Can I run all of this electricity from a single room using standard house outlets?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I am rigging up my flower room in a spare bedroom and I have 2x1000 watt hps and a 660cfm exhaust fan. So far I have plugged in and ran the 2x1000 watt lights at the same time using two seperate outlets in the room and the fuse didnt blow. It ran for about 15 minutes together and then i shut them off.. I still have to plug the fan in and run that at the same time.

Do you think my outlets can support all of this wattage or do you think it wont work? Is it safe? or could i set the house on fire?

I also bought a power outlet strip that has a grounded and protected sensor on it that will automatically shut the power off if it is too much. Should all of this work? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
1000w/120v=8.3A so two lights is 16.6 amps. Most rooms have a 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker. The fan you have probably pulls about 2 amps at most. You're probably at the limit of the circuit if you have not gone over.


Well-Known Member
1000w/120v=8.3A so two lights is 16.6 amps. Most rooms have a 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker. The fan you have probably pulls about 2 amps at most. You're probably at the limit of the circuit if you have not gone over.
should i be wary of doing this? or should i do it if the circuit doesnt blow. If it does im assuming ill have to run an extension chord to another room that is on a different breaker.


Well-Known Member
That's a lot of heat going to circuits in one room but surge protectors should do the job from it sparking or overheating but i think you should run it from another room or something...


Well-Known Member
My personal thought would be to run one light and fan off one circuit and then run a heavy-duty 1500w extension from another room on a different breaker for the other light.


Well-Known Member
My personal thought would be to run one light and fan off one circuit and then run a heavy-duty 1500w extension from another room on a different breaker for the other light.

I think that is what I am going to do. Thanks for the advice. And im assuming you mean a 1500w extension chord. Im assuming they will say this on the label when you buy them.

Thanks for all your help