Pistils still not turning brown at 6 1/2 weeks...


Active Member
Hey all,

So this is my first grow and my plant is doing pretty darn well.

I've had a few scares and confusions thinking that she wasn't growing at the right speed and I got a bit of nute burn once or twice. I seemed to have remedied all these old problems and she's been growing very healthy with good bud formation, but I'm on week 6 1/2 of flowering and I still don't see any brown pistils or even slightly darker ones. The buds seemed to have slowed down growth in the last few days but it could be my imagination. Also trichome production doesn't seem to be very rich at this point. Do all strains end up looking shiny/frosty and covered in trichomes or do some just produce less of them?

Here are some pics, she looks healthy right? Any ideas why it could be taking so long?

oh and they are unknown bagseed, but from the looks of the leaves I would say its more on the indica side.




Well-Known Member
Depending upon your strain you may have to wait as long as 16 weeks for flowering to finish.

Not all strains come out looking frosty.

Pistil color doesn't really indicate much. Check trichome color ratios.


Active Member
thanks guys.

no it's 6 1/2 weeks since the light switch to 12/12.

I'll have to go get a 30x magnifier to check out the trichomes