Afghan Kush


Well-Known Member
So i got 12 bagseeds that sprouted of a friend, and found out that theyre Afghani Kush! lets see how these babies do in shitty irish weather :D pics to come ;)

p.s, theyre about a week old right now.


Well-Known Member
im suscribed man...started soaking seeds today meself ... and did you try any of the seeds on indoor grows...:peace:


Juan Valdez

Active Member
I've heard Afgahni Kush is ak47. "A"fgahni and hindu "K"ush are the two strains used to make ak47. correct me if im wrong, im not into breeding and genetic stuff yet.

regardless good luck!

grow space

Well-Known Member
looking fine man.i putted my 17 white russians to germinate into the moist towel paper adn 3 days have came by and i saw only 2 seeds that was a little bit craced-whats going on guys????the temp is easily over20c and they are in a dark closet.


Well-Known Member
seeds can take up to 2 weeks to germinate man, give em some time.

If they still dont do their thing after 2 weeks u got some bad seeds :( , throw em away if they dont come out for that long.


How long did it take for your seedlings to break through the soil? I'm on my 4'th day coming and mine haven't broke soil yet.


Well-Known Member
i cant remember lol i was very stoned over the past couple of days.
i think theyre about 7-10 days old :P might be 2 weeks though :O not too sure :P

did you germinate them first in a moist paper towel? If u did that, how deep did you plant them in the soil? when i plant, i find the best way is so that you can see the top of the seed poking out of the ground, then it comes out easy and fast ;)

grow space

Well-Known Member
seeds can take up to 2 weeks to germinate man, give em some time.

If they still dont do their thing after 2 weeks u got some bad seeds :( , throw em away if they dont come out for that long.
yo man-is that really true that they can germinate up to 2 weeks.i usally now that it takes average to 3-5 days,but thanks 4 the info if its true.:peace::peace:
keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
well to be honest, I would lose hope if my seeds didnt germinate after a week. but it can (in rare cases) take up to 2 weeks. so its better to just leave them at it, just in case.


i cant remember lol i was very stoned over the past couple of days.
i think theyre about 7-10 days old :P might be 2 weeks though :O not too sure :P

did you germinate them first in a moist paper towel? If u did that, how deep did you plant them in the soil? when i plant, i find the best way is so that you can see the top of the seed poking out of the ground, then it comes out easy and fast ;)
Yeah I germinated them all using the paper towel method successfully. The first couple seedlings I germinated successfully in a dark area. They popped but the root was not very long, but they still popped and I planted those.

The 2'nd set of seedlings I germinated using the same paper towel method, only this time I left them covered on my window seal and the roots were longer then my first germination.

I planted all the seedlings root down into the soil and put some soil lightly over the top covering them. I then watered them a bit but not so much to flush them away.


how much soil did you put on top? i put less then a milimeter on mine (1/10 of a centimeter)
I put about 1 centimeter of soil on top. Basically you could still see the head of the shell like right on the surface of the soil. I then lightly covered it about 1 centimeter max and watered lightly over it.


Well-Known Member
1 cm is a bit much man. It should still grow through, but it will take the seed a while to pop out. make sure the soil is moist every day and soon you will have a little sapling ;)

what you could do is GENTLY brush away the soil from above the seed, if youre impatient to see it pop up :)


1 cm is a bit much man. It should still grow through, but it will take the seed a while to pop out. make sure the soil is moist every day and soon you will have a little sapling ;)

what you could do is GENTLY brush away the soil from above the seed, if youre impatient to see it pop up :)
Well I was able to gently brush away the soil from my pots and sure enough the head of the seeds were popped above the soil on the surface. They looked nice and snug so I just went ahead and loosely covered them with soil and watered until moist, but not spongy. They actually weren't even 1 CM deep, more like 1-2mm. Now its just a matter of time. Thank you! :peace::joint::hump: