SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ill prolly go with the wick system for now.. only because i think this will be a one time situation... ideally after this i will have a constant rotation plus ill be using my ezcloner for cloning... i definatly like the dwc setup idea tho... if something comes up after this time and i need to do this again i think thats the route i will go.. just dont know how much time/money i want to put into a setup that prolly wont get used again... thanks for the ideas tho.. gonna use one of the two for sure...

that is a LONG as cure time... 3 - 4 months... wow... do you like the more stony high off the string or later down the road when its mellowed out?? ive had some shit that i forgot about in jars for about 5 months... its was the smoothest best tasting bud i ever smoked... but DAMN did it just incenerate... super super dry... i definatley think the high was more milder than its younger counterparts... but i dunno which i prefer.. i suppose it just depends on my mood..
shit bro i can't get a pound to last 2 weeks off the string. but i did keep some back once just to try and see.


Well-Known Member
shit bro i can't get a pound to last 2 weeks off the string. but i did keep some back once just to try and see.

i know how you feel.. its like.. if its there.. then i have to smoke it.. i cant just not smoke it... such is the life of a professional pothead right??


5/27 day 41

so tomorrow ends week 6 and i DEFINATLY saw some huge growth this week.. am expecting to see it continue... almost all my plants are turning into long solid buds.. not that there is anything wrong with that by any means.. and they are all starting to plump up nicely... one of the buds looks like it has a tumor.. like its just growing all crazy and shit.. its sorta in the middle so its hard to get all angles to show it.. but its the biggest/fatest bud i have... its gonna end up the length of my finger tip to elbow...

gotta water a couple girls today.. i am almost out of samples from the BC pack i got... all i have is boost and bloom formulas.. and not much of them... so i figure ill just keep feeding till they are gone and then its just water, molasses, and koolbloom to finish... well actually ill stop the koolbloom a few days before chop.. at least flush 1 time with just plain water in the end... but im pushing for at least another 10 to 20 percent increase in overall girth..

well to make you all smile here are some more pics... i figured out my phone camera has a setting for floro lighting half way through this session of pics.. so i shouldnt have anymore yellow tinted pics anymore...



Well-Known Member
i really wish it was easy to mail actual buds... imagine how much fun it would be sharing crops with eachother... that would be amazingly cool shit... thanks tho... its really hard not to just eat them....


Well-Known Member
How much longer will you be flowering before harvest? I start my very first flower next week, I hear 6-8 wks, sometimes up to 12, depending on the strain... Looks damn good. How smelly is it? How do you handle your odour? thanks


New Member
looks good sampson, very nice colas! soo wats your total wattage and lumens for your flowering room? hey i was reading about some cali clones people want dude if you want some i will send you some no prob! i know someone at ups and i have shipped ounces before no probs at all lol, its hard to believe but dude im lucky i know this person, new york pays so much for dank ass cali bud! anyway ive never shipped a clone, how would it be in a lil box for 24 hours?? prob die huh?? also i got some buddies selling clones on craigslist (bay area & sacramento location) anyway looks good bro ttyl, check my pics out when u get a chance, thanks again for all the help and advice


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i really wish it was easy to mail actual buds... imagine how much fun it would be sharing crops with eachother... that would be amazingly cool shit... thanks tho... its really hard not to just eat them....
you can if you know how. its really easy. 1st off FEDEX IT. :hump: i do to cali,and oklahoma.


Well-Known Member
great grow! i never put my plants on 24/0 because i thought it was unnatural to have 0 darkness but im curious to why your reasons are


Well-Known Member
How much longer will you be flowering before harvest? I start my very first flower next week, I hear 6-8 wks, sometimes up to 12, depending on the strain... Looks damn good. How smelly is it? How do you handle your odour? thanks
thanks for checkin out the grow... tomorrow (thursday) is the end of week 6... i am going to let them go another 2 to 3 weeks... prolly two tho... they are ripening quite fast.. flowering times vary so much really.. but 8 to 12 weeks is pretty standard.. i know there are some that take close to 20 weeks tho.. crazy shit...

so your on your first grow?? how many plants?? anything you have ?s about feel free to ask... got a lot of very smart guys around here... good luck through flowering for sure.. its kinda nerve racking the first time counting down the days waiting to see buds.. well hell it still is that way long after your first grow... but its especially hard the first one...

i do a 36 hour dark period going into flowering and i swear this takes at least a week off flowering time... maybe more... just thought i'd mention that since your about ready to start...

looks good sampson, very nice colas! soo wats your total wattage and lumens for your flowering room? hey i was reading about some cali clones people want dude if you want some i will send you some no prob! i know someone at ups and i have shipped ounces before no probs at all lol, its hard to believe but dude im lucky i know this person, new york pays so much for dank ass cali bud! anyway ive never shipped a clone, how would it be in a lil box for 24 hours?? prob die huh?? also i got some buddies selling clones on craigslist (bay area & sacramento location) anyway looks good bro ttyl, check my pics out when u get a chance, thanks again for all the help and advice

thanks for the compliment.. working hard to make them happy pretty girls for sure!! so total right now i am using 1680w's... 420w x 4.... the room i am flowering in now will become my veg room after this harvest and i am getting 4 - 1000w hps for my flowering room... the veg room (current flowering room) is 5x5 roughly with the lights the way they are... when i turn them long ways ill have a 5x9 veg room.. but i digress.. the floros put out 44,000 lumens each.. so 44000 x 4 = 176000... divide that by 25 sq/ft (5x5 space) and you get 7040 lumens sq/ft... pretty decent for sure... but lumen ratings are based on 1 ft. away from the light source... so im actually gettin more lumens to the canopy since i can keep them so close...

im a little sketchy bought buying clones from an auction or something like that.. i live in a state where theres like no tolerance for that shit.. so things that i can be traced easily by on US based sites im leary about.. but we can talk about the other deal.. PM me sometime and we'll chat.. got an idea or two...

you can if you know how. its really easy. 1st off FEDEX IT. :hump: i do to cali,and oklahoma.
i will take any clones of any dank buds i can get.. damn.. are you serious?? i mean i know fed ex doesnt exactly pay attention to what the fuck they are doing.. but WOW.. thats nut... but cool at the same time.. i guess to it would depend on the state its leaving from... but shit i would hate my job if i was a fedex employee... that would be a terrible job... oh well.. im willing to trade if timing is right....

great grow! i never put my plants on 24/0 because i thought it was unnatural to have 0 darkness but im curious to why your reasons are
thanks for stopping in also.. always like seeing new faces...

so about 4 times i typed a reply so far and erased it... everytime i try to validate why is use 24/0, pure logic stops me... at first i did it because growth doesnt stop.. and because node spacing is tighter.. and both of those reasons, while being great reasons to grow under 24/0, are the reasons im deciding to stop running 24/0...

it comes down to light penetration.. during dark periods plants stretch to find light.. that stretching leads to more light penetration.. more light penetration leads to a happier stronger plant.. which means larger yields... i wasnt until i met MG and TM before i really evaluated this idea.. who wouldnt want more light penetration?? since most of us cannot give our plants the maximum amount of light it can use we all could benefit from a little stretching.. the only way it seems that 24/0 would be ideal to run is if during flowering you can supply your plant with more lumens than the sun which would garuntee the plant is getting all the light it can absorb and that the light is being absorbed by 100% of the plant... or 24/0 seems to be smart if you have EXTREMELY weak lighting.. like just a few small cfls... but since most growers cant replicate the sun, and dont just use a couple 23w cfls, it seems some dark during veg is beneficial.. but i think its more beneficial when it comes to flowering than to actual veg growth... now i dont believe 6 hours of dark is nessicary.. i think a 20/4 cycle would work.. or even a 22/2... i might experiment a little sometime.. but i think, at least for the next few harvests until i see how it works out, ill go with 20/4....


Well-Known Member
WOW amazing the last 2 pics? Is that 1 cola that split or 2 colas that came together that is an awsome picture and one of my favorite for sure !!How many times do you check on your ladies a day? Edit I drooled over them and I answered my own question man they are sick!!


Well-Known Member
WOW amazing the last 2 pics? Is that 1 cola that split or 2 colas that came together that is an awsome picture and one of my favorite for sure !!How many times do you check on your ladies a day? Edit I drooled over them and I answered my own question man they are sick!!

thanks for poppin in... and for the props on the grow.. much appriciated...

so the bottom pics are from different plants... but they are basically doing the same things and feeding into the top colas... its hard to see because of the lights and how they hang and the angles i get but almost all the plants towards the middle of the room do that... they are like 4 or 5 inch buds that just grow into eachother... its pretty crazy.. but they are close ups of the buds under the colas that are growing into them... the 2nd to last ones are feeding into a cola thats gonna be a foot long or better... i will try sometime to take better pics of the plants in the middle to show them off a little better... or at least when its time to harvest ill take a pic from all 4 sides of the pots so it shows off all the plants since theres plants i cant take pics of...


Well-Known Member
How much longer will you be flowering before harvest? I start my very first flower next week, I hear 6-8 wks, sometimes up to 12, depending on the strain... Looks damn good. How smelly is it? How do you handle your odour? thanks

forgot to answer a couple things... the plants smell AMAZING... but you wouldnt know there was anything barely in the room at all.. i use a can55 carbon filter with a 400 cfm fan... works like a charm...


Well-Known Member
oh.. and i check on them a couple times a day... usually spend about an hour or so in the room everyday... sometimes more... spent one full 12 hour day with them this grow...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hey bro. i'lljust have to send you a little something again but not in seed form. i'll have to get my list of strains and its your call.


Well-Known Member
how bout a MG sampler pack of your personal faves?? no its cool bro... thats a lotta work to worry bout messing with.. plus i couldnt give you near the assortment as you could me... youve done more than enough bro...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
youn ever no what might showup in the mail. it could be bad or it could be GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.


Well-Known Member
yeah, 350 sounds right. its usually 60 an eighth or 30 for mids. im thinking 3000 a pound maybe 2700 for some thc bomb? what do you think?


Well-Known Member
yeah, 350 sounds right. its usually 60 an eighth or 30 for mids. im thinking 3000 a pound maybe 2700 for some thc bomb? what do you think?
id pay 27 n e time for the fire.. 3 is my usual..gone for 4..

you guys ready to get sick.. a pound of some doety goes for between 4000 and 4200... sometimes more depending on available supply.... the better it is the more people pay.. i personally know people who have paid 500 for an ounce... yeah.. market is crazy here...