What do you think!!!!(PICS)


Active Member
tell me what you all think,month in,also how much do you think they would yield if i started 12/12.Also do you think they need transplanted or they can finish in what they're in???


Well-Known Member
looking good bro!
you can leavem in those pots until you see roots out the bottom
or upward plant growth stops

you ever heard of people growin bud in 32 ounce cups??
don't know how they doit, but supposedly it can be done


Well-Known Member
i cant tell exactly how big those pots are but they seem to be about 3 gallons. how far along in the growth cycle are you- end of the 4th week in veg? what strains are they? more sativa than indica? these are all determining factors in deciding if they will need new pots. I have a budding Big Bang (indica) in a 3 gallon pot in its 2nd week of flowering and it seems like that will be fine for the rest of its growth. I also got an Arjans Ultra Haze 1 in its 2nd week of flowering and it is growing incredibly fast, about twice as tall as the 5 gallon bucket that its in- i will definatly need to repot it in a 20 gal.


Well-Known Member
ditch bags and get some 3 gallons or up.

20 gallon? damn.

i'm stuck with 3 gal. spacewise.
ya i know i grew my 1st Big Bang in the 20 gal and i dont think it even used that much space. but i guess a pure sativa is a different story. my AUH1 is over 2 ft. and hasnt even developed any buds yet. it usually grows just over an inch a day but in these last few days, its been growing 2 in./day.

Sorry to hear space is limiting you fellow grower, im sure you know the impact it has on your yield. the 5 gal is only a little wider than the 3 gal in circumference and im growing both of these in one half of my closet bc the other half is holding clothes and everything else. it seems it can snugly house 2 5gal buckets if i was to take away the 3 gal, or 1 20gal if i was to take away the 2 5gals. what are you growing it in my friend?


Active Member
this is actually my first grow,lol,three of them is in milk jugs,the other three is in two gallon pots,perlite and sphagnum peat moss 50/50,there doing really well,except for one,he had some spots but hes pulling through


Active Member
debating on flowering them because of the room to work with,and cant get any bigger pots........can you get a decent yield flowering with a metal halide???


Well-Known Member
there bagseed,dont know if sativa or indica,what do you think they would yield from there size?
guessing from the one thats growing in the green pot, if they were all the same i would say they are indica from the looks of it. im considering this is your first grow due to your rank and plainness of this question. if you just finished up the 4th week now and started to flower today, you may get about an oz/plant.


Well-Known Member
What do I think?

I think I want to tear my clothes off and run wild thru the streets while screaming out loud that I want to fuck a red fire hydrant :eyesmoke:

Otherwise they aint too bad :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
this is actually my first grow,lol,three of them is in milk jugs,the other three is in two gallon pots,perlite and sphagnum peat moss 50/50,there doing really well,except for one,he had some spots but hes pulling through
debating on flowering them because of the room to work with,and cant get any bigger pots........can you get a decent yield flowering with a metal halide???

glad to know i guessed right :blsmoke: Ill get to the spots in just a sec- you can get a great yield with metal halides as well. how many watts? if the room cant handle plants bigger than the ones you have now, what are you waiting for? flower those puppies so they will go through their swift growth and settle on a height already. waiting longer will just make them bigger.

ok im worried the spots may be due to a ph problem. you arent feeding them any nutes are you? if you are, flush them thoroughly and get something cheap like Earth Juice Bloom if you can and use it around the 2nd week of flowering i'd say.


Well-Known Member
wuts ur lighting set up a guess on yield this early is real scetchy but stating ur lighting might make it a tad easier..and since ur runnning random bagseed..and one or twoish is more sativa..u might have to bud those way longer...