What Is Anarchy??


Active Member
yeah its just annoying when people come in just to argue some bs thats beside the point...so i think your comments might be "ill placed" yourself
title of the thread, "What is Anarchy??"

again public open thread, suicide partook in the discussion so i really don't know what you're arguing here.

it's rather confusing....kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Well clearly that's why we have water filtration systems and water purification systems now, because there are animals out there that are ignorant and incapable of understanding that we don't want them pissing and shitting upstream of us, like bears, dogs, cats, so on and so forth.

But definitely agree with you about the victimless crime thing. How can one deprive themselves of their rights to Life, Liberty, and Property?
With the notable exception of humans and beaver, most animals do not shit where they eat or drink. Just because it is possible to extract potable water from sewage, should not one give license to foul the water of many.

And cats and dogs are domesticated and therefore the responsibility of their owners. Leave the bears out of it.



Well-Known Member
With the notable exception of humans and beaver, most animals do not shit where they eat or drink. Just because it is possible to extract potable water from sewage, should not one give license to foul the water of many.

And cats and dogs are domesticated and therefore the responsibility of their owners. Leave the bears out of it.

Lol, and yes, I agree with your view on the extraction of potable water from waste water, unfortunately the population of the world dictates that it's necessary, so unless you want to kill a lot of people there's not much that can be done except perhaps finding an economical way to desalineate sea water, or perhaps boiling enough water from the oceans to replenish the underground aquifers, and then continuing to ensure enough rainfall that they stay replenished.

Unfortunately I can see that having potentially disasterous effects on the planet.

That, and Green Peace had a serious problem with the proposal to do just that.


aparently you dont have no one to love you musical .thats alright i love you .drop a live chicken in a ethiopion refugee camp.


New Member
1.Lack of morality: The problem is this is a Kultural thing. My idea of morality does not jive with _________(insert group here). In order to even discuss morality, mythical doctrines must be removed.

2."Society" is an Illusion. again Kulture. Ours seems to be driven by greed, perpetuated by the preached consumerism. This is inherently bad for all things good (birds, bees, bunnies, rivers, wilderness etc. etc. etc.) these things have real value. The more that we sacrifice for cancerous growth, the lower everyone's quality of life becomes as the air is filtered less and aquifers dry up for the run-off of an impermeable surface. As the quality of life is slowly eroded, humans begin to conflict more, and a general feeling of uneasiness fills the cities. People start breaking some of their "morals" for the ultimate in morality, survival. Crime increases.

3. The third party "law enforcement": This too is mostly an illusion. As crime has increased (with population...the REAL problem) so have the budget of LEO. There are cops freaking everywhere, but crime does not go down. Most heinous crimes are crimes of passion, unless you are very lucky and one of these roving donut munching minority youth stomping wastes of life happen to stroll by while simultaneously not running plate checks on the damn computer (this is also why they do not use turn signals) and looks up...you are on your own. Will they catch the criminal later? Maybe.

Often people know who their attacker was and could with much more efficiency handle justice...after all who better to decide the severity of the punishment than the victim...this sounds radical, I know...but if people understood that if they perform an act against person or property knowing that they are likely to lose their life or at least some volume of hemoglobin, only the truly committed would attempt such crime. Narrows the possibility that the homicide was unjust.

The way it stands now...a punk only has to beat the police...not necessarily fast, just aware. And if it is not a crime of passion...the crook wears gloves and doesn't do anything stupid they get away...what is the purpose of the useless bloated Law Enforcement in this country....? 1. War 2. Revenue. Security has nothing to do with it...it is counter to their very existence. It is 100% necessary for LE to CREATE fear while using the voodoo of statistics to show minor progress.

As for the OP and others working to tear down society in order to have Anarchy, I think the conservatives (do not quote this I WILL deny it) are right here. This would lead to the opportunistic parasites preying on those who lost their 2nd amendment rights by not exercising them. Eventually though, the processed food runs out, and the inevitable. People will flee the cities.

Even If the whole shithouse comes tumbling down, the only way Anarchy could exist is in small bands...there will always be someone who tries to take control...and good people will hesitate to shoot. Therefore these small groups of people living in some cooperation, but mainly autonomous and self-sufficient would probably be underground and illegal. It is also mere fantasy with the number of people on the planet.

I understand that the immediate loss of gov. would probably be chaos... but Anarchy is not lawlessness and chaos. It may be the result...but to claim that this is what the ideology means is like saying that the definition of democracy is the oligarchic techno-industrial-military machine which drives the policy of the government and concentrates wealth while ripping off the unarmed subjects/owners...like we have now.

Disclaimer: Poster is admittedly crazier than a shithouse rat and should not be taken seriously.

I agree totally, well almost totally, One can never agree totally. You have made the case and pretty much summed it up. Conservatives can only live within the constraints of a law enforced climate, otherwise, those minority youth you describe, and most other criminal types, would eat their lunch for them. It would be great sport to pop a cap in some rich dude and take all his belongings. Anarchy could never work as a political party. Although there is quite a bit of chaos in society as we have now, there is some constraint, mostly through fear of losing ones life or freedom through encounters with 2nd amendment lovers or LEO. Since the government and especially LEOs really don't care about the citizens safety, just their own, they think taking law abiding citizens guns may afford them more safety. I doubt any of them really believe it will slow the ability of criminal types in obtaining the firearm of their choice. Anarchy will only occure when there is a complete breakdown of society, and even then, people will end up grouping for their own protection from others.


Well-Known Member
Lol, and yes, I agree with your view on the extraction of potable water from waste water, unfortunately the population of the world dictates that it's necessary, so unless you want to kill a lot of people there's not much that can be done except perhaps finding an economical way to desalineate sea water, or perhaps boiling enough water from the oceans to replenish the underground aquifers, and then continuing to ensure enough rainfall that they stay replenished.

Unfortunately I can see that having potentially disasterous effects on the planet.

That, and Green Peace had a serious problem with the proposal to do just that.
I really wasn't meaning the shitting near a stream to be taken metaphorically...an understandable misunderstanding, considering past ramblings. I was being literal...back to the topic of public lands and respecting wilderness areas for future visitors.

Desalination is a touchy one...larval holocaust...bad idea on the large scale.

And drought conditions are not (wholly) responsible for the lowering of aquifers, but the concrete jungle, breaking the hydrological cycle; Water runs off of impermeable surfaces, degrading soils and polluting rivers, lakes, streams, and bays.

I agree totally, well almost totally, One can never agree totally.
I am honored that someone read my rant ;)



New Member
what if i start spamming this thread ridiculously, you aren't going to go to the moderators (aka authority) are you?


Active Member
what if i start spamming this thread ridiculously, you aren't going to go to the moderators (aka authority) are you?
Either this was a random post, or it makes a decent point, without authority, things held most precious is wide open for anything to happen to. and ego's will be broken since common response is "i'll take care of em, or i'll be my own justice" but sadly chances are you'll be broken, and what hospital will you go to? how will they get to you?


New Member
watch out fdd your type aren't liked here lol :bigjoint:

edit: yeah that wasn't a random post lol i was making a point, i'm won't be spamming

Musical Suicide

New Member
come to think of it TBT, all those times your Q's were not answered you had long posts, younger viewers prob didn't read it all.
It has nothing to do with being younger, It just has to do with some people really dont like arguing and bickering back and forth. I honestly do not have the want to sit and read his long posts, nor have the patience after work to Listen to him argue with me. Like ak said, no one is trying to sell Anarchism here. I wasnt thinking, and should of known that this would turn into an argument. Regardless, it has, and has taking all my want to go on, reading 30 minutes of bitching about how I'm wrong. Weather or not your gonna admit it, your idea on mordern anarchism is wrong. Now never once did I say the whole world will be anarchist, but I can garuntee you, that I will find a way to make it work for me, as I am already putting it into practice with day to day operations. Thanks for the love t-jizzle fizzle taking some thizzle I really needed it... W.A.J., haha... as for someone saying tbt stating just facts and me being childish, well I got bitter after TBT offered me to go back to Africa (The same answer all Racist's and Conseveritives have.) Anarchism has worked, is working as we speak in communes and squats around the world. Dont say anarchism didnt work just cause it cant, it Didnt work in some cases cause there is still the greedy, bourgeouis, and capitalist's plotting every move on how they can take over and get a bigger slice. Literally Enslaving the world for a profit. And you Middle class "heros" are follwing along like lost puppy dogs afriad to questions master's authourity. Once we get rid of them, and followers like yourselves who are happy as long as they have what they need, No compassion for the hundereds of thousands of homeless hungry kids on the streets of America tonight. (http://nhl.gov/offices/cpd/homeless/library/homelessnessfactsheet.pdf) But there Lazy huh?? Thats why they suffer. No, its because under capitalism, even your neighbor is your competitor, and if you were not born with privilege of some sort, you parish. Then Anarchism will work. So Folks I leave with this quote From a very Special Woman, Emma Goldman in 1898... Still Relevent to this day, even in this Thread. Have fun with the thread.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I came here to avoid as much as possible treading on your corns. I had intended to deal only with the basic issue of economics that dictates our lives from the cradle to the grave, regardless of our religion or moral beliefs. I see now that it was a mistake. If one enters a battle, he cannot be squeamish about a few corns. Here, then, are my answers: I do not believe in God, because I believe in man. Whatever his mistakes, man has for thousands of years past been working to undo the botched job your God has made.
As to killing rulers, it depends entirely on the position of the ruler. If it is the Russian Czar, I most certainly believe in dispatching him to where he belongs. If the ruler is as ineffectual as an American President, it is hardly worth the effort. There are, however, some potentates I would kill by any and all means at my disposal. They are Ignorance, Superstition, and Bigotry — the most sinister and tyrannical rulers on earth. As for the gentleman who asked if free love would not build more houses of prostitution, my answer is: They will all be empty if the men of the future look like him.

~Love one Another (A)??Ladies and gentlemen, I came here to avoid as much as possible treading on your corns. I had intended to deal only with the basic issue of economics that dictates our lives from the cradle to the grave, regardless of our religion or moral beliefs. I see now that it was a mistake. If one enters a battle, he cannot be squeamish about a few corns. Here, then, are my answers: I do not believe in God, because I believe in man. Whatever his mistakes, man has for thousands of years past been working to undo the botched job your God has made.
As to killing rulers, it depends entirely on the position of the ruler. If it is the Russian Czar, I most certainly believe in dispatching him to where he belongs. If the ruler is as ineffectual as an American President, it is hardly worth the effort. There are, however, some potentates I would kill by any and all means at my disposal. They are Ignorance, Superstition, and Bigotry — the most sinister and tyrannical rulers on earth. As for the gentleman who asked if free love would not build more houses of prostitution, my answer is: They will all be empty if the men of the future look like him."

~Love One Another (A)//(E)


Well-Known Member
Either this was a random post, or it makes a decent point, without authority, things held most precious is wide open for anything to happen to. and ego's will be broken since common response is "i'll take care of em, or i'll be my own justice" but sadly chances are you'll be broken, and what hospital will you go to? how will they get to you?
Some of us are on our own already when it comes to medical.

fdd? never did quite understand what that was.
Fdd is Fdd2Blk, a moderator.



Active Member
Once we get rid of them, and followers like yourselves who are happy as long as they have what they need
first of all i never called homeless kids lazy, i called the unemployed fucks who pull gov't checks so they can sit home with no initiative lazy, so don't twist my words.
also how do you suppose to "get rid of them?" cuz that sounds like murder not compassion, and watch what you say "friend"
offered me to go back to Africa (The same answer all Racist's and Conseveritives have.)
because not all conservatives say that nor think that, and damn sure aren't racist. you have alot to learn, and experience and for the same reason you said, there will always be greed and corruption in someone, and for that reason anarchism will EVENTUALLY fail. once you've seen enough of human nature,(Truly witness human nature) then you have nothing to go off of.

you seem to twist ppls words often as well as take out of context to further your argument. and btw, your personal life living to be self sufficent and answering to no one, isn't anarchism.

but when you introduce anarchism into a body mass, to "take down the corporations" or "eliminate policing" what happens when someone likes what you got, and is willing to shoot you for it? or how bout your family, mother, wife, daughter, son...you gonna go after them right? then what, take them to the hospitals that wont exist? there is much you need to realize and recognize.