Do plants get affected by nicatine?


Active Member
Pretty simple I just though of my plants living with me for months and how stomas are always open, does anyone think it does anything? A plus is whenever I see bugs flying around I blast them with smoke and they usually get dizzy then I kill them easy.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I'm just saying that the average person does not realize the extent to which all things are interrelated. Cause and effect...
Weather i choose to use Miracle Grow fertilizer or organic fertilizer affects not only me and my plants, it affects you, your children, your whole family, and indeed the entire planet. You should quit smoking cigs too man (I did). That affects a lot more than just you, including your MJ plants. Every time you buy a pack you place a vote. A vote FOR a product that poisons and kills people. Too many people just keep voting for that crap and that crap remains. Matter a fact every dollar you spend is a vote. A vote FOR what ever you buy. Your votes affect us all. Seriously.
Wish you well...Peace


Well-Known Member
wtf lol i must need to be stoned to understand
Do you chew gum? Because you buy gum, I have to read the ingredient label of everything I buy. Hows that? Almost all gum brands contain aspartame. Aspartame is a toxic chemical (an excitotoxin) that gives all kinds of people all kinds of health problems.
But people keep buying it anyway, so companies keep using it anyway. So I have to look at the ingredients on everything I buy to make sure the product does not contain any of the toxic chemicals that everyone else buys (and therefore votes for). And on top of that we ALL pay (into medicare and Medicaid) to treat the symptoms of people poisoned by the product that those same people voted for. All because no-one realizes how the choices they make affect others.
The runoff from Miracle Grow and other cheap CHEMICAL fertilizers that have been in use for decades is poisoning our lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans. Its literally IN the fish we eat. :spew:So when you buy MG you vote for poison that negatively affects the environment that your, and my children will need to survive. ORGANIC fertilizer on the other hand is basically a form of recycling and is SOO good for you, your plants, and the environment. I vote for organic. And I never vote for aspartame, or MSG (another toxic chemical found in almost all processed foods), or HFCS, or any cheap chemical food additives that make people sick and line the pockets of Big Business and Big Pharma.
If it were JUST me it affected...fuck it, I'd eat the shit. Damn shit does taste good. But its bad for us ALL. And i know it, so I don't vote for it.


Well-Known Member
If nicotine can kill a person I"m sure It harms your plants. Cigarettes have a lot more dangerous chemicals than nicotine though.


Well-Known Member
If nicotine can kill a person I"m sure It harms your plants. Cigarettes have a lot more dangerous chemicals than nicotine though.
Yup. Plants filter the air. Some house plants are especially good for this.
So I don't recommend you filter your nasty air with your precious MJ plants.
I use to smoke. I have a cactus. You can look at my cactus and SEE that i used to smoke because there's a line on the cactus. The growth above the line is since i quit (nice n green with nice white spikes)and the cactus below the line from when i used to smoke kind of nasty looking! People say "what happened to your cactus!?" I say it quit smoking right there >


Well-Known Member
I use a nicotine spray whenever I have pest problems. I've never encountered issues with it and my plants. I do avoid spraying it on during flowering, though.