5 of the best mindblowing strains, Day 1... LOTS OF PICS!! Daily Updates.


Well-Known Member
damn bro i wonder how many people have that jet turbine looking fan, and use it for growing. i have it and ive seen a ton of people have it. ive seen it in alot of grow journals too lol. looks great bro so how many plants do u have under that 400watt now?
Do you mean the inline fan? It does well if thats what your talking about. I have 10 plants, started with 12. 2 looked mutant like so I discarded them, and have 10 remaining. I plan to only flower 6, and I will discard all hermies of course and then if theres more than 6 females, I'll pick the best ones for flower. I wish 10 could fit in this tent, but without more lighting and more space I don't think I can. Next grow I'll have a 600 watt light for flower and the 400 in the tent for veg..


Well-Known Member
Some more pictures of each individual plant. The largest one is 11 days ahead of the rest being 29 days old.



Well-Known Member
Anyone agree the first photo the plant looks unhappy? Maybe heat stressed? Which would be weird because its constantly 77 degrees in there? Maybe circulation is bad?? Or maybe its fine?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking good man i see no problems ........ everything looks green and healthy ........... Its going to be fun watching from this point to harvest ........ buds start forming and get bigger and bigger tell the end .
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Well-Known Member
Looking good man i see no problems ........ everything looks green and healthy ........... Its going to be fun watching from this point to harvest ........ buds start forming and get bigger and bigger tell the end .
Thanks for the input!! Can't wait till flower!!! :shock::shock::shock:


Well-Known Member
So after reading many threads and posts, I decided it was time to change the configuration of my fan and filter. Before I had ducting from the filter to the fan which was wasting the cfms. So now I have the fan directly to the filter and ducting is ran out the tent pointing out the room. I can't and won't cut holes in walls or ceilings, although there is an attic directly above, I'm still thinking about it though, I'm renting. Anyway I decided to snap some pics of the filter and a shot of the plants, they're really starting to get big! Flowering on the 3rd!:rolleyes:


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey bro :) very interested in your strains.....especially the fuckin' incredible...I noticed alot of your questions went unanswered :( .... your grow looks good bro! you might wanna space out the plants a little, give them some room to stretch sideways.....unless you going for a sea of green...I'll be following though bro...good luck and nice journal!!! alohas
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Well-Known Member
Scribed. Good start man. Everything looks good on the plants. I have to admit, I cringed a little when I saw that you cut a hole for the vent fan, lol. Getting the job done tho. Rep+

HPS pics are tough. A tip to take better photos is to take them w/flash just after lights off. That way the color is right.


Well-Known Member
Scribed. Good start man. Everything looks good on the plants. I have to admit, I cringed a little when I saw that you cut a hole for the vent fan, lol. Getting the job done tho. Rep+

HPS pics are tough. A tip to take better photos is to take them w/flash just after lights off. That way the color is right.
Actually I didn't cut a hole for the vent fan, I acutally just have ducting blowing out the the tent pointing out the room. I'm not too good at drywall and I've seen amazing results without..This is my first grow.... I must say that the air blowing out the duct doesn't smell like in the tent. Works well.. I actually went and bought a reducer for the fan to hook up properly to the carbon filter and instantly made everything better (temps, SMELL). I did this an hour ago and what a idiot I feel. Its a learning process and sense I can't vent to the real world here I am to you rollitup, for my safety, thank you for someone I can talk to... +REP Myself :)


Well-Known Member
Heres photos with lights off. I'm surprised my camera took photos in pitch black, although I couldn't see where I was pointing it, heres the best I could do... They stink so good INSIDE the tent... outside nothing at all!!! Relieving, because at first you smelled them when you hit the door. Its because I'm a idiot and didn't have a reducer on the fan to filter.. Anyway heres the photos...



Well-Known Member
So the photos above are 4 days into flowering, its safe to say when the light comes back on (days 5) I should be able to determine the sex of some, right? I do know one of the plants the oldest is got some kind of downward pointing calyx development which I've read is good? I'll get better photos of closeup to the nodes tomorrow. I'm going to be examining tonight when lights on.. I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas!! :lol::lol::lol::mrgreen:

Also, when discarding male plants, what do you do with them? I can't just throw it in the dumpster, right? How do I destroy it?:confused:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I would put them in a paper bag and let them die off in there....then I would take that paper bag and dump it at the local mall ....in one of the trash cans at the food court or something......well, I wouldn't do that but just a random thought ;)


Well-Known Member
I would put them in a paper bag and let them die off in there....then I would take that paper bag and dump it at the local mall ....in one of the trash cans at the food court or something......well, I wouldn't do that but just a random thought ;)
Heh, will do, not like fingerprints are carried on plants... or are they? Fuck it when the time comes, brown paper bag, then into a black trash bag, or perhaps plant them in the wilderness when I go camping next? I hate executing something I've cared for and spent so much effort and time into.


Well-Known Member
chop up the males put them in a plastic bag, tie the bag and throw it in your trash can. dont worry about anything i discard plants all the time, as long as you cover them with a trash bag or something ur fine, dont just throw it out without it covered though.


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, but I've never seen anything like this? 9 Fingers???
yeah dude 9 is normal. Ive had more than 9 before. It depends on the strain.
Everything is looking great bro. I am also using a 400 watt and Fox Farm soil, so I like to compare mine with other journals...
Good luck bro, happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
That seems a bit excessive? I was told 10 on 10 off by the guy who sold me the equipment. What are advantages of having it ran 24/0? I think when I switch my light over to 12/12 in 6-8wks i'll leave it 24/0, until then it doesn't seem to be efficient to be on all the time. What does everyone else do? My fan isn't the quietest!! Its loud and pumps a lot of wattage. Anyone?
I see you got this answered. 24 is fine. :clap:

I also exhaust (as seen in photo above) into the room, I haven't ran a duct from the exhaust out the room. There's a window in the room, and I open it often (refresh natural co2). It rarely gets warmer than 80 degrees where I live so heat isn't a problem. Especially because I'm running only a 400 watt light. Does anyone think it is vital to duct my exhaust outside the room? I know it would be ideal for best results but I also don't want to be blowing stinky tent smells out the house. Comments?
Your setup should work as long as you can keep the exhaust from being sucked right back in the tent. A couple ft of duct to push the air away should do.

Don't worry about the low RH here. The biggest problem with low humidity is it causes the temp to rise. As long as your temp is good so are you. :leaf:

So the photos above are 4 days into flowering, its safe to say when the light comes back on (days 5) I should be able to determine the sex of some, right? I do know one of the plants the oldest is got some kind of downward pointing calyx development which I've read is good? I'll get better photos of closeup to the nodes tomorrow. I'm going to be examining tonight when lights on.. I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas!! :lol::lol::lol::mrgreen:

Also, when discarding male plants, what do you do with them? I can't just throw it in the dumpster, right? How do I destroy it?:confused:
They were a little young for flower so it may take a few days to show sex. I like to wait until they show preflower before switching to 12/12. Patience :weed::weed:

You have plenty of space for whatever you wanna do, bro. I'm CO legal, and am happy to help new growers any way i can. :fire:

I'll be around, man. Colorado proud.
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Well-Known Member
I killed one. :-( Britney was tuckin nuts. Its like killing a unicorn, didn't feel too good about it... And I think my hash plant is a hermie? Looks like female pistols but it appears its also forming sac's, I'm hoping when lights on tonight I should be able to determine for sure. Its too bad my prettiest of the crop are males. I knew those Hulk looking fuckers were going to turn into males. But hey it is what it is I have 9 remaining. The photo of the topped one is da purps and it's showing flowers already and looks amazing. Comment comment!?!!?!?

fucking incredible...mmmm showing flowers

My topped purps... penelope so fine.
