Another CFL (my donated girl), grow

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Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
So, a couple of weeks ago, I gave a friend 1 of my bagseed plants cause I just didnt have the space fer her.
I went w/him to the hardware store, hooked him up w/minimum CFL's needed fer the current stage of the plants life cycle, put the girl in a 2.5 liter bottle, donated some soil w/the girl, time, and gave him some nutes.
I go over to his pad about 3-5 times a week and I have been checkin on the girls regularly. Well, he has been doin GR8! He has followed my directions to a tee, and today I would like to start the journal fer his grow! He has no internet, but is stoked about growing, and has me fer a friendbongsmilie
BTW, the foil does NOT create heat spots (yet), he will be adding 2 more lamps like the 2 he already has (most likely today or tomorrow), and then in another week, we will be doubling the # of CFL's from that time to 8.
I will most likely be transplanting her w/in 2 weeks, as well. She is a 12/12 from seed girl, just to let ya know! Went from a 400W MH to a 400W HPS, to the 200 W (equivalent), CFL set up now shown


Well-Known Member
nice, i gave my brother 4 of my 9 plants to get him started. gta pass the kowledge! couple helpful hints go to wal mart and grab an emergency blanket for like 2 bucks very reflective. and also be careful with that 2 liter bottle i had 1 of mine in one and fungus started grwon on the inside because of light hittn the soil. Any other Q's holla at me i'll try to help u out to the best of my knowledge. check out my lil grow for ideas peace


Well-Known Member
Nice little plant. A friend of mine is calling over this evening for a bag seed plant, l've started flowering from seed. I've no room in my grow room for it either. So he wants a small stealth grow in his house. so he can have it. I was growing it hydro , but I transplanted it to a pot with soil a few days ago. Its just showing signs of female now.

Its not as developed as yours but its on its way.
I'll keep a eye on your friends grow.


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
nice, i gave my brother 4 of my 9 plants to get him started. gta pass the kowledge! couple helpful hints go to wal mart and grab an emergency blanket for like 2 bucks very reflective. and also be careful with that 2 liter bottle i had 1 of mine in one and fungus started grwon on the inside because of light hittn the soil. Any other Q's holla at me i'll try to help u out to the best of my knowledge. check out my lil grow for ideas peace
Good llookin out, brah! I always appreciate tips!!! I am planning on transplanting soon, and its a 2.5 L bottle, BTW!


Active Member
the plant is looking good so far.
how long has the plant been growing for.
im interested to see this grow because i plan on starting my plant with 12/12 lighting also. what kind of nutes are you using?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
the plant is looking good so far.
how long has the plant been growing for.
im interested to see this grow because i plan on starting my plant with 12/12 lighting also. what kind of nutes are you using?
This plant cracked from seed on 3/7/09. I had her under a 400W MH conversion bulb for about 2 weeks, after germing under a 26W CFL for about 2 weeks on an 18/6 cycle. She was then moved in under a 400W HPS because the bagseed plants were in w/flowering clones and other flowering plants. So, even though they werent STARTED @ 12/12, because of their stage of development, the grow is a 12/12 from close to seed, I reckon.
The nutes up until I gave him the plant were , Super Thrive since germ @ 4 x's rec. dosage, Vitamin B-1 since germ, every 12 days @ rec. dosage, botanicaire pro gro for veg (@ 1/4 rec. dosage) starting @ about 2 weeks, liquid Karma @ 1/4 rec. dosage starting @ about 2 weeks. I gave him some pro gro to continue for some more of the plants life cycle, as well as some hardware store nutes for flower. The plant was flushed w/Clearex just prior to transplant from 16 oz cup.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Havent been here fer a while, but neither has n-e 1 else:lol:
Figured I'd throw in a pic update so y'all can see how my boy's girl is doin.
I have NO idea how much longer she has to go, but she has bulked up SIGNIFICANTLY since we last saw her!


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Nice to see you back on here growing again, just started my journal like 20 days ago but anyways, looks to me like that strain Super Girl, just a guess though, anyways just sayin whats up and nice fucking plant!
Could be super girls, dont know I never grown 1!
TY fer the nice words, BTW, I never stopped growing, been on here w/my signature grows:hump:
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