Germinating 12 Seeds, When Can I Put Them Outside?


I plan to put them in small cups or pots in 2 days... I don't own any sort of indoor light setups. Can I put them outside right away? What steps should I take initially? I'm in Socal...



Active Member
hey, im first outdoor time growing. i germinated my seeds and but them in 5in wide by 7in deep pots for now. they grow fast for 5 days. cheak out west canada grow to see pics.


Well-Known Member
For best success keep your germinating seeds inside until they break the surface of the soil.

Then put them outside in the shade for the first couple of days. Make sure you check them regular with a spray bottle so the top of the soil does not dry out.


when a little white sprout comes out of your seeds plant them in little plastic cups (sprout pointing down into soil) keep it outside for few days, water it do everything you would do to normal plant and when it starts sprouting transfer it into a bigger pot that you will use for the rest of the growing period. good luck on your plant. peace. +rep wuld be nice hehe


Well-Known Member
I germinated a seed in wet paper towels, and then immediately planted it outside in a pot. It worked just fine, and I'm in your neck of the woods. Good luck!


Thanks for the replies... At what point after I put them outside will I be able to tell what sex they are? 1 couple weeks? A couple months?

Thanks again!


Active Member
Thanks for the replies... At what point after I put them outside will I be able to tell what sex they are? 1 couple weeks? A couple months?

Thanks again!
na your going to have to wait to see when the p[lants show there sexual chararistics. u dont want balls!!!!