my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow


Active Member
No idea.. while I was working on the box I took out the temp gauge.. Just put it back in, I went ahead and started 18/6 last night and when I checked them this morning.. they have all really straightened up. I just compare them to the pic I took yesterday and wow. I just reached the 2 week mark today, when should I start to think about lst or nutes? and any suggestions on what nutes to work with? Maybe Fox Farm has something.

edit request: I think this thread would be better moved to the Grow Log section.


New Member
nutes i would wait till either u have 3-4 alternating nodes. or about a month or so. b careful bout how much u use to...i made a 1/4 strength solution. and i still ended up giving my oldest plant nute be careful. use less than ud think and if u need to add more add more lol. but on brand names i dn...i just use normal nutes from home depot. i didnt get any organic nutes or anything nice...but i hear fox farm is good all if i ordered any it would prob b from them.

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Active Member
Ok I went through the stressful task of transplanting the babies to 3 gal pots and not a moment to soon. When I cut the bottoms of the cups they were covered in roots( see pic 1). The temp in the box with the lights on is at a steady 82 degrees not sure what its at with the lights off. But here they are transplanted and under the lights. ( pic2)



New Member
Ok I went through the stressful task of transplanting the babies to 3 gal pots and not a moment to soon. When I cut the bottoms of the cups they were covered in roots( see pic 1). The temp in the box with the lights on is at a steady 82 degrees not sure what its at with the lights off. But here they are transplanted and under the lights. ( pic2)

ya exactly thats what was happening with mine...thats why i said when u think u need too u most likely do...cus i thought i was good to wait longer to but i went ahead and did it....and mine looked just like u will see them take off a good bit in the next couple days im oldest plant grew prob 3-4 inches in the next couple days after transplanting it....while the other 3 prob grew 1-2 cus they are a bit younger....but ya looks good man hope they keep going. Keep me upd8ed


Active Member
Ok so I just checked the babies, they have all perked back up, the shock didn't last or look as bad as I thought it would. Even in the new pots I have them around 5-6" from the lights. Is this still good or should I start moving them further away? I checked last night after the lights had been out for about 3 hours and the temp was about 69 degrees. Just checked it and the lights are about 82 degrees so I'm holding pretty strong for now.

One thing I noticed in a few cfl grow logs is the placement of white paper plates under the pants I assume as a reflector, is this something to help with flowering and get lights up under the plant or could this be practiced in veg to?

I know I have about 2' of grow height. which would be the better method lst or scrog and whens a good time to start? I've read the faq on how to do them just not sure when to start.


New Member
id prob move those lights down just a tad...or leave them where they are....dont go any farther away at this biggest plant is bout a foot tall and iv jus recently moved the lights up a tad but id say they are equally as close as urs. granted i use y splitters so 1 bulb is close and 1 is sorta farther because of how i hung the i kinda get light on the sides as well as on top....On the white paper thing....White flat white is supposed to work as reflective material and is apparently just as good if not better than mylar. And yes u could use this now. i dont tho. because i dn how id get it under my plants without having to cut out something to fit on top of my soil in the pot. as long as u have reflective material around it on the sides. it helps but regardless putting it under ur plants could prob make a good difference too.. that way light is reflecting up on the bottom of the leaves. do u have enough room for scrog? doesnt scrog mean u have enough plants all started a couple weeks a part so that u can continuously have crop every 2 weeks or so? And im not really sure exactly what LST is but i think its where u tie the plants down so that u can get better light all over the plant or does LST mean ur gonna take clones, root them and then immediately put them into flowering?


New Member
nevermind on the scrog thing i just looked it up...are u talking about the netting or wire mesh type thing where u clip the whole bottom of the plant off and just grow the main can bud? and i cant figure out what LST is


Active Member
LST is where you tie them down to get more colas and better light. Which is what I'm going with after doing more reading about the two. I also did a lot of reading about organic nutes and found that Fox Farm Big Bloom is one of the best. I'm going to wait for another week or so before I start the nutes and start the lst when I get the 3rd node fully showing. Your right about the lights I'm going to keep them as is to promote some more stretching they just seem really short. I went ahead and placed plates under them now while its easy. I've been keeping a very close eye on the temps the high was about 81.2 f and the low with lights off was 69 f.


New Member
LST sounds good. i hear it does really good from what iv read. good call on the fox farm i really wanna get some of that stuff. and good call with the lights. u deff want them to stretch alil bit. so they grow taller..lemme know how the plate thing works out. and those temps seem to be good about the same as me...cept during the day my temps stay around 78 because i have a fan right at the door to my closet to blow cold in from my room in there but i think ull b fine with a high of 82. during the summer u would think plants would b in that kinda condition naturally. keep me updated sounds good so far tho


Active Member
Ok just got back from a weekend vacation and wow.. They really jumped up. They all have 3 sprouts I'm thinking come Wednesday I'm going to switch the lights and start flowering. Any one have any tips on when to start nutes? After some reading on the organic nutes I'm going with Fox Farm Big Bloom. So anyway here are the babies in no real order.



Active Member
Ok so I keep seeing this alternating nodes sites and I've been doing quiet a bit of reading in my free time and I've noticed that my plants aren't growing upwards as much as others at this stage of growth (only comparing to other cfl grows) I'm starting to wonder do I need more lights more distance from the plant to the lights? Maybe I'm just be way to critical on my grow and I need to just let them do there thing. bongsmilie How ever when I opened the door to the room this morning I was hit by a nice skunky smell. That wasn't there the other day.


New Member
ya i mean thats what i was saying when i was talking about finding that happy medium between to far and to close to the plants....people put them pretty close but in my opinion they dont grow up enuf my 2 youngest plants have had the lights about 4-5 inches away from them. and they are growing very tall and quickly and i think they are actually doing better than my other plants that i started with the lights so close...i mean being critical is usually not a bad thing...because u learn what works and wat doesnt and IMO its the best way to learn. because u can read all u want...i did the same thing..all that info helps keep u watching for what other people have experienced...but the only way iv learned is doing shit wrong and figuring out how to fix the continue to b critical. i think that the more time if spent trying to figure out how to better the setup, the better my plants have still trying to get used to how much to water and keeping the water i use correct for the plants.
but ya i think when people say to keep the lights 1-2 inches from the foiler, they arent completely right about that...i think thats important l8 in the plants life...but early u want it to grow up and not grow so play with ur lights move them up for a day and see how it goes and then if u feel like its to far move them a tad closer..and see how it goes...ya they should start to stink alil mine finally do lol.


Active Member
Great thanks for the tip SyN.. Tomorrow when the lights come back on I'm going to move them down a little give them maybe 4-5" instead of the 2-3" I got now. They just seem so short and bushy which I guess for having a small cab might not be all that bad but its hard to see the nodes and what not. I just looked about 20min ago and I can see 3 for sure nodes on all but 2 of them. And yeah your both right I need to wait a few more weeks.. just hard to do when i know what it could produce lol. Thanks for the compliment Drox hopefully they turn out.


New Member
ya man i hear ya...i had that same problem everyone was telling me that i could give them nutes and i was like how can yall tell the nodes were so close together and tightly packed with leaves cus my lights were to close to the u got the idea let its roll lol