Second cfl grow


Well-Known Member
K I have 4 plants right now that are all a little over 3 weeks. I thought i would skip the boring stuff and post now. I just put them into flowering on week 3 because of height issues. My cabinet is 3 feet wide 3.5 feet tall x 2feet. I am starting with 6 cfls 2700k. I am thinking about putting a 250 or a 400w hps in there but i don't know how to set up a ventilation at all. I have learned a lot from here on my first grow but I want to grow more on this time around. If you guys want to see me go the whole way with cfls I can but you guys have to help me harvest some good shit. This is just some really good bag seed so we will see what she will look like in a couple months I guess. You guys are more then welcome to comment on my mistakes as I still have a lot to learn



Well-Known Member
K the 2 in the front are the bushier ones and by far are the best looking. The 2 in the back are kind of lengthy and nodes are comming out better.


Well-Known Member
I know you said the Ktemp is 2,700 but im wondering how many watts/lumens each bulb is? If you have $15-$25 and I were you I would go to Home Depot and put another one of those light fixtures you have in there now.. You were ok wit that little bit of lumens during Veg but now that you are going to Flower you need more light then wat you have to get "Good Shit"...I would def install another set of lights


Well-Known Member
ya thats why i asked brick how much he got those sockets for, I debating on picking up a 250w hps in like 3 weeks, but i probably put more lights in later.


Well-Known Member
Im just flat broke right now. I have rent due next week but i might be able to pick up the 400w in like 2 weeks. But my grow area isn't to big. It's not a problem for me to leave the doors on my cabinet open a crack so with a fan it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
I believe the hps bulbs put out a lot of heat. You dont have the tallest grow room. If you decide to go that route fabricate some sort of glass or clear shield to put directly under the hps bulbs. That should greatly reduce direct heat stress to your plants.

good luck


Well-Known Member
so my plants are about to start showing sex i think. DO they come out of little pods on the sides of the nodes?


Well-Known Member
UPDATE. I Just got my 250w hps and I had to take out one plant because it was male. I have 1 female and 2 are yet unknown