Help!!! Major Dilema!!

Jay Tea In

ok so i came home last night and there with this notice on everybody's door that said the power will be off in my area on June 15th @ 11:00pm until June 16th @ 6:00am. the problem with this is my lights come on at 11:20pm and shut off @ 11:20am. do you think it will shocc the plant if it doesnt have light for that time, like could i just turn the light on once the power turns bacc on and try to get it bacc on the schedule or am i fuct?

feedbacc asap pleaseee


Active Member
I worry about the same thing happening, I don't really know, but I doubt the one day of damage will sustain enough effect to ruin the plant only one way to find out though.


Well-Known Member
Probably won't be fatal, but one idea that may help a little is to shift your cycle over the 3 days. Do a daily shift so your new dark cycle will hit on power off. Not sure if that helps over such a short time.


Well-Known Member
Its only going to be one day, it will be fine. Keep the same cycle, that will stun the plants. I had to turn my lights off for 6 hours for a home installation and they turned out just fine.


Well-Known Member
that's real good info, you never know when one of these 'going down' power service things will come around


Well-Known Member
They'll be fine.... Dark isn't a problem for days ...tell them its cloudy...
Its light when it should be dark thats the problem.. and not a flashbulb sort of thing.. a continuous light leak is where you get fucked. ...relax.. Luck.


Active Member
They'll be fine.... Dark isn't a problem for days ...tell them its cloudy...
Its light when it should be dark thats the problem.. and not a flashbulb sort of thing.. a continuous light leak is where you get fucked. ...relax.. Luck.'s just a cloudy day. No big deal at all - just be sure to follow advice on unplugging light...turn stuff on 1 thing at a time once power comes back so as not to overload circuit.
