Candles for CO2...


Well-Known Member
I know there is a big risk of fire with candles but say we were to develop some type of failsafe system so we could use candles as a type of CO2 supplement.....

How much CO2 would I get from say 2 nice sized candles in a 5X3 closet?


Well-Known Member
You're not producing Co2 with candles! hahaha

CO (Carbon Monoxide) is produced with fire that emits a YELLOW flame. Such as your candle...

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is produced with fire that emits a blue flame. Such as a propane stove, propane lantern, or burning natural gas.


This has been the most common method of CO2 enrichment for many years. A number of commercial growers and greenhouses use it in their larger structures. The most common fuels are propane, butane, alcohol and natural gas. Any of these fuels that burn with a blue, white or colorless flame will produce carbon dioxide, which is beneficial. If a red, orange or yellow flame is present, carbon monoxide is being generated due to incomplete combustion. Carbon monoxide is deadly to both plants and people in any but the smallest quantities. Fuels containing sulfur or sulfur compounds should not be used, as they produce by-products which are harmful."

So.... you're lucky your plants are still alive.... now blow that candle out. (did you make a wish?)


Well-Known Member
lol i dont have candles in my grow room i was just curious... lol im wasted right now, but ill be honest i didnt know about candles produceing CO instead of CO2.... lol my bad


Well-Known Member
I seriously might take the propane torch i have and put it on a the least flame it can produce and run that 24/7 3-4 days a week. .... I hope i dont burn down my house lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah an open flame is just asking for trouble. Burning down a house from a grow op gives all growers a bad rap. Get a proper CO2 burner! You can find used ones on craigslist cheap so why risk it especially if you are one to get medicated before caring for your plants.


Well-Known Member
I seriously might take the propane torch i have and put it on a the least flame it can produce and run that 24/7 3-4 days a week. .... I hope i dont burn down my house lol

Won't make any plants grow any bigger, just makes it dangerous. A small burning propane torch just aint gonna put out the right amount of CO2, and during lights out its totally wasted since plants can only use CO2 while lights are on.

Get a big CO2 bottle or rent one and use that instead. Burning propane is asking to get your house burnt down, and your grow exposed.


Well-Known Member
Under lighted conditions plants use Co2 and give off Oxygen. When the plant is in the dark the process reverses with the plant cosnuming oxygen and giving off Co2. Thats why the Co2 content of ambient outdoor air is higher at night than in the daytime. In an ideal world with an indoor grow it should be good to run the lights at night and keep them off during the day as much as possible. Hard to do with an 18/6 grow cycle of course, but a person can get fairly close on a 12/12 flower cycle..if you can avoid light pollution. I flower near an open window to keep grow area cool and can't afford to have a bright light shining out of it all night. Now in the cooler times of the year I can close and cover the window while still keeping the heat level in an acceptable range while running the lights at night. I can't afford and do not desire to have to run an AC on it all summer. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I was drunk as a skunk last night and was flowing with good (bad) ideas lol. .... Im thinking the smart thing for my grow is to get a bottle with a reg.

Thanks for putting up with my stupidity lol