PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST


Active Member
thanks redeye, i was really just fucking around trying to find out which top would work the best and fastest and easiest. really bending them isn't hard at all. especially whe you start so young. the most important thing i have learned is to be able to move the light around the plant so that the branches and buds that end up on the bottom side get some light too. it really keeps things compact but seems spacious at the same time.


Active Member
Just a thought here, as we seem to have a nice little bunch of 'mature' growers together here with similar interests why don't we move this over to vx's private small forum? That way we can run our threads here and also keep these ideas and suggestions flowing together elsewhere as I think this thteads going to be ending soon?

I'll get myself signed up today :-)

Outdoindo, nice grow, be good to watch it develop.


Well-Known Member
Hey Outdo
I won't shout about the temp/humidity. Sounds about right to me. I'm running around 40% and low 80's just now and the girls are most happy :)

Look forward to seeing a few of you on the private forum. I think it would be good to have all our knowledge and ideas in a single forum.


Active Member
dudes, i am loving the love!!! thanks y'all for not being jerks. it seems that whenever i explain that i'm trying to do things easy and cheap, some a-holes get mad for some reason and start talking shit? i am just trying to work with what i have, and that ain't a lot of $$$, time, or space right now. also i (we) only share these things to help others realize that you don't have to kill yourself doing this... it's really just a hobby for me. i'm not making a business out of it, nor am i trying for any particular quantity... i just like messing around, and these plants have special meaning to some of us. they are like part of the family. i have a regular vegetable and flower garden in my yard too. And guess what? i hardly waste any time out there either and my carrots are almost ready, it's been just two months! that's pretty fast for an outdoor garden in this heat. my outdoor temps have been crazy here, from 60 at 4am all the way to 100 by 4pm. Plus i get about 13.5-14 hours of sunlight in june-july. that makes for really slow flowering :(. so indoors is a lot faster.

Wow- i went off on a tangent, sorry to vent here VX: i really am totally impressed with the general intelligence/respect of this group! you've renwewed my faith in strangers!

BTW: what's the private link?
edit: got it sry...


Active Member
dudes, i am loving the love!!! thanks y'all for not being jerks. it seems that whenever i explain that i'm trying to do things easy and cheap, some a-holes get mad for some reason and start talking shit? i am just trying to work with what i have, and that ain't a lot of $$$, time, or space right now. also i (we) only share these things to help others realize that you don't have to kill yourself doing this... it's really just a hobby for me. i'm not making a business out of it, nor am i trying for any particular quantity... i just like messing around, and these plants have special meaning to some of us. they are like part of the family. i have a regular vegetable and flower garden in my yard too. And guess what? i hardly waste any time out there either and my carrots are almost ready, it's been just two months! that's pretty fast for an outdoor garden in this heat. my outdoor temps have been crazy here, from 60 at 4am all the way to 100 by 4pm. Plus i get about 13.5-14 hours of sunlight in june-july. that makes for really slow flowering :(. so indoors is a lot faster.
I know just what you mean Outdo..... we dont all want massive grows and pounds of weed! Like you I enjoy growing not just weed but all kinds of veg too :-) I get tired of being told by kids with a couple of grows under thier belts that my CFL's wont produce the goods etc when I know from long experience that they clearly can and do!



Active Member
Check it out:
Just 5 weeks total, from a seed, and presto! i only harvested the top cola, but still got a dry 1/8th. No nutes, no time, no anything!

Time to start my closed system now.



Active Member
i started it may 1st, finished smoking it yesterday ;) the 9th of june! and it was a very nice, heavy head, high. i split 1/2 with my friend. Share and share alike, and we both got baked for 2 days off it. IMO, well worth the 35 days and little hassle.


Well-Known Member
So basically you have harvested a 35 day old plant and rapid dried it. Surely that's the most basic noob error there is.
Hopefully nobody believes either that you got a dry 1/8th or that you got high off it.
Either way I'm mighty pissed that such a pathetic notion has been aired as a successful growing technique in my journal.
Please don't post in here again OutdoIndo.


Well-Known Member
I agree.. that's too bad. Had you spent another month on grow and dry, then cured for another month, it probably would have been the best smoke you ever had. I've had TINY tastes of every plant early, but you just don't yield it that soon. In fact, I had a nip of my citral and a bagseed yesterday - 34 and 39 days, respectively. Each did the trick a little, but in twice that time, plus dry, plus month cure, it'll be same kinda quality you'd get in the 'Dam. I'm sure of this because I'm slowly watching my Top44 cure and smell better every day. There's actually a taste to it, now, too. Earthy, but a little spicy to it.

THIS is the part you miss out on when you rush. Do you get 'high'? A little. Wait the time.. excercise some patience, do it the right way and you'd be a shitload higher. PLUS great smell and taste.


Well-Known Member
Cheers ER.
I think there's a world of difference between what you have done and Outdo's method. IIRC you vegged for 30 days before flowering and for the Top44 at least, 35 days is pretty close to finished anyway.
Root through pics of plants at 35 days, even LR#1 or 12/12 from seed grows and you will see just how pointless chopping would be.


Hello all,

v12xjs, I've been reading this thread with great interest of the last few days.

You've done a brilliant job mate!

Where did you get the plastic containers that you use? They are well handy. Would definitely go well in my pc g'room...they are perfect, as you have demonstrated, for lst.

Thanks mate and keep up the excellent work!!


Well-Known Member
Greets crimsol

Appreciate the nice feedback. The containers came from my local pound shop. The way you said 'well handy' makes me think there will be one near you :)
You are spot on. They make perfect pots for a pc grow and those lids are brilliant. As well as holding the hooks they really help with water retention. I haven't seen my plants for a week and they are in rude good health :)
The case is like taking candy from a baby so it's still doing the biz :)
If you want to read my latest ramblings check out the last link in my sig.

Just took a pic of Amber for posterity. She's geting harvested tomorrow but will be revegged, so instead of the usual execution she will be getting a new life in the country :)
There's only 2 plants in the pic but there are a couple of youngsters just out of shot.



Active Member
Hey, like i said at first, that grow was just a practice run. And you don't need to dry/cure an eighth of bud for more than a few days, I dried it over the a/c vent and ind an open paper bag. All flowers were trimmed from the main stem, so they got really crispy fast, no chlorophyll taste at all. Plus I did not want to w8, that was my point. I'm not drying pounds or ounces. The less weed, the less time it takes to dry out.

Anyway, I was just hurrying so I could set up the my new system. Check it out if u want: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/202324-cheap-growers-indoor-setup-outdoindo.html



Had a look in my local 99p shop. No joy. Thankfully, I managed to find the identical containers to yours in one of those shops that sell pretty much everything. Yours are the 1 litre ones aren't they? Did you bother drilling holes in the bottom of them?