What's the most popular social issue on RIU?

What is your biggest issue? (Med MJ excluded)

  • Taxes

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Universal Healthcare/Private Healthcare

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Global Warming/Climate Change

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Gov't Spending/Debt

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Education Costs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Illegal Immigration/Amnesty

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Gay Rights/Gay Marriage

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Pro Choice/Pro Life

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Racism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "War on Terror"/War in Afghanistan/Troop Withdrawals

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters


stays relevant.
I might come off as biased because my brothers in law are gay, but I think the whole gay marriage ban is ridiculous... There was a time when interracial couples could not get married, and this is 2009-- how can we vote to get rid of rights for certain people?

Honestly, most of the gay and lesbian people I know are more suitable to raise children and be wed than most of the straight people I know.

Seriously though, it's 2009 - and this is racism, except it's not against blacks or hispanics, it's against the sexuality some people don't approve of.

How is it fair to vote on the rights of a person who you don't even know? Makes me sick. :roll:


New Member
I say health care, its bad in the states and it needs to be fixed.

The real problem is fat/ignorant conservative people who want money and don't want to pay taxes but can't really do anything, besides instill hatred in the productive and constructive minority here in America. They have their right to be fat and ignorant, and we should have our right to extricate them from this world based on the fact that they degrade society and the human race in general. Ironically these people are too fat and stupid to keep in good health, so they make this problem even worse at the same time.


New Member
I might come off as biased because my brothers in law are gay, but I think the whole gay marriage ban is ridiculous... There was a time when interracial couples could not get married, and this is 2009-- how can we vote to get rid of rights for certain people?

Honestly, most of the gay and lesbian people I know are more suitable to raise children and be wed than most of the straight people I know.

Seriously though, it's 2009 - and this is racism, except it's not against blacks or hispanics, it's against the sexuality some people don't approve of.

How is it fair to vote on the rights of a person who you don't even know? Makes me sick. :roll:

I agree with you man, except I think for them to have accepted that last proposition would have been bad for the reputation of gays.
Equating gays being married with blacks being married would require confirming that blacks don't deserve to be married explicitly in the bible, thus demanding rule in favor of racism and racist interpretation.
It was bad logic, and I think most gays would agree that that proposition was in vain, and more to escalate the issue than to actually achieve the legalisation.


Well-Known Member
You mean the Fat Lazy conservatives who don't want their private property stolen from them by force
and given to the greedy lazy overeducated unemployable Liberal slugs who outnumber them.
"we should have our right to extricate them from this world based on the fact that they degrade society and the human race in general" dbo24242 said.
How progressive of you.

Maybe we don't think the government is qualified to run medical care.
Maybe we don't want to be involved with your schemes.
Maybe we live in a republic of laws where our oppinions still matter.
Maybe we are already 60 trillion in the hole with future obligations.
If you want socialism fine put down the guns and ask us to join
and kindly leave us alone when some of us refuse.
I don't care if you want socialism go for it, just don't force me to be part of it.

As far as Gays go I honestly don't care what they do.
I knew a lezbo where I used to work and we talked about it
I must say it doesn't seem fair.
Why is government involved in marrage anyway,
riddle me that batman.

I've even heard that if we let men marry eachother it opens the door to
men marrying animals and all kinds of other wild nonsence, please.
I suppose if you can get the donkey to say "I Do" go with it, I guess.


New Member
I say health care, its bad in the states and it needs to be fixed.

The real problem is fat/ignorant conservative people who want money and don't want to pay taxes but can't really do anything, besides instill hatred in the productive and constructive minority here in America. They have their right to be fat and ignorant, and we should have our right to extricate them from this world based on the fact that they degrade society and the human race in general. Ironically these people are too fat and stupid to keep in good health, so they make this problem even worse at the same time.
Uhhh ... your name wouldn't just happen to be Adolph, would it?



Well-Known Member
Strange, I don't see legalization on there, and that is a social issue, and probably the one that most people here would view as the most important.


New Member
Uhhh ... your name wouldn't just happen to be Adolph, would it?


yeah I wasn't really serious. seems pompous to take it as such XD

ilkhan said:
You mean the Fat Lazy conservatives who don't want their private property stolen from them by force
and given to the greedy lazy overeducated unemployable Liberal slugs who outnumber them.
bro, yes that is exactly what I mean. Allocate the resources to the people who actually contribute. Fat lazy people buy fat and lazy food and make fat lazy waste. Overeducated people hopefully understand the other issues and at least make an effort to reduce their footprints. I would so much rather see $300 spent on solar panels than on cheeze its and shotgun shells.


Well-Known Member
I would so much rather see $300 spent on solar panels than on cheeze its and shotgun shells.
And I would say its their $300 they worked for it, if they want cheeze-its and shot gun shells great.
Someone is getting payed to make cheeze-its and shotgun shells.

"Allocate the resources to the people who actually contribute"
But they arn't your resources. They belong to someone else.
You want to steal it because in your view your more qualified to spend their money.
Why not ask your liberal buddies to give to whatever cause gets you moist and let people be free.

People always say Conservatives pass judgments on others
But Liberal Progressives are every bit as bad, IMO.


New Member
But Liberal Progressives are every bit as bad, IMO.
man you're hella brainwashed. what a typical anti-liberal perspective you have, but thats all it is. its like pedaling backwards to your destination. or like satanism and how its pathetic because it needs christianity to survive.

you say it all by saying the people you criticize are just as bad as you.

its funny you think I'm liberal when I say if you live in a country you belong to that country and your possessions belong to that country. if you leave you may take them with you but the fact remains that your bills say Federal Reserve Bank as in guess who makes them worth the bread you buy, so next time you think all your stuff is yours and only yours think about the fact that you aren't alone on this planet.


Well-Known Member
man you're hella brainwashed. what a typical anti-liberal perspective you have, but thats all it is. its like pedaling backwards to your destination. or like satanism and how its pathetic because it needs christianity to survive.

you say it all by saying the people you criticize are just as bad as you.

its funny you think I'm liberal when I say if you live in a country you belong to that country and your possessions belong to that country. if you leave you may take them with you but the fact remains that your bills say Federal Reserve Bank as in guess who makes them worth the bread you buy, so next time you think all your stuff is yours and only yours think about the fact that you aren't alone on this planet.

Well by your logic, assuming I read what you posted above correctly. Everyone are nothing more than a bunch of slaves who should be happy with their chains that tie them to their countries.

Is that right?


Well-Known Member
"I say if you live in a country you belong to that country and your possessions belong to that country."
You think / know and accept that you are owned by the state?
OMG, that is exactly my problem with you brain damaged people.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Morons, I've got morons on my team.

Seriously, We don't get anything from the government.
We give our power to the Government.
I for one am wondering why at this point.

"all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

That must be why.