PC Gaming

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
CSS rules.. if anyone out there plays I'll give you our teamspeak ip and we can go rip up the nubs.. AWP Deagle anyone???


Well-Known Member
Dual elites and a shotty FTW! CS:S is fun, I prefer it at LAN parties than online as you can actually shout abuse at the person you just pwned and see their face. I also like strategy games, CnC3, DoW Dark Crusade, AoEIII, that kinda thing


Well-Known Member
Command And Conquer Rocks
I have been playing since the beginning, now on C&C3 but I still love Yuris revenge!!

God I'm Old............


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Ok Im getting upset now......I dl'd all 500mb to get in some ass and now you guys don't want to respond....What's up? You scared?


Well-Known Member
Ok Im getting upset now......I dl'd all 500mb to get in some ass and now you guys don't want to respond....What's up? You scared?

aha.. what do you make of it zekedogg ? like it

And yea i come have a few games, tho its 620am here so maybe when i get bk from work tonight.



Well-Known Member
Nah never bother with them on that game,

As you would have now seen theres like 3 modes with small maps, mid and large, I only play the mid - large maps as I like to kill and move,

and the clan set up atm seems to be just for cqc
