Jordis multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
heres the update. i bult a new 6 by 6 room and threw a 600 hps in it. all the babies are babies no more. these things took off under the hps. the room is in FULL SWING.....yay

thank god the room is done. now though i need to take care of the massive stank thats hit me in the face when i walk in the door. i guess i should have done it on the other side of the house. dazed isnt it awsome. the hps lamps rule.



Well-Known Member
heres some more pics of the babies.its nuts what the hps does to stems. i could stake a vampire with a branch never mind the stems

the best thing though about building that room is . that before i had extra space i had to grow everything upwards. now ive been able to take full advantage of the low stress training. its awsome. it fattens up the buds tenfold. its like every branch begins to grow branches strait towards the light and when they all get sqwished grown together they make some fat ass buds. for the first time im using nutrients. which i thought was gonna be a nightmare but its been awsome. every time some aspect of the grow improves. i look back at old pics and just say wow. an i was impressed with my first grow. and not because it was good either, but because i was ignorant.



Well-Known Member
well the babies are actually 3 weeks old. they all sprouted right around the 9th or 10th of march. its now april 1st and they are doing well. ive been giving them superthrive added to the grow big.
they seem to be growing at a good pace. the 600 hps is working awsome.
fox farm, hid lights, superthrive, grow big, and tiger bloom. perlite and wormscastings added to promix= success


Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
well the babies are actually 3 weeks old. they all sprouted right around the 9th or 10th of march. its now april 1st and they are doing well. ive been giving them superthrive added to the grow big.
they seem to be growing at a good pace. the 600 hps is working awsome.
fox farm, hid lights, superthrive, grow big, and tiger bloom. perlite and wormscastings added to promix= success
Hey Jordis, looking nice. Actually we finish week 4 tomorrow so look for pics with a scrog net up. Keep us posted on how it goes with your White ice.

and DAMN dude! How are you growing so many skunk plants! Are you crazy!? Doesn't it smell like 60 skunks just crapped themselves every time you walk into your grow rooms?? That smell can't even be imagined...


Well-Known Member
oh my lordy lordy. its like someones slapping you in the face with a wet sticky branch. yeah its bad. well good, but bad. i love the smell, but it worries me. the smell they give off is like taking a shot of skunk piss. swishing it around and spitting it all over yourself. im praying that smell doesnt get worse. i really hate my neighbor im sure hed rat me the fuck out if he knew what im doing. these 2 plants especially are stinky. if i even move em its like they let out the stink. sometimes when im on the floor with my son, i can smell it seeping through.


Well-Known Member
dude get some odor control fast those nice plants will go to waste if you dont. and careful putting up pics I saw your buddy in one of them. Anyways great to see things are growing well.
peace man


Well-Known Member
This pick looks like there was a massacre... like you went through huge fields slaying giant pot plants right and left.. and this is the aftermath.

It's been a month, notice any difference using the SuperThrive... did you stick with it?

Nice grow by the way... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the super thrive was and is the difference. i am a beleiver now. it came out great , heres some pics of the end product.
i have to say it cam out allright. im happy as hell. off 2 plants i got 2 real big glass jars stuffed, and one of those foot square ziplocks jam packed with nnugs

im gettin ready to harvest these two last pics. well theyll be ready in a month anywaywhich in grow time is like right around the corner. the supetthrv and fox farm was the shiznit
i really need to do something about the smell. its gettin bad. and when they are all in full flower boy i can only imagine what its gionna smell like



Well-Known Member
looks good and yea, there is a black guy when you are constructing your room check it out, might want to get that outta there
post #18

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Holy God Jordis :shock:, this grow is so fuckin sweet. Props to you dude :joint:. How much do those babies weigh cut and dry? Which ones are still growing? And which ones did you harvest?? Smoke report!?!?

Oh and if its done before ours (We still got like a month left) Please please please let us know how the White Ice is!! This is a great grow. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
man its crazy, i have now harvested 6 super skunk plants total. i have another 3 that will be done in 20 or so days. once those are done im gonna move all my lights and all my plants into the 6 by 6 ill have 1200 hps 3 four ft floro t8s and 6 cfl. im gonna cover every inch with light. they are all iinto flower about 2 weeks now...all the different strains look so different its pretty cool. the white ice is 14 days flower right now so you guys are ahead of me on that one. mine grew 3 1/2 feet tall in 5 1/2 weeks and then i flowered.


Active Member
awesomeeeee dude fucking awesomeee ...quick question, do you have your HPSs just as they are or are you venting them, do you use any particular method of ventilatiing, like fans?


Well-Known Member
Jordis lookn sweet ......1200whps + cfl and floro side lightings gonna rock...cant wait for u. i finally got a journal going . link on sig. let me know when u get updated with some more danky pics


Active Member
Yard sale time.... clean that thing out... grow some herb. We'd all be real proud.
Hey dude, I know its been a while since this grow. First of i must congratulate on doing it the right way for a first time grower.:blsmoke:

Just one question if you don't mind. I see that you grew super skunk. Which seedbank did you get those from? I ordered from Nirvana. Thanks for the response.