yellow spots

Hi all,

I am attempting my first grow and recenlty started to see yellow spots on my plants. I looked in Jorges book and the closest thing I could find was spots caused by spider mites, but they look like smaller spots compared to mine and I looked and looked and could not find any bugs for the life of me sooo... can maybe one of you guys confirm this or point me on the right track. Thanks in advance.

I am growing in poultry manure (which I don't think is the cause as my dad is growing ten ladies in the same stuff with no problems), under a 250w MH about 18" from the tops with a fan blowing on them during the light hours and exhaust running 24/7. The exhaust pulls through the closet volume in two minutes and the temp is about 75 degrees. I water every day or two with ro/di. I have not started using nutrients yet as they are only just under 3 weeks. Again any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
Doesn't look like they've hooked their roots into any nutrients yet. They look hungry. I bet a squirt of slightly nuted water will make em greener. Careful tho. ph at 6.3 ish
Doesn't look like they've hooked their roots into any nutrients yet. They look hungry. I bet a squirt of slightly nuted water will make em greener. Careful tho. ph at 6.3 ish
Really? I thought I wasn't supposed to give them Nutes for like 4 to 6 weeks?