Bottom Leaves Dying.. Pics


Active Member
This is the bottom leaf set on my plant.. and its been suffering a lot.. Until the point it just fell off..

Im using 5x 23w CFLs
and Boom Booster 15-30-15 Fert.

Yes its small and there are reasons behind that ect ect..

Is anyone able to take a look at this pic and basically tell me what they think (The rest of the plant is okay.. its just the bottom leaves)



Junior Creatologist
I just took a second look at your pic enlarged. My original assumption looking at the leaf from afar was that your plant wasn't getting even enough light distribution. While i still think thats a possibility, if this were the case i think your leaves would be yellowed up a bit more than what they are. Leaves that dont get enough light yellow up almost completely before they start to shrivel up in most cases. But i wouldn't count that out, so get yourself either more bulbs, or if thats a problem right now for you, rearrange your bulbs so there's even light distribution.

The other problem it could be is nutrient burn. But i cant say for sure, because your not giving enough information for anyone to determine this for you. Include how old the plant is, wether or not your flowering yet, what medium, what method of growth, and reguardless of the type of nutrient your using, you need to give us the amount that you use per feeding. These things are critical in diagnosing a plant's problems, and if you dont have that information on hand, then its gonna be a bitch getting anybody to give you an accurate answer, as there are a ton of problems that can happen to a plant that look so similar to one another.

I'll have a look in my plant problems book, but i think that its either burn or lack of light, at least IMHO. There's a small possibility that it could be a deficiency, but you usually see this in alot more than just the bottom leaves, so i wouldn't be able to say. Lemme look in my boook and ill try and give you a better answer.

At any rate, get more light in there man. ESPECIALLY if your flowering. Those 5 little bulbs arent gonna be enough to give you a decent yield, n growing a plant for 3 months to get a small yield just doesnt seem worthwhile to me, unless its one of the rarest, dankiest strains on the face of the earth, lol.

Good luck man, i hope i helped :D



Junior Creatologist
Yeah, after looking at my book (which has been a life saver for me personally -- Marijuana Garden Saver: a guidebook for Healthy Plants by J.C Stitch), Im pretty convinced that this is nutrient burn. The way that the leaf has shriveled n crisped up, without yellowing hardly at all is a telltale sign. So i would again ask that you include some pics of the whole plant, along with the doseage of nutrients your giving it. Please try and include the rest of the information aswell, and im sure that somebody will be able to give you some great help, if im not able to come back n help out later.

Also, check out RIU's FAQ section. Read the entire thing, its a pretty comprehensive guide on how to grow cannabis. If there's a problem with your plant, the FAQ addresses it. It also has a bunch of great information on how to improve your plant during its life cycle in your garden. Even while using CFL's, you can still pull a great yield from your plant if you treat it right. Have you visited the forums' CFL growers section? it's full of people who grow with nothing but Compact Flourescents, and they all pull some absolutely amazing things off with those little bulbs man. In ALOT of cases, their yields rival even an HID growers yield. It's worth checkin out.

Hope i helped :D n if you can, PICK THAT BOOK UP!!!--well worth the 14 bucks, lol.


remember your name

Active Member
i know that the leaves on the bottom do die off and it is totally normal especially during flower, if its only a couple and at the bottom of plant then youre fine, otherwise maybe a tad bit nute burn but nothing to fuss over if its only the very bottom leaves


Junior Creatologist
i know that the leaves on the bottom do die off and it is totally normal especially during flower, if its only a couple and at the bottom of plant then youre fine, otherwise maybe a tad bit nute burn but nothing to fuss over if its only the very bottom leaves
While it is common to lose some leaves during the grow, you cant just tell somebody not to fuss over it. If the leaves are reacting a certain way and dying off, then there is a reason for it. It's not just something that up n happens to a plant. Those leaves give telltale signs of what is wrong with your plant. If your plant were perfectly healthy and getting enough light/nutes/care/love then you wouldn't lose ANY leaves at all. In alot of cases though with most grows that have multiple plants, losing leaves is unavoidable, due to the inability to get light to shine through a canopy that's 2 ft thick.

My point is, READ THE FAQ, especially if your going to give advice to people. Otherwise somebody might come along one day when your having plant problems and your plant is bent in half with no leaves on it, somebody is gonna come along and tell you not to worry, because its common for a plant to do this, n just keep doing what your doing and it'll be fine.

c'mon god damnit. :wall:

remember your name

Active Member
While it is common to lose some leaves during the grow, you cant just tell somebody not to fuss over it. If the leaves are reacting a certain way and dying off, then there is a reason for it. It's not just something that up n happens to a plant. Those leaves give telltale signs of what is wrong with your plant. If your plant were perfectly healthy and getting enough light/nutes/care/love then you wouldn't lose ANY leaves at all. In alot of cases though with most grows that have multiple plants, losing leaves is unavoidable, due to the inability to get light to shine through a canopy that's 2 ft thick.

My point is, READ THE FAQ, especially if your going to give advice to people. Otherwise somebody might come along one day when your having plant problems and your plant is bent in half with no leaves on it, somebody is gonna come along and tell you not to worry, because its common for a plant to do this, n just keep doing what your doing and it'll be fine.

c'mon god damnit. :wall:
That last half of what you said is just retarded.

remember your name

Active Member
No disrespect or anything I'm sure you know a million times more than I do and blah blah, all i was saying is that its normal to lose a COUPLE leaves and i wouldnt stress out about it, that much i know from experience. I'm not saying ignore your plant, obviously there is a problem that needs fixing i just wouldnt worry too much, marijuana is a strong hardy plant and can bounce back like nothing. Most people dont have enough time to read the FAQ that or they dont want to, they usually need an answer on the NOW or at least feel like they do. Anyway, you read too much into what i said and if people are so retarded as to keep a bent plant with no leaves haha...then they have far more severe problems than worrying about growing.


Active Member
The plant is 45 Days old.. Flowering 16 Days.. Im flowering very early because i havent had a successful plant and want some actual experience in growing before i start to have Multiple/Huge Plants.

Im using Mircale Grow Organic Soil.

5X 23w 2700k CFLs.

The only nutes i have used is Miracle Grow Bloom Booster 15-30-15.

I have 4 Lights on the Very top of the plant and 1 near the Middle / Bottom and i rotate the plant each 6 Hours so it gets even ammount of light/time with the lower light.

I really havent given it very much Nutes.. And previously i thought it was Unbalanced PH.. I havent been giving it water (Out of like a Large Bucket of 100% The same PH) Ive just been putting 1 Drop of Vinigar into each Cup when i water it..

I just started giving it water with 100% the same PH as previous waterings which is sitting at 6.8

Right now during flowering its just starting to grow its pistils.. I first saw signs of Female about 5 Days ago. If that helps.



Active Member
Yeah, after looking at my book (which has been a life saver for me personally -- Marijuana Garden Saver: a guidebook for Healthy Plants by J.C Stitch), Im pretty convinced that this is nutrient burn. The way that the leaf has shriveled n crisped up, without yellowing hardly at all is a telltale sign. So i would again ask that you include some pics of the whole plant, along with the doseage of nutrients your giving it. Please try and include the rest of the information aswell, and im sure that somebody will be able to give you some great help, if im not able to come back n help out later.

Also, check out RIU's FAQ section. Read the entire thing, its a pretty comprehensive guide on how to grow cannabis. If there's a problem with your plant, the FAQ addresses it. It also has a bunch of great information on how to improve your plant during its life cycle in your garden. Even while using CFL's, you can still pull a great yield from your plant if you treat it right. Have you visited the forums' CFL growers section? it's full of people who grow with nothing but Compact Flourescents, and they all pull some absolutely amazing things off with those little bulbs man. In ALOT of cases, their yields rival even an HID growers yield. It's worth checkin out.

Hope i helped :D n if you can, PICK THAT BOOK UP!!!--well worth the 14 bucks, lol.

The leaf had yellowed quite alot compared to the other leaves.. The leaves higher up and nice and green while the ones which are having the problem are almost completely yellow with almost no green.


Active Member
Meh, I also used to worry about every single leaf. Now it's like - ok your leaves are dying, poor you - just water with some fresh (rain) water and that cures it.


Active Member
Meh, I also used to worry about every single leaf. Now it's like - ok your leaves are dying, poor you - just water with some fresh (rain) water and that cures it.
Im not trying to freak out about something that could be minor.. But i Am trying to be aware of something that could be major..


Well-Known Member
Im not trying to freak out about something that could be minor.. But i Am trying to be aware of something that could be major..
The fertilizer you use is highly concentrated. You never did say how much you feed them. I would guess it's too much. Miracle Grow sucks. Get a real setup and "learn" to grow the right way or you won't learn anything but how to grow crap bud with not enough light and shitty soil. Not tryin to be a dick, just tellin you how it is.


Active Member
The fertilizer you use is highly concentrated. You never did say how much you feed them. I would guess it's too much. Miracle Grow sucks. Get a real setup and "learn" to grow the right way or you won't learn anything but how to grow crap bud with not enough light and shitty soil. Not tryin to be a dick, just tellin you how it is.
Well right now my money is very limited.. Plus i figured it would be best to get some Real experience with a cheap set up before i go out and spend 1000+ Dollars set everything up.. Then have Absoutly no idea what the hell im doing...


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking mostley lack of light. what flower nutes you going to use? other then being a little soon it's ok


Junior Creatologist
The fertilizer you use is highly concentrated. You never did say how much you feed them. I would guess it's too much. Miracle Grow sucks. Get a real setup and "learn" to grow the right way or you won't learn anything but how to grow crap bud with not enough light and shitty soil. Not tryin to be a dick, just tellin you how it is.

While MG might be a poor fert to use, its not absolutely horrible if you use it right. You can actually grow some pretty good bud with the stuff, and if you dont believe me, go search for some threads man. There are people that have been growing for years using MG, and produce some fuckin straight up Dank dude. No matter which way he decides to grow, hes still gonna learn something from it. If MG or similar are the only type of ferts you can get your hands on, you can most definitely make due with what you have, and turn out some unbelievable pot dude. Just follow a couple of grow journals from people who use the stuff, and you'll learn what you may or may not be doing wrong :D

Just tellin ya how it is ;)
