help keep the roots separated in case I have to pull a plant.

Anyhow, time to throw these babes into flower! I was hoping I would be able to wait until preflower to sex them, but I just broke a branch trying to LST it :cry:



Well-Known Member
Great club you got here! Going to take me a while to get through all the posts!

This is my first grow and I just wanted to drop in and show you my cheap DIY DWC setup and show you how I control my res temps (now that summer's here and it's 100* F where I live!).

First picture is my setup - two 7 gallon ice chests in a 2X2 area with 4 AK-48's in their 4th week of veg from seed under a 250 watt conversipn bulb.

2nd picture was taken yesterday afternoon - notice the 68* res temp.

3rd picture was taken this afternoon - about two inches of growth today.

Pictures 4-6 show how I control temp, both outside and inside the res. When I built my initial setup I was using the typical rubbermaid tote container. I gave it a dry run with my fans, lights, and ventilation running (but not the A/C in my house - I hate cooling the whole house when nobody's home) and the temps were in the 90's outside the res and 80's inside the res. So I made the following changes:

1. Made a DIY cool tube for the bulb - I can get it within 4 inches of the tops with no fear of burning now.

2. Built my res out of ice chests - really stabilized the temperature.

3. Each res is using about 1 quart of water a day. I took some quart-sized containers and fitted them with some drip lines and a drip shut-off valve (pic 4). I fill them up with ph-adjusted water and freeze them. In the morning before I head to work I stick the tube in a hole in my res (pic 5). The water melts during the day, keeping my res cool and topped off. Also helps keep the top cool.

4. Occasionally my res will get up to 72* before lights out - then I'll just throw 1 or 2 of those little Blue Ice bags (about a dollar each at WalMart) into the res (pic 6). Each one cools the res about 2-3 * within minutes.

You can also see in pic 6 that I put a divider inside the res to help keep the roots separated in case I have to pull a plant.

Anyhow, time to throw these babes into flower! I was hoping I would be able to wait until preflower to sex them, but I just broke a branch trying to LST it :cry:
yea man you gotta consider the space you got to grow in before you flower cause it aint good when you run out of head room!Awesom lil DIY system.!Doin great for first grow,man fa real!
LST you gotta slowly bend the stalk slowly and ver easily a lil bit everyday.GOOD LUCK!


yea man you gotta consider the space you got to grow in before you flower cause it aint good when you run out of head room!Awesom lil DIY system.!Doin great for first grow,man fa real!
LST you gotta slowly bend the stalk slowly and ver easily a lil bit everyday.GOOD LUCK!
Thanks man!

Yea man, live and learn! I topped them last week, hoping that would slow em down. I also did a res change and upped the nutes - they've just exploded in the last three days.

I was hoping to pull any males and do a scrog with one or two plants...but they've already reached where I was going to put the screen and I don't want to have to deal with pulling males out of the screen.

If luck is on my side I'll get 3 ladies, I plan on pulling one to use as a mom (I got a veg chamber set up in the cabinet next to my setup) and then I can do a SOG or ScrOG next time around.



Well-Known Member
Great club you got here! Going to take me a while to get through all the posts!

This is my first grow and I just wanted to drop in and show you my cheap DIY DWC setup and show you how I control my res temps (now that summer's here and it's 100* F where I live!).

First picture is my setup - two 7 gallon ice chests in a 2X2 area with 4 AK-48's in their 4th week of veg from seed under a 250 watt conversipn bulb.

2nd picture was taken yesterday afternoon - notice the 68* res temp.

3rd picture was taken this afternoon - about two inches of growth today.

Pictures 4-6 show how I control temp, both outside and inside the res. When I built my initial setup I was using the typical rubbermaid tote container. I gave it a dry run with my fans, lights, and ventilation running (but not the A/C in my house - I hate cooling the whole house when nobody's home) and the temps were in the 90's outside the res and 80's inside the res. So I made the following changes:

1. Made a DIY cool tube for the bulb - I can get it within 4 inches of the tops with no fear of burning now.

2. Built my res out of ice chests - really stabilized the temperature.

3. Each res is using about 1 quart of water a day. I took some quart-sized containers and fitted them with some drip lines and a drip shut-off valve (pic 4). I fill them up with ph-adjusted water and freeze them. In the morning before I head to work I stick the tube in a hole in my res (pic 5). The water melts during the day, keeping my res cool and topped off. Also helps keep the top cool.

4. Occasionally my res will get up to 72* before lights out - then I'll just throw 1 or 2 of those little Blue Ice bags (about a dollar each at WalMart) into the res (pic 6). Each one cools the res about 2-3 * within minutes.

You can also see in pic 6 that I put a divider inside the res to help keep the roots separated in case I have to pull a plant.

Anyhow, time to throw these babes into flower! I was hoping I would be able to wait until preflower to sex them, but I just broke a branch trying to LST it :cry:
Awesome man. Very clean and well thought out bro. Good job.. Just wanted to say welcome aboard before some of our escaped mental patients(WE Love everyone) get at ya and try to scare ya away..
P.S. Just a heads up.. Misery is insane dont listen to him.. He keeps easter baskets in his grow room for his plants how gay is that.


Awesome man. Very clean and well thought out bro. Good job.. Just wanted to say welcome aboard before some of our escaped mental patients(WE Love everyone) get at ya and try to scare ya away..
P.S. Just a heads up.. Misery is insane dont listen to him.. He keeps easter baskets in his grow room for his plants how gay is that.
Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin' down the bunny trail,
Hippity, hoppity, he's on his way,
Bringing every girl and boy
Baskets full of Easter joy,
Things to make your Easter bright and gay...


Well-Known Member
New shot of the DWC setup. Focused on the three girls.

HPS right above out of picture. It's about time I started bumping their nutes up a fair bit. It's just starting into week three since I got these things, as of tonight. I've only used 1/4 tsp per 2 gallons of water of each. I'm going to triple that, except for the two seedlings which are out of picture as well (one's behind the back bush, the other would be past the bottom of the pic.)

I think two more weeks and I'll flower. Maybe not, we'll see. I only have about four feet of workable height, but I can spread it out a bit.

EDIT: Just took a quick light measurement at the top of the WW in the center, light meter pops 1000. That's actually a lot better than I expected, I was figuring 750.



Dude, that setup is insane!

I'm planning a new grow area and want to put some tube lights on the side - how do keep the ladies away from those T5's?


Well-Known Member
New shot of the DWC setup. Focused on the three girls.

HPS right above out of picture. It's about time I started bumping their nutes up a fair bit. It's just starting into week three since I got these things, as of tonight. I've only used 1/4 tsp per 2 gallons of water of each. I'm going to triple that, except for the two seedlings which are out of picture as well (one's behind the back bush, the other would be past the bottom of the pic.)

I think two more weeks and I'll flower. Maybe not, we'll see. I only have about four feet of workable height, but I can spread it out a bit.

EDIT: Just took a quick light measurement at the top of the WW in the center, light meter pops 1000. That's actually a lot better than I expected, I was figuring 750.
Nice set-up you got.What light do have above the plants..


Well-Known Member
Put thin film plastic over the light. Saran wrap works well for this and doesn't degrade light quality by any noticeable amount to my meter.

ABOVE the plants is the 400w HPS (wasn't in the picture) and right now the T5HO lights are just BARELY above the tops of the plants but out to the sides as you see in the picture.