1st grow 4 weeks into flowering, How do they look?


This is my first time growing. I decided to go with Barneys Farm blue cheese. They are now 28 days into flowering, I vegged them for 21 days. For Veg I used cns17 grow and flowering with canna flores and kool bloom powder. Tomorrow I am going to start feeding Canna flores, pk 13-14 and calmag. I have been ajusting the water ph to 6.0-6.4 and the soil stays at 7.0 (ffof) I water/feed every 3 days when the pots feel light. I am using a 400w hps with some extra cfl's too. My temps stay between 81-84 when light are on and at 70-75 lights off. I have 1 intake fan, 2 exhaust fans and a air cooled reflecter. (Great ventalation)

Plants are 28-30" tall and has been going great up untill a few days ago. Some of the larger fan leaves are turning yellow with brown spots that actuall appeared fist. I considered all prob. causes and came up with the conclusion that its normal,Considering they are midway into flowering. I attached some photos and basicly I am just wondering if they are comming along good for there age. Thanks!!!


nice plants yo , umm why did you take a picture of one of the plants in your bathroom ahha . other than that for a first grow they look nice


Plants look great man

Don't forget they need some Nitrogen as well
The canna flores has some nitrogen so does the cal mag, do you think that is enough or should I add a little bit of cns17 grow. Also isn't it normal for leaves to turn yellow at this point


It seems hard for me to tell if they are over fed or under fed, The guy at the the grow shop told me to up the nutes once I explained to him about the brown spots and yellowing. Some of the older fan leaves have brown tips and feel dry but all the new growth and the leaves near the buds are gooood. All advice is very appriecated. Should I not worry about fan leaves discoloring and dying if the plant is flowering at a good rate???


Well-Known Member
during flowering the plants will pull nutrients from the leaves to give to the buds that are growing. It is normal for fan leaves to yellow and brown during the end of flowering. And especially when your doing a flush right before you harvest.

Did you super-crop your plant? or did the bottom branches stretch up like that on their own?


Well-Known Member
The canna flores has some nitrogen so does the cal mag, do you think that is enough or should I add a little bit of cns17 grow. Also isn't it normal for leaves to turn yellow at this point
That should be enough Nitrogen, you don't want a lot of it during the budding phase. Your leaves look really dark green, like they have plenty of Nitrogen (maybe even too much).

And yea, you should be getting some yellowing of the older fan leaves, it is normal and you should leave them alone until they fall off on their own.