Clipping During Flowering?


Active Member
I was curious to know what would happen if you topped an indica plant that was about 24" after ten days of flowering? would you get two buds to grow from the previous one like roses or would it be too late? what about the lateral branches and what about already topped plants (ones topped in the veg cycle)


Well-Known Member
hello,never a good idea to clip after flowering has started,always do all clipping and trimming during veg.clipping during flower adds alot of stress to the plant,and that stress will show up in the remaining flowers during a time you dont want anything but positive growth.hope it helped.


Well-Known Member
You can tie down the main cola for a couple weeks of flower will help all the secondary branches to reach for the light i do this and have had some success. I do this about 2-3 weeks into flower. I release after a couple of weeks. But I wouldnt clip them for the same reasons mentioned above


Well-Known Member
clipping only fucks up the plant in flower cycle..the above mentiond a type of LST that you should try if you want to increase your yeilds..


Active Member
You can tie down the main cola for a couple weeks of flower will help all the secondary branches to reach for the light i do this and have had some success. I do this about 2-3 weeks into flower. I release after a couple of weeks. But I wouldnt clip them for the same reasons mentioned above
How do you about tying it down?


Well-Known Member
Hi just adding my pence worth, never clip just bend or move, along with the shade leaves from the main bud sites to allow them some more sun
all the best to you


New Member
i grow a plant just to cut growing buds off of while im waiting for a grow to finish. never kills the plant, always regrows the bud i took within 2 weeks. ( i usually only take small ones and let large ones mature untill almost done before i wack-n-smoke). i dont hack on my crop but, it wont kill to pinch a bowl or 2 here and there.