PC Gaming


Well-Known Member
I'm a C&C Yuri's Revenge "GOD". I'm a bit of a Warrock head. I have bf2142 but rarely play it. I'm the guy on warrock rolling around in the jeep on emblem.


Well-Known Member
i been playin neverwinter nights 2 a little bit mostly playin xbox lately but ive got mad pc games i just startd playing first person shooters again really


Well-Known Member
Bought a mac, no games, so bought a ps3 & xbox 360 to get the gaming done. Unreal tournament is the only thing I really played for the PC and I have it now for the PS3.


Well-Known Member
Bought a mac, no games, so bought a ps3 & xbox 360 to get the gaming done. Unreal tournament is the only thing I really played for the PC and I have it now for the PS3.

Someone bought into the mac propaganda commercials!

If your running intel Core2Duos you can use bootcamp and install windows XP.


Well-Known Member
Battfield 2 ,Ftw. Soon to be playing Call of Duty 4(Heard its way better thhan bf2 so. Chea...)



Well-Known Member
Lets see, currently playing on my PC....

Call of Duty 4
Unreal Tournament 3
Team Fortress 2 / Portal / Half Life 2: Ep. 2

I just built a new pc with a Intel Quad Core, 4GB mem, and an 8800GTX, so I have been going crazy with new games trying to max out my machine.