Just a quick question.


Active Member
Today I checked all of my plants out and turns out i have a couple males. :?

Not too bad being a 60/40 (3 of 5) female ratio for my first time growing.

Now the question that I had was if I were to move the 2 males outdoors now would they possibly become stressed into hermies? And about how big do you think they would be by say september to october?

Some Followup Info:

2+ months of age
1 full week of flowering
2'+ in height

Lighting schedule was 18/6 then 12/12 last week exactly.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Active Member
Unless you want seeds theres really no point in keeping them around and if you want seeds then it would make more sense to leave them in with your females. I as most here I believe have a tendency of killing the males. I suppose you could have been planning on pollinating only one female after collecting the males pollen. But it would be better IMO if you don't want to purchase more seeds to just keep a mother plant if at all possible and take clones. I've never had any hermie problems from moving a plant indoors from outdoors or vice versa so my inclination would be to say that from my personal experience this would be unlikely to happen but not impossible as with moving them outdoors any number of things could begin to stress them and possibly cause them to hermie.


Active Member
Unless you want seeds theres really no point in keeping them around and if you want seeds then it would make more sense to leave them in with your females. I as most here I believe have a tendency of killing the males. I suppose you could have been planning on pollinating only one female after collecting the males pollen. But it would be better IMO if you don't want to purchase more seeds to just keep a mother plant if at all possible and take clones. I've never had any hermie problems from moving a plant indoors from outdoors or vice versa so my inclination would be to say that from my personal experience this would be unlikely to happen but not impossible as with moving them outdoors any number of things could begin to stress them and possibly cause them to hermie.

Thanks sativa I did not plan on keeping the males whatsoever but at the same time I didn't want to waste all that time put in without trying something new. I'm hoping with the light disturbance it might stress the plants into hermie that way i will get some bud rather than none. The flowering schedule was 2 or 3 hours behind sunset so the extra hours of sunlight might do it. Or atleast I can hope.

I figure if they do go hermie they might become monsters outside with 4-5 months of growth starting at 2 feet already.