

Well-Known Member
I am about 4 weeks into 12/12 and i am not seeing the same as others at this point. My question lies in this, when someone says that they are 3 or 4 weeks into budding what exactly do they mean? Is it 3 or 4 weeks into 12/12, or is it 3 or 4 weeks after they can tell sex and see preflowers?

Like i said above I am 4 weeks into 12/12 and i started seeing white pistils at almost 2 weeks into the 12/12 cycle.

Can anyone clear this up for me cause i am not seeing the development others are seeing when then say 3 or 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
When someone says they are 3-4 weeks in, thats 3-4 weeks in after switching to 12/12....

12/12 induces the flowering cycle... and if it hasn't showed sex in 18/6, then you will begin to see it after a week of 12/12.


Well-Known Member
When someone says they are 3-4 weeks in, thats 3-4 weeks in after switching to 12/12....

12/12 induces the flowering cycle... and if it hasn't showed sex in 18/6, then you will begin to see it after a week of 12/12.
i dont think this is correct. I know that 12/12 induces it and i have all of the female preflowers everywhere

my question is the difference in flowering and budding. starting 12/12 does not mean you are "flowering" its just a change in the light cycle.


Well-Known Member
mine have been on 12/12 for nearly 4wks, 4wks ago they were seeds.
start the count from when flowering actually starts.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
mine have been on 12/12 for nearly 4wks, 4wks ago they were seeds.
start the count from when flowering actually starts.

Pretty much everyone counts from the day when you cut the lights. When seed banks give you flowering periods this is what they mean.

If you dont see flowers within a 3-5 days your plants might have been a little premature


Well-Known Member
Pretty much everyone counts from the day when you cut the lights. When seed banks give you flowering periods this is what they mean.

If you dont see flowers within a 3-5 days your plants might have been a little premature
my clones took 12-days in 12/12 to show actual BUDZ...lots of pre flowers BUT no grouping.....now they are....they will show give it time....is this Satavia? if so that may be the reason though i am not familiar with them



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys i appreciate it. I think that it is more sativa than anything to be honest. I know that they take longer to bud than the rest.

Like sirbudmaster said there are tons of flowers but no groupings as of this time. There are tons of white hairs everywhere. But correct me if i am wrong. the sativa strain takes longer to finish than the rest. Kinda likes to take it time