Is it OK to start flowering at 11 inches?


My 23 day-old plants are about 11.8 inches high. They're bag seeds from Thailand so I am quite sure they're of sativa strain. They've healthy leaves & good stems too. They've been through a lot of stress-high humidity, PH fluctuation & high temperature of 90F.


1) Can I put them into flowering when they're 11 inches high?

2) Can I put them into flowering with my 2 metal halide 150W lights?

Thanks. This is my first time growing so I am still looking for the right soil, PH and temperature since the humidity is quite high here (90% all the time).

I am still testing this first grow to learn how to get the right environment for them so I get it 100% right the next time.

Puff puff,bye.:confused:


Well-Known Member
im still learning also, but yes you can flower under MH's ive seen people do it, Ive heard people say "im switching to 12/12 at 16 inches" and also have heard "im switching at 4 weeks" ive grown plants from seed right into 12/12 so yes, you can flower them now, might be less yeild though. I gotta hella big girl 12/12 from seed, and have had others also. I look at it as one big experiment....and if you fuck up, its nothing more then a seed and a little time. I'm starting to find out if i baby them and take it to seriously, then it becomes no fun....and part of growing marijuana should be the fun in it....not just the harvest. are you veging them now under the MH's? if so maybe look into adding some cfl's..the ones they use around here for flowering...or just use the straight got time to fuck up....and time to re grow....just have some fun....i wish i would have had some Metal halides when I did my first grow....hell i still use floros.


Well-Known Member
MH is a great light and should do just fine using them for flower..HPS is optimal for flowering..but with 2 150's ur plants will love u either way.. ur already ahead of those how have choosen 2 soley use cfls..for there grows.. u can and will get good smoke of ur girls with that light setup, aslong as all goes well...(tons can go of factors..but ur lighting is great..and even if u eventually bump 2 bigger HID's and HPS..keep those MH's. ur girls will absolutly love those over anything else inveg...

Yes u can start flowering...but to optimize and maximize ur yield..why not flower in 1 month, and try ur hand at some topping..fiming..lsting..supercropping..they would be much bigger if these tools were applyed to them NOW...and they were allowed to veg another month. but yes if u must u can safely switch to 12 12 for a low yield but smoke in 60 days instead of 90...add dry time to those numbers tho..good luck bud!


Well-Known Member
ok man, lots to talk about and learn here. first of all soil, dont skimp and buy cheap soil. go to your local hydro store and get fox farm or happy frog or ladybug ONLY NONE OTHER. use 3 gallon pots to grown. ph should be checked at each watering. should be checked with a good meter and should be no less than 5.5 and no more than 6.2.and as far as lights go, mh lights are for flowring only. do not try and flower with ,mh. if u dont have a hps bulb, u need one. mh puts out far less lumens and gives a blue spectrum of light. for flowering u need a red spectrum. easiest way to explain this would be think about the sky in june july, its bright, beautiful blue. when october and november roll around, u see more orangey red skys, i know u know what im talking about. if u do flower with that mh, you'll be pissed with the quantity and quality of fruits u get. trust me on this one. in our world here(and every experienced grower will tell u) u get what u put out. so another words, try not to go cheap. you'll be far happier at the end. ask whatever else questions u have for me, ill be glad to help for + feedback anythime. oh and yes, i put my baby girls into flowerring at 10-12" let themn go a lil longer and you'll in turn , get better yield.


Well-Known Member
yes ur right about the lumens being slightly less than an HPS...but ur wrong to say u cannot use them in flower.. U can and many do..even with running lamps in series...some guys have an mh every other the undisputed champ of veg no doubt..but itll flower jsut fine..same with HPS for veg..not optimal..but if u can deal with seeing sunbleached leaves u can veg and flower with HPS..check out my grow...all the way thro w/ HPS....if the MH is wut ur working with..i highly doubt ur ballast for those takes hps bulbs..maybe it does all means use wut you have already aquired...i do agree with the Foxfarm soil comment tho...but not ur mH dissing...
ok man, lots to talk about and learn here. first of all soil, dont skimp and buy cheap soil. go to your local hydro store and get fox farm or happy frog or ladybug ONLY NONE OTHER. use 3 gallon pots to grown. ph should be checked at each watering. should be checked with a good meter and should be no less than 5.5 and no more than 6.2.and as far as lights go, mh lights are for flowring only. do not try and flower with ,mh. if u dont have a hps bulb, u need one. mh puts out far less lumens and gives a blue spectrum of light. for flowering u need a red spectrum. easiest way to explain this would be think about the sky in june july, its bright, beautiful blue. when october and november roll around, u see more orangey red skys, i know u know what im talking about. if u do flower with that mh, you'll be pissed with the quantity and quality of fruits u get. trust me on this one. in our world here(and every experienced grower will tell u) u get what u put out. so another words, try not to go cheap. you'll be far happier at the end. ask whatever else questions u have for me, ill be glad to help for + feedback anythime. oh and yes, i put my baby girls into flowerring at 10-12" let themn go a lil longer and you'll in turn , get better yield.


Well-Known Member
oooohhhh tile,lol, im not trying diss mh, i just believe, that if you are going to do something, do it right. mh will in fact work, im not denying that, but why when hps is better? ok so think 4-5 cycles. thats like an extra 1/2 elbow. so IMO, yes u can use the mh but hps will give better results. and yes hps during veg. works to but its wonderful when your plants at the end have stretched to 4 foot and only has 5 grams dryed but per flower.


Well-Known Member
okay u must be misinformed than shotty (thanks for the rep tho pimp)...cause a plant vegged and flowered under hps if done right is gonna yield alot more than 5 grams .. the leaves will look bleached..but that bout it...i didnt notice any unusual stretching, and im shooting for 2zips per plant maybe even 3 per... 5grams per plant haha..

again to the op you'll be fine if ur on a tight buget with those MH's . better start than most..youll find ur mh vegged plants will be so healthy going in2 flower..i hightly doubt 5 grams in any circumstance , except a stealth cfl grow where the grower has accepted a lower yeild for less powerful lights and is ok w/ that. and ur doing something right not being like every1 else with a multiple light cfl should do good

oooohhhh tile,lol, im not trying diss mh, i just believe, that if you are going to do something, do it right. mh will in fact work, im not denying that, but why when hps is better? ok so think 4-5 cycles. thats like an extra 1/2 elbow. so IMO, yes u can use the mh but hps will give better results. and yes hps during veg. works to but its wonderful when your plants at the end have stretched to 4 foot and only has 5 grams dryed but per flower.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you do what u want, but i have much more than 5 grows under my belt...wayyyyy more. Mh will do you fine if ur tight budgeted. And i didnt say 5 grams a plant, read again buddy, i said 5 grams per flower. Thats 2 zips a baby. I go 4 way more than that


Well-Known Member

1) Can I put them into flowering when they're 11 inches high?

2) Can I put them into flowering with my 2 metal halide 150W lights?

Thanks. This is my first time growing so I am still looking for the right soil, PH and temperature since the humidity is quite high here (90% all the time).
(1) Yes.
(2) Yes. But HPS is better. I have read that flowering with MH makes for
fluffier buds than HPS, but you can still smoke 'em.

You need to keep your temps below 85, but preferably something like 75. And if your humidity is 90%, you really need to get that down. Down a lot.

Good luck. :)


Well-Known Member
Flower whenever you want bro. It's generally accepted that 12 inchs to 2 feet is the proper sized plant to get medium to monstrous sized buds out of your plants. Most people start fruiting at around 12 inch others like myself prefer 2 feet tall plants. Most people take into the account of how much ceiling space they have when deciding when to fruit. Depending on stretching and genetics your plant can be anywhere from 1.5 to 3 times it's vegging hight when finished with fruiting. So expect your plant to be anywhere from 1.5 to 3 feet in finishing hight. Like I said this is all based on genetics, lighting, and a host of other factors. What I said may or may not apply to you. But generally a lot of rookies forget or don't know that the plant will continuously grow during fruiting.


Well-Known Member
i started flowering one at 8" it ended up about 30" by harvest, got an easy oz of it.
grown under conditions well outside of what most ppl on here would call the limit.
using lower watt lights youd want to keep the plants shorter anyway so you can keep the light closer to more of the plant.
more airflow should help with the humidity


Well-Known Member
why would u even break a plant estimate on dry yield by "per flower" now ur jsut trippn

Dude, you do what u want, but i have much more than 5 grows under my belt...wayyyyy more. Mh will do you fine if ur tight budgeted. And i didnt say 5 grams a plant, read again buddy, i said 5 grams per flower. Thats 2 zips a baby. I go 4 way more than that


Well-Known Member
My 23 day-old plants are about 11.8 inches high. They're bag seeds from Thailand so I am quite sure they're of sativa strain. They've healthy leaves & good stems too. They've been through a lot of stress-high humidity, PH fluctuation & high temperature of 90F.


1) Can I put them into flowering when they're 11 inches high?

2) Can I put them into flowering with my 2 metal halide 150W lights?

Thanks. This is my first time growing so I am still looking for the right soil, PH and temperature since the humidity is quite high here (90% all the time).

I am still testing this first grow to learn how to get the right environment for them so I get it 100% right the next time.

Puff puff,bye.:confused:
you can put your plant in to flower at any time as long as its mature. thats why most people clonemature plants rathe then start from seed all the time. a clone frome a mature plant is ready to flower as soon as it has some roots.