male or female?


Active Member
Hey I got some plants that are 4-6 weeks old and i wanna know weather they are male, female....or still nothing visible.....and pls does it mather that they havent got much branches? can i do smth about it?...if you see smth unhealthy on my plants let me know ty....btw the plants are Durban Poison x White Widow



thats a good question sometimes they will all look the same until you go into the flowering stage but it there is one plant that tends to grow alot faster tham the rest then it is a male the male plants usually get tall before you start seeing more leaves
yeah light cycle must change before you can determine sex.
look pretty healthy.... besides a few insect attacks here an there.
try some eco-friendly insecticide.....


Well-Known Member
the third picture if you look close kindo looks like is developing some sort of pollen sacs but i could be wrong its hard to tell with your pics. Also its almost impossible to tell until your plants have gone into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you have about two more months until you will be able to tell with any certainty. That's the one drawback to outdoors, you are dependent on the sun to flip to 12/12 so you have to wait a lot longer to find out your sexes (if growing from seed as I think you are doing?) Of course you are going to get way bigger plants outdoors so you got that going for ya.


Active Member
.....yes i am growing them from seed (damn how did ya know?!) wow those r gr8 news thanks guys.....ya know it is my first grow so i wanna know as much as i can.....they havent got much that normal at this time (4-6) weeks?....and do you think i should cut them at the top so they are growing wide?? or i should just let them grow for now and do that later?
I will add new pics pls keep postin´


Well-Known Member
.....yes i am growing them from seed (damn how did ya know?!) wow those r gr8 news thanks guys.....ya know it is my first grow so i wanna know as much as i can.....they havent got much that normal at this time (4-6) weeks?....and do you think i should cut them at the top so they are growing wide?? or i should just let them grow for now and do that later?
I will add new pics pls keep postin´
Super crop it!


Active Member
Super crop it!
are you sure man? they look like sticks with few leaves and with a top that haves a few leaves going to grow there and i am to be honest a little bit scared to cut that gorgeous top...sure that it wont harm them cause the top is the biggest part of the plant ? :D and can i make clones from those tops that i will cut off?


Active Member
are you sure man? they look like sticks with few leaves and with a top that haves a few leaves going to grow there and i am to be honest a little bit scared to cut that gorgeous top...sure that it wont harm them cause the top is the biggest part of the plant ? :D and can i make clones from those tops that i will cut off?
one new foto....



Well-Known Member
are you sure man? they look like sticks with few leaves and with a top that haves a few leaves going to grow there and i am to be honest a little bit scared to cut that gorgeous top...sure that it wont harm them cause the top is the biggest part of the plant ? :D and can i make clones from those tops that i will cut off?
You can clone the top if you have enough stem. to strengthen the plant see
for instructions. happy growing!

Don't top it. just do the pinch and bend method. No more than 2x's a week though. It will cause considerable lower growth and strengthen the stem at the same time.

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo dude-sorry about this but your pics are really shitty-take pictures between nodes then we can see little better.your plant are still young and they dont neceserrely have many branches yet-if you want it to grow more and faster use diffrent ntes and prune your plant-it makes them afterwards better to grow.
keep up the good work.......

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
If you want to sex it early you can cover a branch with a paper bag to limit the light it gets to 12 hours. That branch should start showing sex within a few days to a couple weeks. Males tend to show faster than females. If you don't have branches you can cover the entire plant.

12 hours darkness tells the plant autumn is approaching and its starts flowering. Once they start flowering it is very easy to tell male (balls) from females (hairs).

If you can take a picture from underneath the plant, or at plant level so we can see the nodes we could help you a little better.

Regarding getting extra up on topping, fimming, supercropping, and LST and find the method that works best for you. The FAQ section at the top of the page is quite informative...

Good luck:leaf: