what is this and why is it there?


Well-Known Member
ok to start out i got a plant about 7 inches tall i fim`d it twice and now i got these growths coming out of it i started my plant out with a 75 watt uva light and it has a red glow to it so i switched it around when the 3rd node started growing and that when i fim`d it and now i have a daylight on it 65000k and its growing pretty slow and i transplanted it as well i was feeding it at a scale of 8-7-6 and it started growing the growths and my stem by the foliage is growing like a redish purple color and now i moved up with the food mixture of 24-8-16 and these thing got big and looks like leaves growing in between the stem and where the foliage was growing so what should i do to make my plant grow faster i was on a 24/0 light scale and still am at that scale and im still in vegetation i have the pics to along with it so any help to make my plant grow faster and please tell me what those are that are growing please and thanks alot



Well-Known Member
switch the light schedule to 18/6
plants grow roots in the dark.
under 24/7 plants grow very small roots
perhaps they havent caught up with the growth of the main canopy and leafs


Well-Known Member
so by switching the time will make the roots grow but what about the little leave looking thing between the stem and the leaf that is growing whats up with that you know ?


Well-Known Member
those are the branches..
that is the area you will be looking if you want to clone one day
as you notice these new shoots grow, you will see the leaves are no longer opposite like at the bottom of the plant
these "little leave looking thing between the stem" will grow alternately not across from eachother and these contain the fruiting spurs that bud grows on (if its a female);)

the alternate nodes also mean its ready to preflower
you'll see what I mean soon enough

if you treat it right one of those leave in between the stem could look like this one day: rollitup.org/marijuana-pics/images/137964/medium/1_2.JPG


Well-Known Member
so can you tell me what the gorwths are i put up a close up of it and by 18/6 it will grow better roots because i transplanted it today and it had my soil covered in roots but i also added new soil as well and i fed it to but by switching the time it wont go into flowering will it ? and when i keep the lights off the leaves go downwards until i put the lights back on but anymore info would be helpful and u think u could tell me what strain i have just by looking at the plant

18/6 is normal vegetative state
12/12 is flower mode
sometimes the leaves drooping means. its ready to go to sleep
either that or its over/under watered