BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]


Active Member
My log of my first grow ever.

Backstory: I've always wanted to grow, but never really had the inclination to do so. Because I'm tired of having to find something I feel should be legal anyway, I took it upon myself to setup a little grow lab in my attic. It's a relatively perfect location. Completely out of the way, isolated from anything human. I hadn't been up there in at least 10 years before this, so you can imagine the mess.

There was insulation everwhere. Old insulation. Insulation I at first was afraid could be asbestos. And we all know how good that can be for you. After doing some homework, it turns out it is not asbestos - so the wheels really start turning.

What do I need up there? Power. Air. Water. Power I was the most worried about before really going up to explore the attic in detail. I thought I would have to run my own electricity. Now I don't like playing with electricity, and although having wired a million things in my car before, including a whole blown out car audio system back in high school from start to finish, I wasn't quite as comfortable with household electricity. Long story - short, there was a cable in the attic already, hooked to a switch on the floor below. After doing tons of research on how to safely wire a plug, I did. And it was suprisingly easy.


So now I have power. With power comes light, and the opportunity to clean up the attic after being untouched for at least the past 10 years. I rolled back the insulation to reveal a perfect concrete floor. Awesome. Vacuumed the floor until kingdom come so its all nice and clean.

Now I noticed that the only thing seperating the attic ceiling from the outside was basically roof tiles and plastic sheeting. It definitely is not 100% air tight, which poses a small problem with climate control. It pretty much completely leaves it out of my hands. Aside from insulating the entire crawl space (which I'm not interested in doing), all I can do is try to live with it. And so it is. Enough pretext, let the story/pictorial begin.

Some facts for my grow:
Seeds: Bag Seeds from Amsterdam [Barney's Quazar Haze]
Soil: Store bought Compo Sana Flower Soil with Nutrients and Perlite

So originally I didn't have the right indoor growing equipment. I decided to go with soil and pots because the hydroponics thing looked way complicated to me. Maybe in a year or two I'll consider it. So on April 5, 2009 I threw the seeds in a baggie with a wet towel, and a few days later the seeds started growing! I had done this a million times before, but never taken it any further.

So I went to the store and bought some small pots and soil, and on April 16, 2009 (a week and a half later) I threw the growing seedlings in some soil. About a half an inch deep. And out they grew. Once I potted em, I left them under my desk lamps for about 2 weeks. Not suprisingly they got somewhat burnt because the lights put out way too much heat, and not the right frequency of light. Better than nothing.

I knew it wasn't long before I would have to have the proper lighting. At the moment I was only lighting the pots with two desk lamps on an 18on/6off schedule, which I had gathered was the right time from various sources (including here). I let them grow like this for about a week. (Wish I had pictures)

At this point I had ordered a couple supplies:

400w Ballast
400w HPS Lamp
400w MH Lamp
Cool Tube Reflector
An inline carbon filter
An inline air extractor

Finally when these things arrived I setup the attic. I wanted little to no maintenance, so everything was going to be based on timers making it completely self sufficient. I didn't want to have to climb up there all the time.

Not long after receiving and setting up the stuff, my children moved upstairs. Here's a few pictures from earlier days:

The following pictures are from Week 4 (May 5, 2009):

You can see all the disgusting insulation. As long as you don't touch it or blow on it hard, all the dust and dirt stays put. Cleaning it up I could barely breathe. And you can see the lid I made for the hatch to the attic. There already is a trap door that opens downwards, but I wanted something to hide both light and noise, so I took a sheet of plywood and nailed sound deadening foam to either side. It works absolutely flawlessly.


I have just a typical table fan blowing into the tube to cool the lamp. I'm not worried about getting the heat out just yet, since most days are relatively chilly where I live, at least this early in the year. You can see some supplies in the background - distilled water, the charcoal filter in a box to the left.


More supplies. A fan to keep air moving, some potting soil, and a few spare pots.


Lastly, the little seedlings. The one in the foreground was broken during transport, and the hope was this support would help keep the plant alive (which it did!).


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awesome! happy growing! how hot does it get up there?

Hottest it has gotten so far was around 105°. Wayyyyy too hot. I've been playing with the idea of getting ventilation going. Sometime this or next week I'll set that up. Pictures of that will be posted once it happens.
More pictures from Week 4 (May 6, 2009):


You can see in this picture, I probably had the light way too far away from the plants. Beginners mistake I guess.


Better picture showing the setup I have.


More supplies... can't have too much water!


Another shot of the seedlings.


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The following pictures are from Week 5 (May 15, 2009):



Slowly getting taller! Reaching for the light...


5 inches so far!


6-inch leaf spread...



An artistic shot from when I was bored...


Another attempt at art.


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Now for pictures from Week 6 (May 20, 2009):


My babies, with my hand for size comparison.


Already looking for signs of sex, but I don't see anything yet... :-| When should I be expecting signs?

Now some from the beginning of Week 7 (May 25, 2009):


Since I'll be out of town for a short time (but too long to go without watering)... I knew that I needed to set up a watering system of sorts. I had this idea of using a big trash can with pH balanced water, putting an aquarium pump inside, pumping the water from the big "reservoir" tank to a small "distribution" bucket, then distributing the water from that distribution bucket to the plants. You can see the big 50 liter trash can in the background, and my happily growing babies in the foreground.


Now you can see the watering system somewhat setup. The big reservoir bucket in the background on the small table, with a smaller distribution bucket hanging from the angled rafter. The distribution bucket just has four small holes in the bottom with standard aquarium airline tubing coming out of it, sealed with silicone caulk from the hardware store. Works perfectly. I bought a digital timer for the aquarium pump in the reservoir bucket, which will run 1 minute exactly every time I want them watered. I still haven't decided on what frequency they should be watered. I think the system, when pumping for one minute, delivers roughly a total of 2-3 liters of water, which is distributed relatively equally among the four plants. I'm thinking once or maybe twice a week at most while I'm gone. You can also see my attempt at a Home-Made Co2 Generator - that yellow soda bottle. I just followed what it said in this [] thread. Seemed to work, and its incredibly cheap.


There I go trying to sex them again. I still don't see anything yet. Something in the back of my mind tells me I won't be able to tell the plant's sex until I begin the flowering phase. I plan to change the lighting time to 12on/12off in roughly two to three weeks from today.

Also, I FIM'ed one of the plants today, just because I read up about it here and wanted to give it a shot. Pictures of that maybe tomorrow.


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hey bro.. stopped in to check things out.. gonna tag along for the ride.. in you other thread you were talking about NPK... the P is phosphorus.. not potassium... just thought id clear that up for you... how tall are you gonna let them get before flowering?? you should do some topping or supercropping to keep them down and maximize your space.. also 105 is way to hot... got any ideas for exhausting yet?? otherwise you have a nice setup... pretty damn nice for a little op like you are doing..

good luck
Home Depot has these 4" inline duct fans that you could vent out the roof or siding. I used 1 on my attic grow over the winter. My attic gets way to hot to grow up there any other time of year. Looks good, have fun with it.
hey bro.. stopped in to check things out.. gonna tag along for the ride.. in you other thread you were talking about NPK... the P is phosphorus.. not potassium... just thought id clear that up for you... how tall are you gonna let them get before flowering?? you should do some topping or supercropping to keep them down and maximize your space.. also 105 is way to hot... got any ideas for exhausting yet?? otherwise you have a nice setup... pretty damn nice for a little op like you are doing..

good luck

Awesome - appreciate you clearing that up. Was I correct with more "N" being needed during Veg, and more "P" being needed for flowering? I haven't thrown any nutes in the water just yet.

Right now I'm stabilizing the pH of the water first... right around 7.0 is what I'm aiming for. Any input on that?

Speaking of water... I read up like crazy on Molasses today. I'm seriously considering throwing that in the water as well... Maybe a week after I start on nutes. I don't wanna shock the ladies (hopefully) with too much too soon.

Thanks for tagging along. I've never had as much fun with plants as I have with my kids upstairs. I absolutely love it. Should be a fun ride. I'm a big picture taker... so this thread will inevitably be full of almost too many. We'll see.

Home Depot has these 4" inline duct fans that you could vent out the roof or siding. I used 1 on my attic grow over the winter. My attic gets way to hot to grow up there any other time of year. Looks good, have fun with it.

I already have a 15cm incline fan capable of displacing 660m3/h of air. You can see it all blurry sitting on the ground in the last picture above this post (the close-up of the stem). Its the light gray thing in the background directly to the right of the stem. The roof vent I plan on tapping is currently used for bathroom exhaust fan vents from the house.

When I've got my RVK inline air extractor going it blows way harder (the first time blowing too hard has ever been an issue in my life :lol: ) than will really be required on normal days.

What I'd really like is a temperature controlled fan speed controller. I have a feeling these are all expensive though.

What's the main issue with it getting so hot? I remember reading that plants are more likely to be male in hot temperatures. It just depends on the weather in my locale. The attic is completely seperate from the house itself. Seperated by a thick slab of concrete. Thats just how they build em in this part of the world. So no heat comes up from the level below... but its basically a sauna built on top of the building. It cooks in summer. Incredibly hard place to control the climate. We'll see. At the latest I need to setup serious ventilation when it gets stinky (although even then it's not a huge concern... my attic is suprisingly isolated from the neighbors - another thick slab of concrete).
My attic grow was a constant battle to control temps. Ideally you want to be in between 75-85f. Home depot has a plug in thermostat for around $20.
you are right about more nitrogen(n) during veg and phosphorus(p) during flowering..

ph should be around 6ish...

i agree totally these are the most fun plants to grow.. and most rewarding in my opinion...

to much heat and the stomata on the plants close to hold in moisture.. which basically halts growth... the warmer the temps the more humidity you have to worry about.. which means mold, mildew, and fungus... heat also can stress your plant which can lead to hermies and males... you really should try to pull as much heat out of there as you possibly can... that sucks that there is a layer on concrete you have to go through to get to your house like that... makes things a little more difficult..
Def. get a fan blowing over those seedlings. It will help strengthen your stems and keep things a little cooler.
how tall are you gonna let them get before flowering?? you should do some topping or supercropping to keep them down and maximize your space..

I don't yet want to start flowering because I'm going to be out of town for a bit. Soon as I get back I'll switch to 12/12 and watch the magic unfold.

Topping = FIMing, right?

I FIMed one plant today, partly because I was scared to do more and because it was the first time. Sterilized the scissors and everything. Well see what it looks like tomorrow.

What's supercropping? Never seen that term before... You talking about cloning, etc?
My attic grow was a constant battle to control temps. Ideally you want to be in between 75-85f. Home depot has a plug in thermostat for around $20.

Werd - its tough to control. I understand I can get a cheap On/Off Thermostat... but I want one that increases fan speed the hotter it gets. And I'm assuming those are mucho dinero.

you are right about more nitrogen(n) during veg and phosphorus(p) during flowering..

ph should be around 6ish...

i agree totally these are the most fun plants to grow.. and most rewarding in my opinion...

to much heat and the stomata on the plants close to hold in moisture.. which basically halts growth... the warmer the temps the more humidity you have to worry about.. which means mold, mildew, and fungus... heat also can stress your plant which can lead to hermies and males... you really should try to pull as much heat out of there as you possibly can... that sucks that there is a layer on concrete you have to go through to get to your house like that... makes things a little more difficult..

Shit - that's a wake up call. Saw what looked like some white fuzz on some soil today that freaked me out a bit. Mixed it up and away when I cultivated the top layer today... but I'm still worried it might be my first real battle to have to strategize for.

I'll definitely get on ventilation.

Anybody know if a simple dimmer switch might work in conjunction with my inline RVK fan?
The thermostat at home depot wires right into your inline duct fan. It has multiple settings and it's cheap. Check it out.
I don't yet want to start flowering because I'm going to be out of town for a bit. Soon as I get back I'll switch to 12/12 and watch the magic unfold.

Topping = FIMing, right?

I FIMed one plant today, partly because I was scared to do more and because it was the first time. Sterilized the scissors and everything. Well see what it looks like tomorrow.

What's supercropping? Never seen that term before... You talking about cloning, etc?

FIM is a form of topping.. with topping you cut the top of the plant off just below the 2nd or 3rd node...

check youtube and look for super cropping.. its a lot easier to see than to explain... or at least if you see it then you can ask questions.. its easier... but its a pruning technique... really easy and really effective..

Werd - its tough to control. I understand I can get a cheap On/Off Thermostat... but I want one that increases fan speed the hotter it gets. And I'm assuming those are mucho dinero.

Shit - that's a wake up call. Saw what looked like some white fuzz on some soil today that freaked me out a bit. Mixed it up and away when I cultivated the top layer today... but I'm still worried it might be my first real battle to have to strategize for.

I'll definitely get on ventilation.

Anybody know if a simple dimmer switch might work in conjunction with my inline RVK fan?

watch that mold... it could cause problems...
Some pictures from today - Week 7 (May 28, 2009)


I think it's tough to judge someone's grow without a reference. Hence, a self portrait with the kids.


...and a cool picture I happen to grab. If it wasn't as badass as my AV is, I'd replace it with this. ©BBBold 2009


Another look at the setup. With the new slightly lower light! Not much... but when it gets hot... I don't want the light to burn 'em. I'd rather they stretch a tiny bit and stay cool and unburnt.


Here you can see the result of my FIMing this plant yesterday. The two leaves that terminate just below where I FIMed grew like WILDFIRE overnight. Awesome!


The FIMed plant, looking a bit more stressed than the others... with good reason.


Again the newly FIMed plant.


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So I watched a few videos on YouTube about Supercropping, and decided I'd give it a go. Here's the result... 90° angle, should hopefully get a little sideways growth before it zeros in on the light again.


I just applied a little pressure on the stem... enough to weaken it a tiny bit. Videos said it should take roughly a week or so to come back around...


A closeup - doesn't look like I ruptured the stalk at all... so less chance of infection I figure. Still stressful for the plant. We'll see what happens.


A last look at the flexible one.

Thanks for looking! :)


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looking good brotha.. i FIM'd a plant at the beginning of flowering them... and its my tallest one... like 3 times taller than the smallest and about 2 times as big as the rest... 6+ feet! never done it during veg... so results could be diff... but just a warning and something to look forward to..