What Is Anarchy??

Musical Suicide

New Member
Of course I don't think you'll answer it, either because your ideology doesn't have an answer to that question, or because you haven't done enough thinking about your ideology to determine how your ideology answers that.
I'm just going to end it here... wouldnt want to be reported again and get a repremand for cursing, forgot this is little kids website... oh wait its not... and i have a reasonable argument to go on with, Like how under anarchism, murder, rape ect. is also not permetted, but then again, this just comes back to you really not understanding anarchism, cause you have never lived it, nor ever seen it in action. So this would make you bias on the whole argument... Now you are more ittellegent then me, older and wiser... but Having lived in both these worlds, simontaneously at times, and have seen how much better this works. Now iI dont need to explain myself to you anymore... because I know whats best for me. Have fun with eachother... see you in the streets (A)


Well-Known Member
Lol, and remember, WHINNY means NO, lol.

I don't know, there are somethings like

that are pretty universal.

Slavery can be added
Again no arguments. The distinction is victimless crimes. One cannot simultaneously be the victim and the crime. Torture and shitting near a stream should be added.



Well-Known Member
I'm just going to end it here... wouldnt want to be reported again and get a repremand for cursing, forgot this is little kids website... oh wait its not... and i have a reasonable argument to go on with, Like how under anarchism, murder, rape ect. is also not permetted, but then again, this just comes back to you really not understanding anarchism, cause you have never lived it, nor ever seen it in action. So this would make you bias on the whole argument... Now you are more ittellegent then me, older and wiser... but Having lived in both these worlds, simontaneously at times, and have seen how much better this works. Now iI dont need to explain myself to you anymore... because I know whats best for me. Have fun with eachother... see you in the streets (A)
You obviously have no idea how it works. Your inability to answer the questions demonstrate your lack of understanding of the ideology that you are pushing, or perhaps a failure to examine it.

A successful ideology must be able to counter (successfully) charges leveled against it that it will fail in certain regards. "It will work" is not a sufficient answer, and that can be demonstrated by the fact that such a phrase was repeated ad infinitum by the Socialists (and continues to be so) when in fact an examination of the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, North Korea, and Western Europe shows that Socialism does not in fact work.

To attach it to Anarchy in the form of Anarcho-Syndicalism or Anarcho-Socialism doesn't change it from being Socialism, as the ultimate supposed goal of Socialism was a Stateless Society, or Anarchos. However it is clear from the experiments conducted in the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China that Socialism will never adopt a Stateless Society, but will eventually start heading towards true Anarchy, which would be to the right of an Individualistic Capitalist Society.

That is Anarcho-Syndicalism/Anarcho-Socialism will never come into being, as those that acquire power seldom of the dignity to be able to surrender it. Whereas Anarcho-Capitalism removes any need to have a Socialist Society seize power to then abolish the State. The only requirement of Anarcho-Capitalism is that the markets be deregulated, laws rolled back, simplified and objectified as to not make artificial distinctions upon people based on color, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, handicap-status so and and so forth.

That is, under a Anarcho-Capitalist Society everyone would be equal in that everyone would be free as long as they were not treading upon the rights of other people.

Whether such a society would remain Anarcho-Capitalism (or even in a state of Anarchy) for long is debatable, but ultimately it is demonstratable that if custom dictated that there were no agencies that had the monopolistic use of force or the monopolistic right to steal the labor of its slaves, err subjects, err civilians then people would voluntarily subscribe to whatever City-State promised to provide them whatever services they desired in the quality the desired at a price they found fair.

Whether these City-States would be Socialist or Capitalist is entirely up to the people that voluntarily subscribe to them, but it can be imagined that the Capitalist City-States that have low taxes and relatively few regulations (something along the lines of the Wiccan Reed, "and it harm none, do as ye will.") will be the dominant powers in their regions.

That is Anarcho-Capitalism would be the engine that drives growth and progress in an Anarchist World, because it is the only system that demands that instead of petitioning a government or government-like entity about perceived problems people come up with an alternative to current methodology and sell it to the market.

That is the cheapest, best, most efficient methodologies would usually win.

Though that's really going into the details of how Anarcho-whatever would work, imo. Which is where you consistently fail to respond. I'm trying to get you to counter with your vision of how you see Anarchy working after the state is abolished with out the hollow rhetoric of meaningless catch-phrases that be thrown around to fool the masses, but can not be used to fool individuals, especially those that what to know, "and then what."

I suppose that ultimately the difference between myself and you is that I have accepted the fact that until I have either saved enough to not need to sell my skills on the market to earn my daily bread, or until I come up with an idea that succeeds in generating enough income for me to no longer need to sell my skills on the market, I will be required to do so in order to be capable of remaining alive. Seeings as how survival is the first law of any animal, any one that wants to challenge my right to Life is perfectly welcome to swallow a bullet first to show me how it's done.

The need to eat would remain true regardless of whether society existed in its current for or not. No matter type of society there is people will need to work to eat. You either have to hunt your own food, plant your own food, or provide a good and service that those that have hunted and grown food are willing to purchase from you using food.

Money is a form of food, with Gold, Silver and precious gems being transportable, durable, divisible, and fungible forms of food. (The Federal Reserve Notes that we carry around are also a form of transportable, durable, divisible and fungible food, but unlike Gold, Silver and Precious Gems it does not have any instrinsic value, and thus has a value that is enforced by might instead of free choice.)


Well-Known Member
Again no arguments. The distinction is victimless crimes. One cannot simultaneously be the victim and the crime. Torture and shitting near a stream should be added.

Well clearly that's why we have water filtration systems and water purification systems now, because there are animals out there that are ignorant and incapable of understanding that we don't want them pissing and shitting upstream of us, like bears, dogs, cats, so on and so forth.

But definitely agree with you about the victimless crime thing. How can one deprive themselves of their rights to Life, Liberty, and Property?


Active Member
come to think of it TBT, all those times your Q's were not answered you had long posts, younger viewers prob didn't read it all.


Well-Known Member
Lots of questions, and a large desire to see if they can sell me on their ideology. I'm not that old myself, just 25.
No one is trying to sell you shit. Just because someone wants to discuss the philosophy of Anarchism doesnt mean theyre here to shove it down your throat. You agree or you dont. Thats it, simple. All you did was cause a distraction from the main point of this thread. If you wanted to argue about it, start your own thread about why you hate it.


Well-Known Member
No one is trying to sell you shit. Just because someone wants to discuss the philosophy of Anarchism doesnt mean theyre here to shove it down your throat. You agree or you dont. Thats it, simple. All you did was cause a distraction from the main point of this thread. If you wanted to argue about it, start your own thread about why you hate it.
Sic Semper Tyrannis


Well-Known Member
ooh how fancy! hey if im a tyrant for stating the obvious, then so be it, hahaha
No, you're a tyrant for trying to force me to not engage in freedom of expression. The idea behind a forums is that they are public, and thus any discussion is public. If Musical Suicide desired to be able to discuss his philosophy with out people responding he can write a book, and try to sell it.

Though not even that would really work, because people would still talk about it, and either agree or disagree with it.

So if he didn't want to engage in debate or discussion then he'd have to find a vacuum devoid of sapient life.


Well-Known Member
No, you're a tyrant for trying to force me to not engage in freedom of expression. The idea behind a forums is that they are public, and thus any discussion is public. If Musical Suicide desired to be able to discuss his philosophy with out people responding he can write a book, and try to sell it.

Though not even that would really work, because people would still talk about it, and either agree or disagree with it.

So if he didn't want to engage in debate or discussion then he'd have to find a vacuum devoid of sapient life.
Like i said before, the purpose of the thread was to debate the philosophical aspects of Anarchy not whether Anarchy works or not...2 seperate topics = 2 seperate threads?


Well-Known Member
Like i said before, the purpose of the thread was to debate the philosophical aspects of Anarchy not whether Anarchy works or not...2 seperate topics = 2 seperate threads?
But the philosophical aspects are going to determine if it actually works or not. You can not ignore morality and human behavior when examining whether something will work or not.

And I did respond to the philosophical aspects of Anarchy, specifically morality which is a fairly central consideration of any philosophy, and also dictates how people are going to conduct themselves, which directly determines whether an ideology will or will not work. An ideology that ignores or fails to account for human behavior is going to fail.


Well-Known Member
But the philosophical aspects are going to determine if it actually works or not. You can not ignore morality and human behavior when examining whether something will work or not.

And I did respond to the philosophical aspects of Anarchy, specifically morality which is a fairly central consideration of any philosophy, and also dictates how people are going to conduct themselves, which directly determines whether an ideology will or will not work. An ideology that ignores or fails to account for human behavior is going to fail.
Rather than listen to people talk about it, you argue. blah blah blah. we all realize your better and smarter. since you have all these 'facts' and numbers, can i get some references?

thats not even discussing anything, its just attacking it. take a look at a book about spain 1936 before soviet intervention. these ideologies are not written in stone and are meant to be applied in certain conditions. contrary to what you believe not all leftists are looking to toe the line to every word. Different times, different methods. This is more of the philosophy part of it ;) like what actions work and what we can do and what can be applied today...


Well-Known Member
Rather than listen to people talk about it, you argue. blah blah blah. we all realize your better and smarter. since you have all these 'facts' and numbers, can i get some references?

thats not even discussing anything, its just attacking it. take a look at a book about spain 1936 before soviet intervention. these ideologies are not written in stone and are meant to be applied in certain conditions. contrary to what you believe not all leftists are looking to toe the line to every word. Different times, different methods. This is more of the philosophy part of it ;) like what actions work and what we can do and what can be applied today...
What's wrong with arguing?

I could understand if I wasn't providing reasons on why I disagree, but I am providing reasons on why I disagree with the ideology, or problems that I see in it.

I think you're trying to get around to stating that I'm not offering my criticism in a constructive way.


Well-Known Member
yea, i know, just thinkin out loud. but 25 can be a bit more mature than just a couple years younger as well.
That is true, I suppose it's more a matter of having resigned myself to my fate, because nothing is certain except death and taxes, and it's more than likely that the government will help you escape death to tax you longer.


Active Member
If you read the thread at all AK then you'd notice everything TBT has stated, he has supported with logic, not whimsical theories that have never been practiced or have failed time and again. he was respectful until Suicide became a child about it and attacked him and danced around questions while willingly taking part in the discussion, so your comments and accusations are ill-placed.


Well-Known Member
If you read the thread at all AK then you'd notice everything TBT has stated, he has supported with logic, not whimsical theories that have never been practiced or have failed time and again. he was respectful until Suicide became a child about it and attacked him and danced around questions while willingly taking part in the discussion, so your comments and accusations are ill-placed.

yeah its just annoying when people come in just to argue some bs thats beside the point...so i think your comments might be "ill placed" yourself


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with arguing?

I could understand if I wasn't providing reasons on why I disagree, but I am providing reasons on why I disagree with the ideology, or problems that I see in it.

I think you're trying to get around to stating that I'm not offering my criticism in a constructive way.
Yeah but youre here because you said people are trying to sell you an ideology. So what are your arguments providing then?