Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..


Well-Known Member
Knowm, do you eat 'ethical' meat, free range stuff, where you can be fairly sure the animal had a fulfilled life, or does your hypocrisy extend that far?

I am an omnivore, like all humans, and have no qualms about eating meat. This is not at odds to loving animals. I eat ethical meat as much as I can, and do not stand for unnecessary killing of any animal - only so that we can eat, as is the natural order of things.

To be honest, I love some animals, not all. I do not love pigs, chickens, cows, fish or lambs. I love ducks and rabbits, but I still eat them. I have no belief in reincarnation or afterlife, and if an animal is killed in a humane way so that I can eat, I am satisfied that there is nothing wrong, and no hypocrisy is involved, as I see that as the natural end.

And yes, i'd be quite happy to go out and catch, slaughter and prepare my own meat if I had the time.


Too many brownies
Knowm, do you eat 'ethical' meat, free range stuff, where you can be fairly sure the animal had a fulfilled life, or does your hypocrisy extend that far?

I am an omnivore, like all humans, and have no qualms about eating meat. This is not at odds to loving animals. I eat ethical meat as much as I can, and do not stand for unnecessary killing of any animal - only so that we can eat, as is the natural order of things.

To be honest, I love some animals, not all. I do not love pigs, chickens, cows, fish or lambs. I love ducks and rabbits, but I still eat them. I have no belief in reincarnation or afterlife, and if an animal is killed in a humane way so that I can eat, I am satisfied that there is nothing wrong, and no hypocrisy is involved, as I see that as the natural end.

And yes, i'd be quite happy to go out and catch, slaughter and prepare my own meat if I had the time.
I agree completely with everything you just said. I too feel that there is nothing hypocritical about loving animals and being an omnivore. :peace:


Well-Known Member
actually, GK(knowm) isn't a vegetarian, if you read the thread he is always eating bacon and shit. He just likes to play devil's advocate, he likes to make you investigate yourself. right now he is probably drinking a cup of coffee, and chuckling as he watches us...debate a topic amongst our selves... watching the thread slowly morph from its original question to some other tangent...human as well as animals provide great entertainment to a "people watcher" like GK:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..

NO fook NO.. stop kidding yourself.. IF you eat meat you don't love animals..

JUST accept it.. your a piece of shit striving to be better than the crap on the bottom of my shoe...

and being that you are a two faced scum bag that claims to love animals yet supports the mass genocide and inhumane slaughter of millions of chickens, pigs and cows with your almighty dollar... you have the option to change.... you can actaully wake up and slowly stop suporting this machine that FOOKING up your KARMA... laugh now... but it won't be so funny when your reborn a chicken.. LOL


BTW - i had a bacon cheeseburger today.. that shite was good...


but nothing is better than being honest with yourself..

KILLING is wrong.... no exceptions.. come to grips with this people.. and asking people to kill for YOU or your so called freedoms is just the same as killing yourself.. and everybody that is killed you will EVENTUALLY suffer that pain.. we will all endure that pain.. we are all ONE..


Incorrect mate. you seem to have lost the Native American train of thought while considering what you're saying. You can kill things to eat, and yet love them as well. as long as you respect that you are taking life to support your own, and aren't wasteful. So it is possible. However, mass production and capitalisam have made mass slaughter of animals profitable, so people can fuck their own souls and planet to make a profit. always how it is, people have the ability to tearn discompationate, but they don't have to.

sorry. i seem to be foregetting. it's not just native americans, but native culture, those who have not sought conquest and treasure in other parts of the world. those that do not seek domination but cooperation, and realize that they have their part of the world to care for just like everyone else.

Nothing is as black and white as it first seems...


Well-Known Member
thats bullshit.... straight up bullshit.. if ur tellin me i dont love my pitbull to fucking death beacuse i enjoy a peice of bacon on my sub then you got some shit messin with ur head...
AMEN. LOVE my pitbull! they're the best dogs ever, and i hate that we can advertise her breed. we call her a "mix" for insurance reasons, which sucks. because they all get a bad rap because of they're incredible ability to do damage when they're aggressive, but she's soooo sweet. nicest dog ever, and immensly loyal. yet, I too eat meat. it tastes good, what can i say. If it were up to me, i wouldn't process it all like it is, but it's not up to me. and by not eating it, i'm not going to make a difference. what i would've bought will just become wasted meat that's thrown away, and no one will care. the path to enlightenment is not through simple refusal. you need to express your views, say WHY you're a vegetarian, and say it to the right people.

...maybe someday the world will come to its senses...


Too many brownies
actually, GK(knowm) isn't a vegetarian, if you read the thread he is always eating bacon and shit. He just likes to play devil's advocate, he likes to make you investigate yourself. right now he is probably drinking a cup of coffee, and chuckling as he watches us...debate a topic amongst our selves... watching the thread slowly morph from its original question to some other tangent...human as well as animals provide great entertainment to a "people watcher" like GK:mrgreen:
who said he was a vegetarian...if anyone read the initial post he stated that he was eatign a bacon cheeseburger. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Can you be an animal lover and still eat meat..

NO fook NO.. stop kidding yourself.. IF you eat meat you don't love animals..

JUST accept it.. your a piece of shit striving to be better than the crap on the bottom of my shoe...

and being that you are a two faced scum bag that claims to love animals yet supports the mass genocide and inhumane slaughter of millions of chickens, pigs and cows with your almighty dollar... you have the option to change.... you can actaully wake up and slowly stop suporting this machine that FOOKING up your KARMA... laugh now... but it won't be so funny when your reborn a chicken.. LOL


BTW - i had a bacon cheeseburger today.. that shite was good...


but nothing is better than being honest with yourself..

KILLING is wrong.... no exceptions.. come to grips with this people.. and asking people to kill for YOU or your so called freedoms is just the same as killing yourself.. and everybody that is killed you will EVENTUALLY suffer that pain.. we will all endure that pain.. we are all ONE..

your an idiot..if its all the same then go eat your fuckin dog or cat or whatever u got...and using the word genocide is ridiculous in short and from (cuz thats what i have available here)

genocide-the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group
.....i dont think pigs fall in there.

love you fdd:peace:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Well answer this....................

What is the difference if I kill a cow for its meat or kill a plant for its fruit....

They are both living creatures!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Well answer this....................

What is the difference if I kill a cow for its meat or kill a plant for its fruit....

They are both living creatures!:hump:
good example:mrgreen::mrgreen:
next time yalls tokin ur buds think about that
:peace: Zeke

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
actually, GK(knowm) isn't a vegetarian, if you read the thread he is always eating bacon and shit. He just likes to play devil's advocate, he likes to make you investigate yourself. right now he is probably drinking a cup of coffee, and chuckling as he watches us...debate a topic amongst our selves... watching the thread slowly morph from its original question to some other tangent...human as well as animals provide great entertainment to a "people watcher" like GK:mrgreen:
dearest mr. bud....

I am actually drinking a white mocha... with real cow milk.. I used to get soy.. when I would drink these all the tyime.. but NOw I only drink them once a onthwhile sitting on a patio in Berkeley across the street from UC berkeley... damn I love this place..

I do enjoy farting and drinking milk provides a special kind of fart..


There is a field out beyond right and wrong. I will meet you there. -rumi

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
There is not belief that eating animals is wrong.. i do not say this from a place of believing.... And "wrong" is probably not the correct word....

There is a saying, "argue your limitations and they are yours..."

Furtehr more, LOVE is nmot something you can have..

love is not something you can have for just ONE

Love is not a thought...

Love is not something you can feel...

LOVE IS IN YOUR awareness, or it is NOT... when ONE is not aware of carries you... WHEN one is AWARE of LOVE.. ONE is LOVE...

JUst sit and watch your mind for 5 days..

Less than 1 percent of all of man kind can even sit for 15 minutes and simpy watch his or her breath

do you know what exists behind the chatter of your brain..

And those of you who name call and attack.... What are you hiding.. JUst breath and watch yor thoughts.. you are not your thoughts..

I shall tell you the ultimate truth..

YOU only attack outwardly WHEN the truth is about to surface... the truth is always a paradox.. but because the mind can only hold one thougt at a time you call it hypocracy.. stopping judging outwardly and just watch your mind...

Remember EVERY finger you point out HAS 4 fingers pointed IN

Then you won't have to defend your ignorance.... you can actually have compassion for yourself.. and laugh....


Well-Known Member
There is noyt belief that eatinganimals is wrong..

JUst sit and watch your mind for 5 days..

Less than 1 percent of all of man kind can even sit for 15 minutes and simpy watch his or her breath

do you know what exists behind the chatter of your brain..

And those of you who name call and attack.... What are you hiding.. JUst breath and watch yor thoughts.. you are not your thoughts..

I shall tell you the ultimate truth..

YOU only attack outwardly WHEN the truth is about to surface... the truth is always a paradox.. but because the mind can only hold one thougt at a time you call iut hypocracy.. stopping juding outwardly and just watch your mind...

Then you won't have to defend your ignorance.... you can actually have compassion for yourself.. and laugh.... therapy?if not u should go..helped me:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
There is not belief that eating animals is wrong.. i do not say this from a place of believing.... And "wrong" is probably not the correct word....

There is a saying, "argue your limitations and they are yours..."

Furtehr more, LOVE is nmot something you can have..

love is not something you can have for just ONE

Love is not a thought...

Love is not something you can feel...

LOVE IS IN YOUR awareness, or it is NOT... when ONE is not aware of carries you... WHEN one is AWARE of LOVE.. ONE is LOVE...

JUst sit and watch your mind for 5 days..

Less than 1 percent of all of man kind can even sit for 15 minutes and simpy watch his or her breath

do you know what exists behind the chatter of your brain..

And those of you who name call and attack.... What are you hiding.. JUst breath and watch yor thoughts.. you are not your thoughts..

I shall tell you the ultimate truth..

YOU only attack outwardly WHEN the truth is about to surface... the truth is always a paradox.. but because the mind can only hold one thougt at a time you call it hypocracy.. stopping judging outwardly and just watch your mind...

Remember EVERY finger you point out HAS 4 fingers pointed IN

Then you won't have to defend your ignorance.... you can actually have compassion for yourself.. and laugh....
Getting a bit off topic aren't we GK? I'm sure you believe that love IS the point, or something equally intangible and ethereal (don't think i'm scoffing at your mindset, I just feel differently), but this is not a discussion on the nature of love as far as the OP goes.

Oh, and unless you point with your thumb or have polydactyly, you're never gonna have four fingers pointing in :roll:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Getting a bit off topic aren't we GK? I'm sure you believe that love IS the point, or something equally intangible and ethereal (don't think i'm scoffing at your mindset, I just feel differently), but this is not a discussion on the nature of love as far as the OP goes.

Oh, and unless you point with your thumb or have polydactyly, you're never gonna have four fingers pointing in :roll:
Well MARY,

I suspect the definition of love is relevant to this discussion ... heheheheh

It appears that many people have a different defintion of "LOVE" and that is causing some confusion... just as clinton had a different definition of sex.. BWAHHHH....

SO all though you may not see this as a discussion about LOVE directly.. it does appear to be relevant in order to understand the proposed exploration into "the love" of animals...

If we can agree what the question is... maybe we undersdtand each others perspectives better....

Does this make sense?
