plants yellowing from bottom up, brown spots. help please!

dem tings

this plant is about 2-3 weeks old. it has always been light in color, but now the bottom leaves are really yellowing and there are brown spots appearing. this is beginning to happen to the rest of my plants also, but not to this extent. any help would be greatly appreciated. :spew:



Well-Known Member
Your plant is hungry. Either because it doesn't have any food, or the PH is off so that it can not use whatever food that is available.

dem tings

Your plant is hungry. Either because it doesn't have any food, or the PH is off so that it can not use whatever food that is available.

i am giving plants mg organic and superthrive in a 75% strength solution. i just foliar fed with a weak solution of fertilizer. how do i check and change pH?


Well-Known Member
plants that are yellowing from the bottom up are usually a victim of nitrogen deficiency
what are your water like where you live? if its "hard" you probally need to add some ph down you shouldnt have issues w N defi that early in good soil anyways.


Well-Known Member
i am giving plants mg organic and superthrive in a 75% strength solution. i just foliar fed with a weak solution of fertilizer. how do i check and change pH?
Ph is extremely important, and will not remain constant over the course of your grow. Whenever you add fertilizer (most kinds) to your soil, you are to some extent adding ACIDITY to your soil. You NEED to be able to check your PH. Cheap color coded PH testers you find In the with the FISH supplies are not good enough. I use this PH tester >|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50 Its the least expensive one that is accurate enough.
You want to check the PH of the water you give your plants and adjust it to the proper PH. For soil thats 6.3-6.8.
Then you also want to test the runoff from the bottom of your pot. If you are giving enough water there should be enough running out the drain holes to get another test sample. The PH of your soil will be somewhere between the PH of the water going in and the PH of the water coming out.
Skip the foliar feeding and add your ferts to your water. (Superthrive is good {although not a fertilizer} but discontinue with it when you flower!) Test your water, then add ferts then test again, then adjust accordingly.
Here is a lesson on PH and soil chemistry it taught me a bunch >

dem tings

ok, i tried everything that was advised and the babies are looking better. slowly but surely. theyre getting darker and the yellowing has stopped. any more advice for early vegging?


Well-Known Member
Look into some quality nutes.. Try Fox Farm's grow big. 1/4 stregth, yellowing will go away, and yes, PH is key.... :)