:(((( What is going on ?

Despised Icon

Active Member
looks like your ladies might be poop out of luck, but what you should do is get some better soil like the guy above said, what are you useing? did you nut them? did you burn them with the light being to close? What kind of soil are you using?

Fallen Buckshot

forget to water ? bad ph ? light too close? could be a number of things

Despised Icon

Active Member
also if those are pong cups, you should transplant those into something alot bigger maybe that might be a reason as well of why there dieing. you might have to start over but i'm not to sure don't quote me on that.

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Tell us more info.
What soil, did you use fertilizers, lights, temp.
You are really off to a bad start, we can help with more info.


Active Member
your shits dead man, i dont think theres any way to save that. like vande said your soil looks like shit, try and find something better or just buy some soil from the store. idk if thats what killed it though kinda looks like heat maybe?

Fallen Buckshot

eh i wouldnt toss em yet they still have leaves and roots they can be saved id transplant em and give them some GOOD water

Despised Icon

Active Member
if what i read above with you saying you use fox farm happy frog well i haven't used that soil but i do use fox farm ocean forest and some perlite and i don't have to nut them for 3 months. and what everyone else is saying yes transplant them into maybe some fresh soil and larger pots and see what happends best of luck


Well-Known Member
lol start over those look pitiful (not meaning to be offensive but)

looks like it may be overwatered by tap water with chlorine still present in the liquids
they could be revived tho


Active Member
I'm using fox farms happy frog soil.

And i have five other plants that are completely fine in the same soil and conditions . They are outdoors in washington state. Its weirs . Out of the 15 seeds i got . 12 germed. 10 sprouted . And some how i am down to five plants now . Wtf. The ones that are alive thought though are doing great. Check out my grow !!!!

Let me know what you guys think. You can see my plants that are doing great in the same exact everything as the ones that all died.


But here is a picture of what the plant looked like 2 days before it started to look like shit out of no where

