5 weeks in time for cloning??


Hey whats up everyone i been growing some bag seed (from some really awesome chronic) in a cupboard grow with 3 45watt cfls and with decent ventilation, they are looking very nice and green and healthy and was just wondering going by the pictures i have attached does anybody think i can start to take some cuttings for cloning?? I don't want to put the plants into flowering until i can get some clones and determine their sex, the plants took a while to get going as i transplanted them once and used some shitty soil to start with but now they are in good soil and really flourishing, any comments or suggestions on when i should start to flower would be greatly appreciated...



also if anybody knows what type of strain this might be as i have no idea about the different types of weed and all that stuff, the plants are looking nice and growing like crazy at the moment and im getting quite exited about its prospects.
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Well-Known Member
Hey whats up everyone i been growing some bag seed (from some really awesome chronic) in a cupboard grow with 3 45watt cfls and with decent ventilation, they are looking very nice and green and healthy and was just wondering going by the pictures i have attached does anybody think i can start to take some cuttings for cloning?? I don't want to put the plants into flowering until i can get some clones and determine their sex, the plants took a while to get going as i transplanted them once and used some shitty soil to start with but now they are in good soil and really flourishing, any comments or suggestions on when i should start to flower would be greatly appreciated...
well if you are wanting to take clones to force flower to determine sex you should do the NOW.. like stop reading this and go now... your not going.... sorry.. wake and bake.. all sorts of stupid.. but im serious about wanting to do that soon.. it takes about a week to root and about 2 weeks to see sex... so thats 3 weeks total to know the sex... you should flower soon too... plants double to triple in size, and because you dont have a lot of space keeping a smaller plant is important...

personally here is what i would do.. take your cuttings and start rooting them today... when they are rooted and transplanted give them 24 hours of straight dark and then start them on 12/12... the 24 hours will help the onset of flowering and speed sexing up by about 5-7 days...

meanwhile you should top of FIM your plants.. something to stunt growth for about a week... after you clones have been in 12/12 for 1 week, which should be about 2 weeks from today, you should put your other plants into 12/12 also... within a week of that, which will be 2 weeks from when clones hit 12/12, you should know all the sexs of the plants you have and can pull the males out even before preflowers show... some preflowers maybe already be showing.. but its not a big deal...


Active Member
also if anybody knows what type of strain this might be as i have no idea about the different types of weed and all that stuff, the plants are looking nice and growing like crazy at the moment and im getting quite exited about its prospects.
Mate your plants are looking delicious, very healthy indeed no idea what strain it is im fairly new to this growing stuff aswell but just taking a look at all the awesome pictures on here and yours are looking very healthy indeed!! keep sending more pics...


Well-Known Member
its some sort of indica... which means a 8 week flower period... well i cant say 8 weeks and be concrete.. but a shorter flower period for sure...


its some sort of indica... which means a 8 week flower period... well i cant say 8 weeks and be concrete.. but a shorter flower period for sure...
Thanks simpsonsampson much appreciated, im baked off my head right now so i didnt comprehend what you just typed but it looked like some amazing information, will take it on board and get going with the clones asap.


Well-Known Member
He may as well just flower them now. I dont see the point of fim them then waiting to see the outcome of the sex then flower... Just flower them IMO and pull the males asap when you start seeing the little itty bitty pollen sacs.


Well-Known Member
IMO Even if you take clones now, the parent plants are going to show sex before your clones do. So if your cloning JUST to determine sex....well, I guess its a race lol
My money is on the "moms" to show sex 1st. Let us know what happens. :) Peace. And good luck!


Well-Known Member
well ill try to explain it better.... we'll start with the clones

it will take 2 to 3 weeks to cut clones, root those clones, and get them to show sex... since you root under 18/6 or 24/0 you still need to change to 12/12 to show the clone sex... if you give them 24 hours of straight dark before setting them on a 12/12 scedule it will help by showing sex earlier... i wont explain why it does that since your baked.. lol

now for the plants

your plants will double or triple in size during flowering.. since you are growing in a limited space you will want to flower soon.. topping or FIMing are 2 pruning techinques that will stop growth for about a week... but in the end they increase yield so its worth it.. the idea of stopping growth for a moment is to allow the clones to get closer to showing sex, while keeping growth down... i dont think you have the space to let your plants grow the 2 to 3 weeks it will take for the clones to show sex.. so this will stop them allowing the clones to get ahead and increase yields... you can get on youtube or google and get a ton on info on how to top and FIM... they are both really easy to do...

now for the most confusing part.... i will break it down by weeks.. this is how i personally would handle the situation.. its just my opinion tho...

week 1 - starting today i would cut at least 2 cuttings from each plant and begin rooting them under 18/6 or 24/0 or whatever cycle works.. make sure to mark them somehow so you know what plant they came from... i would also top of FIM each of my plants to stunt growth...

week 2 - i would transplant my rooted clones into a growing medium and give them 24 hours of dark to induce flowering on them.. after which they would get 12/12... by this time the topped of FIMd plants should start to return to normal growth and i would start them under 12/12 also...

week 3 - by now the clones are showing sex so i would remove all male clones and plants.. i would cut a couple more cuttings from the females plants and begin rooting them so i could have new clones to veg and flower and cycle all over again with... and the girls i have flowering are already on their second week of flowering...

hope that made a little more sense and helped a little more... im good with help... sometimes not so good explaining...


IMO Even if you take clones now, the parent plants are going to show sex before your clones do. So if your cloning JUST to determine sex....well, I guess its a race lol
My money is on the "moms" to show sex 1st. Let us know what happens. :) Peace. And good luck!
Thanks growinglikeaweed but as i understood it if we keep the mothers under 18/6 they will stay in veg and not show their sex until we want them to?? We will be putting the clones in a seperate 12/12 setup and leaving the mothers in 18/6. Is this correct?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
looking good. ya you can clone . take the botom likbe off and clone. yes it is a indica strain 55 to 65 days of flower time maybe a bit more pending on your likeings.goodluck


Well-Known Member
Take your clones now and flower the plants now also. Mark which clones came off which plant. When the flowering plants start to show sex, kill the males and the male clones. Now you have 8 weeks for the clones to sprout roots and veg, as well as nice buds in 8 weeks. You also don't have to worry about sexing your next crop.


thanks mystic clown im i didnt exploain myself correctly i want to keep the plants as mothers and just keep taking clones and move them to the 12/12 stage, but obviously need to find out the sex of the plants but didnt think they showed unless you put them into 12/12


Well-Known Member
Thanks growinglikeaweed but as i understood it if we keep the mothers under 18/6 they will stay in veg and not show their sex until we want them to?? We will be putting the clones in a seperate 12/12 setup and leaving the mothers in 18/6. Is this correct?
NO! A very common miss-conception is that plants wont show sex untill you flower them (12/12). This is just not true!! MJ plants will show sex (pre-flowers)when they are mature, which yours almost are. Even under 24/0 light they WILL show sex upon maturity.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanks mystic clown im i didnt exploain myself correctly i want to keep the plants as mothers and just keep taking clones and move them to the 12/12 stage, but obviously need to find out the sex of the plants but didnt think they showed unless you put them into 12/12
you can't keep a mother tillyou no for sure it a girl. cut the clone mark them put your plants in flower yank the males from the flower room then go to your cuttings toss the males and their is your new female mother plant for the next go around. easy as that. don't make it complecated:hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanks growinglikeaweed but as i understood it if we keep the mothers under 18/6 they will stay in veg and not show their sex until we want them to?? We will be putting the clones in a seperate 12/12 setup and leaving the mothers in 18/6. Is this correct?

the whole idea is that the "mom" stays under 18/6 until clones are rooted and transplanted and given 24 hours of dark to kick start flowering, then are placed under 12/12 with the clones.. i can almost garuntee with very very little doubt in my mind that the clones will show sex a week earlier than the moms doing this... its only a week.. not a huge difference.. but if in that week he can not only help to increase his yields by topping or FIMing, plus get one step closer to determining sex, then why not?? like i said its only a week.. not like it will be a HUGE difference if he doesnt do this.. but if he wants to know sex before preflowers show just to remove males then its the best way to go about doing it....


you can't keep a mother tillyou no for sure it a girl. cut the clone mark them put your plants in flower yank the males from the flower room then go to your cuttings toss the males and their is your new female mother plant for the next go around. easy as that. don't make it complecated:hump:
Nice 1 man thanks a bunch i never even thought of that, so what your saying is put the plants into flowering and get a new mother plant from the cuttings? Sweet idea!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Nice 1 man thanks a bunch i never even thought of that, so what your saying is put the plants into flowering and get a new mother plant from the cuttings? Sweet idea!!
yep that's right you can't go wrong there. just make sure you mark your cuttings and plants. exap. cuttings from plant 1 is marked 1 on both plant pot and clone, 2, 3, 4 and so on.:hump: this way say if plant 3 turns out to be male then you toss that plant and the clones marked 3 also. now you have guaranteed females your next grow. good luck.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You have plenty of sites on the plants to get your clones from there. I also early sex new unknown plants. I get them little over 8 nodes then pul few clones and get them rooted about 7 days or so. I keep the bigger plant on either 24 hours light or 18/6 .Once clones rooted I toss some under 12/12 and in about 10 days they show sex and you know what the original was and by then the original plant are to your dfesired height and size for full flower. I toss the early sexed clones in the flower area just for a min bud or 2 and I take the other clones I took and dint flower and can use those as new confirmed sex mothers.Saves time and energy doing this...also i saw above someone say you cant keepo a plant in veg I keep moms in veg for years not all will show preflowers as long as lights stay on and you keep the nutes on a veg cycle