What is going on !!!!!


ok i have no idea what is going on with this plant its about a month & 2 weeks old just doesnt look like its getting any where my leaves are starting to turn yellow i planted in scotts potting soil
its got nuets so dont know what prob is & all of a sudden i got this little sprout from no where , has any body ever seen this before..???? can any one tell me what is going on witht this plant . what does this mean ????




Well-Known Member
Are you adding extra nutes, or just relying on the ones in the soil? The soil nutes do run out eventually, and how long they last varies from one brand to another. Check the pack, which should say something like "feeds for xx weeks". Potting soil is generally quite lightly nuted anyway, so i suspect it is time to add your own nutes.

No clue abut the sprout though lol.


yea scotts potting soil pack said has 3 months of nutes but i think its time to replant all my plants into bigger pots!!!!!


Active Member
yea bud i wouldnt reommend using scotts. i myself never have but have heard its not fantastic for MaryJ. Im using Half Miracle grow and half EcoCompost. I dont Recommend using Miracle grow either its my first grow and should have look a little deeper into it. My next grow im going to be using Ocean forest Organic soil from fox farm. And about the yellow in the leaves you need (Potassium) k. Other then that there looking decent good luck


yeah dude you've got nute burn for sure. Scotts has a lot of nutes in it already, I'm currently experimenting with there organics choice but I'm adding a healthy helping of perlite and regular old black top soil to try to balance it out. you definately won't need to add nutes for a while, possibly through the whole grow.
What you need to do now is start a flush, meaning for the next couple of weeks go a little heavier on the water but make sure you have good drainage. punch more holes in your pot if you need to so you don't drown her.


Well-Known Member
That plant is little for a month old. I use to use scotts potting soil. Probably better for tomatoes or roses.


New Member
That soil looks SOAKED :spew:

the small side shoot growing besides the main plant is quite normal this has happened to me several times its just new growth emerging from the main stem and is nothing to worry about.
usually they die off or grow as a seperate shoot.