I am making a plea for all newbies


sounds like paranoia to me :confused:.
fuck that i just go to my local asda/wallmart and buy big bags of soil/perlite/pots/ph testers/soil meters/trimming scisscors/some nutes/thermostats and any other shit i need and buy it without any hesitation.
its always paid for by credit card and as for online ordering for fans/ducting/nutes/lights and specialist grow equiptment the most established distributors are completely safe as they are not in the business of losing custom by giving out customers details to 3rd parties and paying by card is the best way to go.
if you are paranoid about buying the growing gear then its not really a good idea to grow weed.
either take the bull by the horns or lay of the weed.
I was just giving neno a reallity check.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
sounds like paranoia to me :confused:.
fuck that i just go to my local asda/wallmart and buy big bags of soil/perlite/pots/ph testers/soil meters/trimming scisscors/some nutes/thermostats and any other shit i need and buy it without any hesitation.
its always paid for by credit card and as for online ordering for fans/ducting/nutes/lights and specialist grow equiptment the most established distributors are completely safe as they are not in the business of losing custom by giving out customers details to 3rd parties and paying by card is the best way to go.
if you are paranoid about buying the growing gear then its not really a good idea to grow weed.
either take the bull by the horns or lay of the weed.
SHIT every one at wal mart here no's that i grow. ha ha my wife works their. its funny when i go and buy my stuff their they allsay WHAT you use that to grow you pot. thay can't belive it cuz they have seen some of my grows.. LOL


Well-Known Member
you cant trace a gift card cause its traced to cash buddy not a name at all...trust me...it works im not steppin on anyone toes about how they do things I was just giving the newbie some advice... ive been doin this for years cause im not lucky enough to have a hydro store...reality check HA lmao... thats just your opinion buddy.:cool:


New Member
SHIT every one at wal mart here no's that i grow. ha ha my wife works their. its funny when i go and buy my stuff their they allsay WHAT you use that to grow you pot. thay can't belive it cuz they have seen some of my grows.. LOL

they are all paranoid as fuck about going to asda or wallmart now.


Well-Known Member
Here read through here and you will get some ideas
Thanks for that post. Actually I had read that post.

I definitely want to try organic after I finish this grow.

The only problem I saw with organic was just how much the components cost and availability.

But someone suggested this organic mixture and I believe I will try it

2 cubic- feet Miracle Grow Organic Choice (green bag)

3.8-4.0 cubic feet- Promix/Sunshine Mix #4 (If not, it can be substituted with Peat Moss)

1 Cup Miracle Grow Blood Meal

1 Cup Miracle Grow Bone Meal

1/2 cup dolomite lime (1 cup if you're using peat moss)

30% perlite (chunky perlite is preferable)

Mix the soil well and just plant or transplant into it.

It can be seedling or clone friendly, but if you're dealing with seedlings, I'd start them in small containers with this mix minus the bone and blood meal.

This mix can last up to 20-30 days veg and throughout all of flower WITHOUT adding any nutrients in your feedings at all. All you need to do is water them from your tap and you do NOT need to PH at all. That's probably the most noob friendly it can get.

I am probably gonna give this one a shot. Just curious because they only have the MG peat moss.


Well-Known Member
or you can just be smart like I know you are and get an address that isnt yours...get a visa gift card and order online...guess what buddy your living in the 21st century and your have www available to you...to me...that seems like a easier way to go vs figurering out certain amounts of this and that to come up with a balanced food for your girls...
Well believe me yes I am no stranger to the internet and did order my lights, fan, cooltube, off of the net.

But Foxfarm soil is just too expensive over the net, and i refuse to pay 30 dollars for shipping.

let alone the 50 dollars they want for the three nutrients, plus the shipping


Well-Known Member
Forget about the brand names these are just a trend all you realy need is a good compost with no additives.go for the best that you can afford,the only differance is that retailers like fox make sure that there is no excess matter in there soil.all you have to do to get a mix has good has any fox farmed soil is riddle the compost that you buy this will leave you with a grade a compost if you use a tight screen.it is what you put into the compost that is important.spend less on soil and more on nutrients and a nice mix perlite worm castings not nessassery but if you have the dosh get them perlite is a defo for newbies it will help with drainage.also consantrate on getting the biggest containers that will fit in the grow room this will ammount to more buds when the time comes,the bigger the root mass the bigger the yeiled 70 % soil 20 % perlite 10 % worm castings.and a other bit of advice that you never hear anyone talking about on this site is flushing the plants during the growing period,you need to flush at least 3/4 times during veg and about the same in flower.make a new batch of feed up so once the plants have been flushed then once the water runs clear then add the new made nutrients this will mean that no valuble nutrients will have been lost helping the plants to grow fast,but it will mean less hassle of yellowing of leaves and alot more problems will be arradicated.


Well-Known Member
One last question about worm casting

are they available at walmart lowes or home depot ????


Well-Known Member
One last question about worm casting

are they available at walmart lowes or home depot ????
Ive heard that some walmarts have them but ive never seen them at any around me, lowes and home depot=no, maybe find a nursery around you.


Well-Known Member
Ive heard that some walmarts have them but ive never seen them at any around me, lowes and home depot=no, maybe find a nursery around you.
If they do not have them available I will order them online. at least it does seem pretty cheap to order


you cant trace a gift card cause its traced to cash buddy not a name at all...trust me...it works im not steppin on anyone toes about how they do things I was just giving the newbie some advice... ive been doin this for years cause im not lucky enough to have a hydro store...reality check HA lmao... thats just your opinion buddy.:cool:
All prepaid cards have batch tracking numbers that trace back
to the store they were issued to. The registers that you purchase the card
from records the time and date the card was purchased. That is then matched
to digital video surveillance that is required in some states and counties to be kept
on file for a minimal time of 2 years. This all works the same way when making
a purchase at a physical location like walmart with the prepaid card the tracking
number time and date is matched to digital video surveillance at the register.
Money orders & Western Union all work the same way. LEO can then take
the video surveillance footage if there is a clear shot of the purchasers face and match
that up with facial recognition scans. If you have ever been arrested in Nevada you
you had your face scanned and archived in the NCIC database and probably already know what im
talking about. LEO will then try to match that digital image to facial recognition scans that
you might have had taken if ever arrested. Once a positive match is found they pull your address
from the department of motor vehicles for a current address. Some states require you to update your
address when you move for this purpose. When purchasing on-line LEO will query the purchase orders
and do the same thing plus they have a shipping address to watch. The system was put into in place in some
states/counties starting around 10 years ago the purpose wasn't to catch pot growers but identity theft.

I know this for because A. I work for the cable company and have had to install digital surveillance systems
that back there data up on-line for this purpose. B. A close family member is a LEO that has used the system to catch people
who have stolen credit cards and bought prepaid cards so they "couldn't be tracked". Not every state/county has this capability but alot do. No disrespect intended.


Well-Known Member
Hey if its packed a little tight you should try adding perlite instead of vermiculite.
Thanks for that heads up. I bought a huge bag of verm years ago and am just trying to use it up. I am going to get a similar bag of perl soon.


Well-Known Member
Home Depot sells SuperSoil brand (half the price of even the cheap MG). My friend used it with great results, though he was giving nutes within a month. The soil itself seems to be flaky and did not compact (this is what you want) so the root structure was great! The soil itself was not very hot, so be ready to supplement throughout your grow.

I am using Greenall Potting Soil (cheap and available where I am at) mixed with some vermiculite here and it seems to be fine. It packs a little tight for my liking, even with the verm but it is very affordable. I am inside of 30 days since germing, no need for nutes yet.
Avoid SuperSoil, there is so much wood in there you'll spend more time keeping your plant from getting nitrogen deficient.


Well-Known Member
I've used glass marbles as a substrate in SWC systems. Road gravel should work if it's clean, sterilized, and not actual tar asphalt but real stone aggregate.


Well-Known Member
:?dude I told you ive been doin it for years so save your long paragraphs... your facts dont apply to me. I do this so like kanye says YOU CANT TELL ME NOTHIN...HAHA!!! no direspect. thats for mr. caracal...my reality tumbles your facts buddy...and like I said before im not steppin on your toes why are you on mines:?