What Is Anarchy??


New Member
In 2002 in Sudan there were an estimated 9 million cases of malaria, 44000 of which proved fatal. The burden of this easily preventable/treatable disease fell mainly on children ages 5 and under. That's a poor quality of life.

Maybe your anecdotal experience with a couple of people from Sudan tells you that people there have a good quality of life, but many people there starve to death, thousands are living in refugee camps, thousands of women have been raped, families destroyed, etc. because of the genocide going on in that country. Maybe you are not thrilled with the state of western society, but at least americans have the option of gorging themselves on burgers and burning gallons and gallons of gasoline. Many people around the world live a life that is brutish, nasty, and short.

On a side note, how exactly does one "fight in a genocide." Here is the international legal definition of genocide for reference:

"Excerpt from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (For full text click here)
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

It's not clear to me how someone can "fight in a genocide". Genocide is completely different from the 20 wars america has had in its existence. When someone participates in a genocide, they are either attempting to systematically destroy another ethnic group, or they are being murdered. So either your friends' lives were at risk, they were abetting the murder of innocent people, or they were involved in a morally complex situation you haven't done a good job of explaining.
Malaria? big fuckin deal. we have heart disease here. lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, brain tumors caused by radiation. You know what the causes are for these diseases? technology....our easy-access to everything we need in life. Our access to cars- everybody has one. advances in agricultural technology- genetically modified foods, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, the creation of toxic plastics that leach chemicals into the environment, EVEN when recycled and re-used.

People don't realize that science is a double-edged sword. Just because we have the purchasing power as a country and the ability to do everything efficiently and with ease, doesn't mean it IMPROVES our quality of life. I suggest you look @ the rates of cancer in less-"developed" countries like Sudan.

And many people describe less-developed nations, such as Sudan (with its civil war) as barbaric...yet how so? human BEINGS are barbaric, it's our very nature. their government flatout doesn't care and insights war against their own people for control. You gotta be BLIND if you don't see that happening here in the US...they're just going about it in slower-operations. Can you imagine what it's like to live in fear though, to live to survive? that's LIVING in my eyes- rather than just going about your daily, predictable, systematic life. that's my opinion atleast.

and yes he fought IN the genocide, against the corrupt government's actions to form militias and wipe out the dinka and nuer tribes...one friend of mine is a dinka and the other is a nuer. they understand what it means to LIVE...much more than we do here.

And i understand what your perspective- infact I would go as far to agree w/u a little and say our quality of life might be EQUAL. In DIFFERENt ways.

i have very different perspectives than most ppl i think


Well-Known Member
Thanks to FDD and Tips for the chuckle...everything else is pretty silly.

Malaria? big fuckin deal. we have heart disease here. lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, brain tumors caused by radiation. You know what the causes are for these diseases? technology....
Chlorinated hydrocarbons were sprayed on entire communities, I seen it in the 70's for elm beetles. Most all farm land has been, and still is being flooded with the same chemicals used in warfare, where they were developed. The application rate determined not by testing for thresholds of target species, but by the manufacturer for maximum profit. Many times the effective amount is used. These chlorinated hydrocarbons bio-accumulate in your tissue and the tissues of animals we eat, the top of the food chain receiving the highest dose. Some of these, upon breaking down, are even more toxic, lengthening the time before the soil is free from the poison.



New Member
Thanks to FDD and Tips for the chuckle...everything else is pretty silly.

Chlorinated hydrocarbons were sprayed on entire communities, I seen it in the 70's for elm beetles. Most all farm land has been, and still is being flooded with the same chemicals used in warfare, where they were developed. The application rate determined not by testing for thresholds of target species, but by the manufacturer for maximum profit. Many times the effective amount is used. These chlorinated hydrocarbons bio-accumulate in your tissue and the tissues of animals we eat, the top of the food chain receiving the highest dose. Some of these, upon breaking down, are even more toxic, lengthening the time before the soil is free from the poison.


bingo, just to name a few of these dioxins...

-ddt (banned for use but not for production/export...but we ship the foods back in)

organic, bio-engineered pest-controls are being used more frequently these days, especially cuz of the drop in hunny-bees and the supply of hunny can't meet the demand. It's pretty much like extracting pheromones from plants that deter bugs without castrating them (many insects, as vertebrates, have the same nervous systems as us and thus the chemicals affect us the same way)...maybe not in the same quantities, but they're lipo-phillic and accumulate in fat tissue. Our reproductive organs and brains are both atleast 90% fat....

the brain nor testes (or ovaries) don't recieve blood- they recieve a lymph-like fluid that blood is filtered from, so anti-bodies can't attack healthy cells. the blood-brain barrier and blood-testes barrier is very selective about what passes through. but if these chemicals, lipo-phillic as they are, can pass through with ease (from what we've seen) and interfere w/neurons and hormones, it's the cause of some major health risks.

the gov't doesn't give a fuck, unless it supports their interest.

Case in point- Canola oil. Ever wonder what a "canola" is? It doesn't exist. It's genetically modified rapeseed plant, from the family of mustard plants. Can="canada" and "ola"=oil. "canada oil", from rapeseed, was used in warefare too, a component of mustard gas. then people began to use it as an industrial oil.

When canadian canola-oil companies offered the FDA 50 million dollars to place canola oil on their GRS "Generally Recognized as Safe" list, a new industry flourished and now canola is found in a number of processed foods and is used in cooking.

rep for u hayduke


Well-Known Member
Case in point- Canola oil. Ever wonder what a "canola" is? It doesn't exist. It's genetically modified rapeseed plant, from the family of mustard plants. Can="canada" and "ola"=oil. "canada oil", from rapeseed, was used in warefare too, a component of mustard gas. then people began to use it as an industrial oil.

When canadian canola-oil companies offered the FDA 50 million dollars to place canola oil on their GRS "Generally Recognized as Safe" list, a new industry flourished and now canola is found in a number of processed foods and is used in cooking.

rep for u hayduke
Damn...did not know that about Canola (capitalized for Canada)...makes sense...Mazola (brand name) = corn oil (maize). I wondered about canola, cuz I had never seen one, and looked it up. Evidently I did not look far, I read about a plant whose seed is pressed for oil that is generally grown in Canada...or something like that.

The GRaS is funny, it list things like acceptable # of rodent hairs in cereal.



Well-Known Member
my phone just rang, someones mom is calling. looks like it's gonna be anarchy again tonight. how that women does it i will never know. gonna call her "locomotive". :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think its quite sad actually, kinda like the kids blowing themselves up because they are brainwashed into thinkin its right, but for someone of an adults age, is ridiculous, they should be able to think. WBU TBT?
Well, originally I was thinking about it in regards to the entire left-right debate regarding politics. Though the entire issue isn't really left/right when you think about it. In general both the left and the right want more freedom (just the left is willing to trade economic freedom for political freedom not believing that both are linked).

Then you have them media that spins the entire thing to make sure that the population remains divided and unable to demand an accounting from their politicians despite wide spread agreement that something needs to be done.

But if you look at it most of the left-right debate is based around assumptions that the left wants to screw over the right, and the right wants to screw over the left, and while both sides continue to believe in the garbage they are fed the Fed screws over both.

Delusions of Persecution, no one's really out to get any one, just actions do not happen in a vacuum, and you have a media that routinely takes actions that are out of the ordinary (if they were everyday occurances they wouldn't be newsworthy, because no one would be interested.) and then blows them out of proportion.


Well-Known Member
Malaria? big fuckin deal. we have heart disease here. lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, brain tumors caused by radiation. You know what the causes are for these diseases? technology....our easy-access to everything we need in life. Our access to cars- everybody has one. advances in agricultural technology- genetically modified foods, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, the creation of toxic plastics that leach chemicals into the environment, EVEN when recycled and re-used.

People don't realize that science is a double-edged sword. Just because we have the purchasing power as a country and the ability to do everything efficiently and with ease, doesn't mean it IMPROVES our quality of life. I suggest you look @ the rates of cancer in less-"developed" countries like Sudan.

And many people describe less-developed nations, such as Sudan (with its civil war) as barbaric...yet how so? human BEINGS are barbaric, it's our very nature. their government flatout doesn't care and insights war against their own people for control. You gotta be BLIND if you don't see that happening here in the US...they're just going about it in slower-operations. Can you imagine what it's like to live in fear though, to live to survive? that's LIVING in my eyes- rather than just going about your daily, predictable, systematic life. that's my opinion atleast.

and yes he fought IN the genocide, against the corrupt government's actions to form militias and wipe out the dinka and nuer tribes...one friend of mine is a dinka and the other is a nuer. they understand what it means to LIVE...much more than we do here.

And i understand what your perspective- infact I would go as far to agree w/u a little and say our quality of life might be EQUAL. In DIFFERENt ways.

i have very different perspectives than most ppl i think

Of course technology is a double-edged sword, always has been always will be.

Wheels - Chariots - Chariots in War

Horses - Mounted Archers - Cavalry (Camels also have been used)

Domesticated Dogs - Dogs trained to Kill humans - Dogs trained to harass drug users

Chemicals designed to kill Rats and other Pests - Chemicals designed to kill Humans.

The alternative to using those chemicals would be letting our crops rot or get eaten by pests and watching as billions starve. I personally can not condone an action or inaction that would lead to so much death.

Musical Suicide

New Member
I think its quite sad actually, kinda like the kids blowing themselves up because they are brainwashed into thinkin its right, but for someone of an adults age, is ridiculous, they should be able to think. WBU TBT?

Think about this... because you are both exactly what your saying I am. Just cause you dont agree, you dont have to be childish, and ignorant. To think outside the box, is to THINK. Mainstream media portray's your side of the argument, not America's poor to be oppressed. The media never shows anything about anarchist's or class war, so you are wrong for saying that, just like most of the things that come out your mouth. As for talking about mom's... well your really showing your true colors. I love how things result to talking about mom's. Man, I wish you would meet my mom, R.I.P., she'd slap both you spoiled fools so fast... you'd be thinking a little better before you open that flapping jaw of yours.

In an interview with Troy Southgate during the mid-1990s he tried to show how government caused the poverty of the periphery by removing the crops by force and then by taxation, creating the wealth at the core; how its taxation on trade, to increase its power, caused a high cost of living, therefore high wages, high labour costs and labour-saving technology to reduce those labour costs. It is this industrialisation which is causing terrible damage to the high population of the developed world. The killer argument against industrialisation is that it means harder work. American workers work the longest hours (except for Japan, which I don't know about). What I didn't talk about was the damage done by government to the small, rooted community, the tribe. The community had three functions: defence, the sanction for good behaviour and welfare.
The first form of government is a local bully and his mates, a 'hero' and his companions, who force the local population to hand over the results of their hunting and gathering. To forestal any objection, most of them are disarmed. This is the first nail in the coffin of the community - it has lost its function of defence. The ruler, with the fiat of religion, then makes its laws to protect his position, including laws governing his subjects' behaviour. These are administered by 'justice'. This is the second nail in the coffin of the small community. It is no longer the sanction for good behaviour. Amongst groups, without leaders and an imposed system of 'justice', unacceptable behaviour is discouraged by shame, ridicule and, ultimately, exile. Crime is not so much punished as made amends for. If someone kills someone, his whole extended family has to give 50 cattle to the extended family of the victim. This is a strong sanction against killing people on potential murderers by their own family. In today's judicial system a crime is punished but no attempt is made to make amends. A fine is imposed, but it goes to the State, not to the victim.
The final nail in the coffin of the small community came relatively recently. Mobility of labour and thus the provision of welfare by the State. The State now gets half its income and therefore power from indirect taxes, taxes on trade. The more goods are traded, the more taxes the government receives, the more powerful it is. This is justified by the nonsense theory of conventional economics that trade creates wealth which trickles down to the poorest. So the poor are forced to hand over their crops which are consumed by the core. All that's left to trickle back tothe periphery is soot, sewage, scrap and second-hand clothes. To increase traded crops even more, the poor are driven off their land by Acts of Enclosure and into the cities. This is called Mobility of Labour. Cut off from their communities, they can no longer rely on help in times of trouble. To avoid revolution, governments have to provide State welfare instead. Thus a community now has little use. The State has hijacked all its functions: defence, justice and welfare.
But the State's take-over of the sanction for good behaviour doesn't work. On the one hand we are no longer constrained by the opinions of our grandparents. We are no longer ashamed because they don't know; they are so far away. And the State doesn't admit that the community provides any useful sanction for good behaviour; indeed, it forbids it. But on the other hand its police don't care if we beat our wives or husbands; they don't care whether schoolboy bullies are 'faxing' their peers, or staff mistreating orphans or old people. They're not bothered if the poor are mugging each other. Their function is to protect the property of the rich and their middle classes. While we are no longer constrained by the opinions of our relatives who are far away, nor are we constrained by the police. So we get a soaring crime rate and the breakdown of social life.
As individuals we no longer need the community. The State provides defence, some justice and welfare. So we don't need to put up with the constraints of the community, the interference of our neighbours and relatives. We are free! We can make as many babies as we like. We can tear down the restrictions of conventional behaviour. We can be ourselves! We can deride the old and their old-fashioned standards, and the traditions that held the community together. It makes a certain sense. We no longer need the community. The State does the community's job. The fact that social life hasn't completely broken down is because most of us still behave because of what our parents, friends and relatives would think. But more and more people try to forget this constraint, behave unacceptably and make social life impossible.
So government, by destroying the small community by hijacking its functions, is the cause of increasing social breakdown. It is also destroying the traditional knowledge gained over the millennia and handed down from generation to generation to generation in the community. Nowadays they even have to teach parenting skills to young mothers because their mothers, aunts and grandmothers aren't close by to help and hand down hard-won traditional knowledge and skills. Dysfunctional families are not a modern phenomenon. But previously, if it was seen that a family was not coping with its children, aunts, sisters and parents would have stepped in and suggested that a child stay with them for a while. A child was not, then, a product of a nuclear family, but a tribe, all contributing. There's an American saying: 'You need a village to bring up a child.' Today the villages and tribes and extended families have been destroyed by government actions. A child of a dysfunctional family has no escape. So he is abused and grows up an abuser. Blood relationship is obviously the basis of the extended family and community. But it is not essential. Every community is able to incorporate a number of unrelated individuals.
So government is the cause of poverty and social breakdown. How do we get rid of government? By cutting its lifeblood, taxation. Without taxation government can't even hire a hall to meet in, let alone employ police to enforce its laws. At the same time we have to cut the size of the political unit, until progressively, we reach the autonomous, self-sufficient, armed village. Clearly there is not room for many of those, so at the same time we have to cut the population by at least three-quarters. And that still doesn't leave any room for the animals. Should animals have any space? Some think that Anarchism is impractical, that we have to have rulers. But for hundreds of thousands of years humans have lived and thrived without them. All over the world anthropologists have found that nearly all hunter-gatherer societies don't have rulers. Anarchism is very practical. It stops poverty. It stops social breakdown and is painlessly achieved by cutting taxes, the population and the size of the political unit.

So I poop on your flag, hope you like breakfast!

<a href="http://s123.photobucket.com/albums/o293/JesseSmock/?action=view&current=shit_on_flag.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o293/JesseSmock/shit_on_flag.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


New Member
how can you argue that trade doesn't create wealth??? sounds to me like you want to do away with efficiency and progress??? which tribes don't have leaders? i'm actually interested not just arguing...


New Member
Well, originally I was thinking about it in regards to the entire left-right debate regarding politics. Though the entire issue isn't really left/right when you think about it. In general both the left and the right want more freedom (just the left is willing to trade economic freedom for political freedom not believing that both are linked).

Then you have them media that spins the entire thing to make sure that the population remains divided and unable to demand an accounting from their politicians despite wide spread agreement that something needs to be done.

But if you look at it most of the left-right debate is based around assumptions that the left wants to screw over the right, and the right wants to screw over the left, and while both sides continue to believe in the garbage they are fed the Fed screws over both.

Delusions of Persecution, no one's really out to get any one, just actions do not happen in a vacuum, and you have a media that routinely takes actions that are out of the ordinary (if they were everyday occurances they wouldn't be newsworthy, because no one would be interested.) and then blows them out of proportion.
Outside of the first paragraph, I mostly agree with you. It is a big clusterfuck. My views are of course reflective of my life experience. I have been a workerbee most of my life. I have owned a couple a businesses, and been the straw boss over construction crews. I ran a concrete construction company for eight+ years, made my boss, the owner, a millionaire for the third time. Reflective analysis allows me to understand why I never made it to the owners circle, lack of funds.


Well-Known Member
Outside of the first paragraph, I mostly agree with you. It is a big clusterfuck. My views are of course reflective of my life experience. I have been a workerbee most of my life. I have owned a couple a businesses, and been the straw boss over construction crews. I ran a concrete construction company for eight+ years, made my boss, the owner, a millionaire for the third time. Reflective analysis allows me to understand why I never made it to the owners circle, lack of funds.
Let me guess the part where I stated that the left is willing to trade political freedom for economic freedom?

You're right, that's probably taking it out of proportion. Everyone just wants to be left alone, and that is the one thing that neither side's politicians seem to be content to let happen.


Clearly there is not room for many of those, so at the same time we have to cut the population by at least three-quarters. And that still doesn't leave any room for the animals. Should animals have any space? Some think that Anarchism is impractical, that we have to have rulers. But for hundreds of thousands of years humans have lived and thrived without them. All over the world anthropologists have found that nearly all hunter-gatherer societies don't have rulers. Anarchism is very practical. It stops poverty. It stops social breakdown and is painlessly achieved by cutting taxes, the population and the size of the political unit.
You have to love a political and economic theory that calls for such a great reduction in our species that Malthus would blush. Could you point me to any hunter-gatherer civilizations?