

Active Member
ok its been weird... I see a fucking cop car outside my like every day.. Whats this mean? I heard they can get like a special warrant that allows them to place a camera on my property? Scary shit..
ur probably being paranoid. last year i was staying in a rented house, and every evening a cop car would pull in to the estate, but theyd just drive around, not stop. wed always be paranoid that they were loking at us. but nothing ever came of it.
did it just show up out of now where or always seen i i have 3 cops within 2 blocks of my house and they always drop by their house in their cop cars everyday i dont ever sweat it
Do you have neighbors close to you?? The couple across my street is a bit on the trashy side, and there are always cop cars parked in front of my house.. If they're just sitting in the car though, and you can't figure a purpose, then I dunno, but at the very least mind your trash and curtilage areas..
I would just lay low, or ask them what the hell they are parking infront of your house for, because they have to have a warrant to come in, so just stay on the DL, no traffic and you should be good.
No don't approach them, that requires speaking to them.. Its fucking stickied..
I would have been cleaned a long time ago, as soon as I realized they weren't there on other business, and scurrying off is not a good sign..
buy a remote control car from a store in another town - or preferably a garage sale

do not touch it even once with unprotected fingers

plant the car someplace behind where they park
once they arrive, drive the little car up to theirs so the spike strip is positioned correctly
when they drive off, pop flat tire - lol