switching flowering schedule.

Okay so question about the same subject: We had our weeks messed up. When we first grew our cutting clones we didn't start at week 0, we started at week 4. So we have our weeks messed up. We are in week 5, really, and we are starting to flower. What can we do? Our plants are only 15 inches. We have a 1000 watt light and our plants are about 2 feet away from the light.
At our TRUE week one we did 24 hrs of light for 2. weeks. Then at our TRUE week 3- week 4 we did 14 hrs of light and now at week 4-5(saw huge jump in height when we switched to 12/12) we have been doing 12/12. Our friend just told us that we had our weeks messed up, we thought we were at week 8, but we are really at week 5. Please tell us what we can do to increase yield at this point? Can we switch back to 18 without detrimental effects?


Well-Known Member
all those "us's" and "we's" sound really strange... are you sure you aren't the borg? haha!

sorry, i couldn't resist. i'm not sure what you are asking. do you want to switch back to 18/6 from 12/12? if so, how long have you been on 12/12? :peace:


Well-Known Member
all those "us's" and "we's" sound really strange... are you sure you aren't the borg? haha!

sorry, i couldn't resist. i'm not sure what you are asking. do you want to switch back to 18/6 from 12/12? if so, how long have you been on 12/12? :peace:
"The Royal We ...you know ...the editorial ..." ;)


Well-Known Member
Adding light to the schedule can be harmful. Subtracting light is what you want to do.
Just leave the lights off until the beginning of your first 6pm-6am schedule then kick on the schedule from there. You won't stress the plant at all.
Good luck! :mrgreen:
I just did this to 2 cycles with no problems, do it the way above :)

We is me and my fiancee doing this together as newbies. We have been on 12/12 now for close to four-five weeks. at transplant with 14-10 for 10 days. and begining for two weeks under flurescent for 24hours.

A few days ago moved 1000w lights down a little closer to plants about 18 inches.

Plants are flowering, seem a little short about 17 inches, good green leaves, but noticed this am tiny yellow tips on end of all leaves and a very few some yellow spotting on leaves.

Should we switch lighting schedule gradual to 13on 11 off, than 14-10. or just stay at 12/12 and see how it goes or maybe move lights away?

Just want to catch yellowing and treat before problem or maybe it is natural???
One more thing to add. Plants are nothern lights. Been told they are suppossed to be short yet bushy. Have a good deal of flowering on them.


Well-Known Member
phew, well i'm glad you're not the borg!

anyway, i would just stick to 12/12 for flowering. you don't need to do gradual shifts in your light schedule. imho, it doesn't seem to make any difference. :peace:


Well-Known Member
ahh thats find..i have done this a few times...you can change all at once..or go lights loff for like 24 hours..then pick it up when you want the lights on..or you can gentlely fad the light 4 hours a day into the other directing...ec..if your at 6 am on 6 pm off/.// then next time go 10 am on 10 pm off then keep doing that till your get your desired time..


Active Member
i recently made the choice to have my flower box run over night too. the temps have been too much and the summer has yet to really start.

anyways i thought i would throw in that running your lights between 11pm and 6am is off peak energy usage and costs half as much for electricity as during the day. it may vary depending on your provider but i'm under the impression that there's always some savings.
I quoted the wrong dude..meant to quote the guy who knows everything, sorry.
I have a white widow plant that is exactly 60 days old. I started a 12-12 flowering period last week and some of the roots turned black and a rotten egg smell developed. I cut out the black root and changed the hydroponic solution. How should I handle this plant for the near future? Thanks BBB