mother fucking helicopter

ok, so i havent smoked in like 5 weeks because i have been trying to get a new job. Anyways i just harvested the other day and decided today i would give it a test try just to see how amazing the stuff really was. I bust out the bong and smoke a one hitter bowl. Let me tell you RIU i got fucked the hell up! i think i was coughing for like 5 minutes, after the coughing went away i stepped outside only to see a stealthy all black (very DEA looking) helicpter flying overhead through the trees. this helicopter was fucking silent,and was flying at a very low altitude i would say below 1000ft. i FREAKED!!:shock: i could not fucking believe it! i thought i was surrounded and all hell was about to break loose. my heart started racing and shit, so i start going crazy and i ate the bud that i had left over from my personal bowl, then i started hiding stuff all over my place foxholes, crevices, rocks anywhere but near the house. Then i went to my outdoor grow and ripped up 4 beautiful girls because i just didnt not want to chance it, then i went and got all my bud from its curing place and took it and through it beneath a bunch of brush and shit just to hide it. all while looking out for this susupicous fucking helicopter. i live in the boonies for real, no towns or cities even close, and i am 100% sure it was a police helicopter. Needless to say that fucking helicopter ruined my day, and my high, what a fucking buzzkill. :evil:


New Member
Oh no thats terrible

Well helis making rounds is nothing unusual, but if you have plants visible it could be a problem. It seems they typically only target large fields, but I don't know about where you are living.


New Member
Dude u got nothin to worry about unless u got over a hundred the dea won't even care they may inform the locals I would just set up some "traps" now that ur area is clean place thingd at entry points see if they're move weak twigs that will snap and the like rambo that shit up. More importantly do it inside! Lol gl but don't overthink it


Well-Known Member
Dude u got nothin to worry about unless u got over a hundred the dea won't even care they may inform the locals I would just set up some "traps" now that ur area is clean place thingd at entry points see if they're move weak twigs that will snap and the like rambo that shit up. More importantly do it inside! Lol gl but don't overthink it


New Member
ahahaha that fucking sucks. good thing you didnt do anything to like ruin them completely


Well-Known Member
Lmao wtf do you have a hard drug super highway in your home or someshit bro where all the drugs have to come through your port? That's the only way a helicopter would freak me out.
Lmao wtf do you have a hard drug super highway in your home or someshit bro where all the drugs have to come through your port? That's the only way a helicopter would freak me out.

fuck no man. its a long story too much detail to fill in on here. its one of those things where you would rather be safe than sorry, not trying to act hard but i have enough dank to get put up for a while def dont want a felony and way too much equip. out where i live they throw the book at people for half a gram, no joke. definately not california where they let you go with a ticket. bottom line is im safe, i moved my babies far far away to a new spot, and i got my job. stoked again!


Well-Known Member
fuck no man. its a long story too much detail to fill in on here. its one of those things where you would rather be safe than sorry, not trying to act hard but i have enough dank to get put up for a while def dont want a felony and way too much equip. out where i live they throw the book at people for half a gram, no joke. definately not california where they let you go with a ticket. bottom line is im safe, i moved my babies far far away to a new spot, and i got my job. stoked again!
Sorry 'bout your plants ...but congrats on the job! :peace:
Sorry 'bout your plants ...but congrats on the job! :peace:
thanks man. dont be sorry about the plants, i only lost my smallest one. they are shocked a bit but they'll flourish once again. ohh yeah i fucked up a big ass rattler tonight going to water my babies, like 7 rattles on that bitch.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHHAHAAHAH wow i was glued when he grabbed his desk and started shaking it viciously but then he got more angy and called him a pussy hahahahahha

he said he followed the helicopter all the way and he knows who it is. dang last time i checked it was pretty hard to follow one :peace: