Real or Myth? (early flowering)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Real or Myth -

Shining a flashlight on outdoor plants for a few minutes in the middle of the night will stop them from flowering early and revert them back to vegging?

If that is true will doing this stunt their growth?


From what I understand, this is true for indoor growing. For outdoor, I would think it'd be the same. When Fall hits the days get shorter which tells them to start flowering. If any light hits them during this flowering cycle, they revert back to vegetative growth. As far as stunting the growth, this should not a problem since they did all their important growing during their vegetative cycle. During flowering, their growth really slows down so that should not really be a major factor. But to answer your question, yes the plants will go back into vegetative mode.


Well-Known Member
u would need to do it alot to get it to revert....indoors it takes 2 weeks of veg light till they stop flowering and revert to veg


Well-Known Member
it could cause it to hermi though if u do it too much
also....flowering is when most important growth happens. it also doesnt slow down when its flowering....2/3 of your plants growth will happen during flowering


Well-Known Member
why doesnt moonlight hermie mj?
Moonlight isn't usually strong enough to register as light to them. You'd be surprised how close light has to be on them sometimes for it to register but you should NEVER EVER try to take advantage of this. Hermies aren't worth whatever you are wanting to try~


Well-Known Member
a weak ass porch light for a few hours at night when its close enough to the plant and turned on when it gets dark is enough to stop a plant from flowering but i dont know about a flash light lol


Well-Known Member
If you're out there just checking things out occasionally, I think you'll be ok..but its not a good idea to flag ur grow by walking around at night with a light on.


Well-Known Member
I've done this many times using large CFLs on a timer in my greenhouses.

To avoid stress, I start the extra light before sunset, and set it to go off, once the 14 hour day length is achieved.

Sometimes I set it for morning hours, starting the light about 3AM.

I never had a problem with just setting the timer for 15 minutes, a couple hours after dark to achieve the same effect(continued vegging, or reverting to veg).

I started the continuous light when another grower mentioned a plant that had hermied under the second method.

Better safe than sorry.

I should mention that a timer is critical for good results.


Well-Known Member
what if you just use a colored light like red or orange? the wavelength of the light would be similar to the spectrum of flowering so reveg could be avoided. Im assuming flashlights hinder plants due to white light containing all spectrums.


Well-Known Member
what if you just use a colored light like red or orange? the wavelength of the light would be similar to the spectrum of flowering so reveg could be avoided. Im assuming flashlights hinder plants due to white light containing all spectrums.
Use a green light when ever you want to work around your girls during their dark period, it has no effect on them whatsoever.