Who wants to know how to get free seeds,,!??!?!

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New Member
I have mastered the way of scamming seeds off seedbanks, the thing you rely on is how important it is to them to keep you haapy and buying from them in the continuous seasons,,,,,,,,,

•you order a pack of seeds off any website,
•Wait for them to arrive
•When they have arrived, email the seesbank and say they have Been crushed,(or a chance for imagination, but don't involve germination).
•They will email you back saying if you want to swap them, you will either have to send pics or send them back,
•Meanwhile go to tesco and buy a packet of hemp seeds for 50p a kilo, and swap these with the good seeds.
•When in the bag you can crush them yourself or whatever and either send them back, keeping the good seeds!!!!!
Anyone who says I'm a crook or is mean can go fuck themselves because at the end of the day everyones happy, you've got more seeds and they have still earnt a profit, you have no idea how cheap they buy thecseeds for!
•always be polite
•Asure them that this will mean you always buy from them in the futre
•Never involve germination.
•after you have done this don't send them a rude email explaining what you've done, even though it's very tempting.
•never use a bank more than once or thry get suspicious.

Finislly, anyone who wants to send me free seeds for this info because it's worked so well, please just ask for my adress haha (but seriously I'm not joking).


Well-Known Member
Don't you understand you idiot,, they make a profit, you get free sees everyones a winner, so shut the fuck acting as if your all moral, especially as you grow marijuana in your back garden!!
Well we grow weed illegally because the government has laws that don't make sense, we're not ripping off the companies who help make that possible.

Yeah they are making a huge profit, but think about how huge a profit you could be making off of those seeds.

You wanna save like $70 when the original seeds you purchase (if you know what you are doing) will yield you as much profit as you desire, and then, who cares about $70 here or there.

People who think small potatoes will only have small potatoes.

Here's to the big yields. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:leaf:


New Member
Do you honestly think the seedbanks are out there to help you and be friends, ur deluded. They are out there because they see a gap in the Market and want to make money,

And if I could choose to have 20 seeds or 10 seeds I'll choose 20.


Well-Known Member
Don't you understand you idiot,, they make a profit, you get free sees everyones a winner, so shut the fuck acting as if your all moral, especially as you grow marijuana in your back garden!!

I find nothing immoral about growing marijuana. I find it immoral that it's illegal to.

woahh buddy.... cannabis has been growing for millions of years and there is nothing immoral about it. you are obviously growing for the wrong reasons just trying to come up ehhh:spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew:


Well-Known Member
Do you honestly think the seedbanks are out there to help you and be friends, ur deluded. They are out there because they see a gap in the Market and want to make money,

And if I could choose to have 20 seeds or 10 seeds I'll choose 20.
It's called a business. That's how businesses run, if your always looking for that little gain instead of a big one, you'll never get ahead.

What do I need 20 of the same strain seed for anyways? just need one female.


Well-Known Member
It's called a business. That's how businesses run, if your always looking for that little gain instead of a big one, you'll never get ahead.

What do I need 20 of the same strain seed for anyways? just need one female.


Well-Known Member
Your all just sad little losers!!!! Go smoke your MJ stoners!!!
While I real it an earn 1000£ a week!!!!!!
Hahahaha pricks
Kind of hard when they are just sending you new seeds, didn't read they were giving your money back. Never-the-less, 1000£, what is that like $2,300, like what a pound at $150 an oz. Sigh. Small potatoes.

Wait are you selling the seeds to friends at a huge profit. If so, does anyone ever tell you they were crushed and you send them new seeds? Might be a scam...



New Member
hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahaha this guy is funny
To be honest guys the thing I find the most funny, is that ur all trying to act as though you think it's awful , but every single one who posted on this thread is gona try it, and we all know thats fact100%. so stop bullshiting yourselbrs!!

Cod it's really pathetic,


Well-Known Member
To be honest guys the thing I find the most funny, is that ur all trying to act as though you think it's awful , but every single one who posted on this thread is gona try it, and we all know thats fact100%. so stop bullshiting yourselbrs!!

Cod it's really pathetic,

ok heres the deal buddy. the only time i will fuck with seeds is when im making my own strain. otherwise i will keep cloning and cloning till the i get bored of the strain. you are obviously young in this game son


Well-Known Member
To be honest guys the thing I find the most funny, is that ur all trying to act as though you think it's awful , but every single one who posted on this thread is gona try it, and we all know thats fact100%. so stop bullshiting yourselbrs!!

Cod it's really pathetic,
I think its pathetic that your'e so angry and defensive that your grammar and spelling has gotten noticeably worse throughout this thread.

You're also a liar.

I wish you weren't a liar.




Well-Known Member
Finislly, anyone who wants to send me free seeds for this info because it's worked so well, please just ask for my adress haha (but seriously I'm not joking).

It works in theory, however, you obviously have not tested it because you would not be on here begging people to send you seeds. I guess the only real way for you to get some seeds is to save all your bus fair, beg for peoples change and rip-off your friends (if you have any) then go put your scamming plan into practice.

But then all your plants die because you are still an idiot who is not smart enough to grow a decent plant anyway or you would have seeds already from breeding instead of scamming.


New Member

It works in theory, however, you obviously have not tested it because you would not be on here begging people to send you seeds. I guess the only real way for you to get some seeds is to save all your bus fair, beg for peoples change and rip-off your friends (if you have any) then go put your scamming plan into practice.

But then all your plants die because you are still an idiot who is not smart enough to grow a decent plant anyway or you would have seeds already from breeding instead of scamming.
Hahahaha OMFG this is so funny, ur all such angry pot heads and wannabe hippies nerds!!!
Oh and by the way I harvested 10 ounzes last year, but obviously I kill the males so I don't get any seeds back, and I grow outdoor so I can't clone,,,
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