eating weed at a airport??


Well-Known Member
kk so i have some mango kush that needs to be smoked but i cant smoke it cause im been driven down by parents so i was wondering if i could eat about a gram with it mixed in sum pudding, would i get high? would it be just like eating canna butter?


New Member
just eat it it will fuck you up totally. or put 2 cups of water in a pot and get it boiling and make bud tea, or do it with boiling milk to get more fucked up, its called bhang and that is where we get our modern day word bongsmilieBONG.


Well-Known Member
so i ate about a gram nug at 415 my time and now its 717 and i dont feel a thing...what happend?
I would have boiled it like the above poster said. I've got no input though but it seems like that would of worked and got all those good chemicals we love into the water.


New Member
i would have ate more, boiled in weed, bhang, i have never tried, but since thc isn't water soluble nearly as much as milk is ( due to fat ) which is why thc stays in ur system so long. how did it taste?


New Member
i've smoked weed in many situations. if you had time to mix weed in to pudding and eat it, you had enough time to smoke out of a can, apple, etc.
i'd freebase weed on some foil if i had to.


Well-Known Member
What a waste... THC has low water solubility... oh well maybe it will give you a good colonic scrub.


you didn't get high because if eaten thc is only soluble if cooked in fat (like above poster said) such as any cooking oil,butter, peanutbutter ect. look in to making "firecrackers" i have also sprinkled weed on hot pizza and it did the trick surprisingly fast. i dont think weed tea w/ watter would work very well, but milk on the other hand has a good amount of fat in it so i bet it would work pretty good.


New Member
i had a qp of stems from dried tree and shook it for a while and brewed that in water. there was about a quarter of kief in the bottom, smoked a bunch... hotdamn. and made tea with water and got FUCKED up for like 5 hours off a liter. also made stem vodka.