Growing in Illinois

Does anybody have any experience with the laws in Illinois. I have read up on them here:

but I was just wondering about some personal experiences. Have you or someone you know been busted with a grow op in Illinois? If so, how big was the op? Busted for posession in Illinois. If so, how much?And so on.

Any information is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Damnnnn to bad no one has answered this . me to am wondering, because i live in IL.. the crappiest state ever fuck


Well-Known Member
if you got money your white and no prior's you will be ok probation
this is irresponsible.

what you need to do is check the statutes. there will be stiffer penalties probablly based on number of plants. and then you have to worry about federal law as well.


fuck yeah im in illinois and it is by no means the crappiest state ever whoever the fuck you are (not that I care cus you obviously suck) but hopefully the laws regarding growing will be easier after they ratify that medicinal bill just passed by the state senate. ILLINOIS = 4th state gone MEDICAL!


Well-Known Member
well i happen to believe that illinois is one of the worst states because of chicago liberal influence. but that is a different point. i love how people think that this med bill is gonna help the average stoner. funny they will let you have weed but want to take your guns which is protected specifically in the constitution unlike weed

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member
i am growing 7 plants in illinois,, i have absolutely nothing on my record... never been stopped or nothing... clean as a whistle... wat will happen if my grow gets busted???


Well-Known Member
well judgingby the norml chart you would be looking at one to three but you have a chance for special probation that if completed will remove it from your record.

like i said. you will want to verify with the statutes or codes. assuming norml is correct, you should really think about doing 5 plants or going up to 19


Well-Known Member
if you got money your white and no prior's you will be ok probation
this is irresponsible.

what you need to do is check the statutes. there will be stiffer penalties probablly based on number of plants. and then you have to worry about federal law as well.
Sadly bgmike Mr. cheef tomahawk is correct. The whole legal system in IL is fucked up. If you're white and have money you can just about get out of any crime. Illinois is just a fucked up state like that. Racism is very much alive up here, and IL isn't as progressive or liberal as the media makes it seem. Hell I was facing 2 misdemeanors and 1 felony, I was in a predominately black area (both at the site of arrest and court hearing) and I seriously got that shit dropped down to 3 months probation, no criminal record (if I didn't violate probation), and no fine....All because I paid up the ass for a good lawyer and got lucky enough to have a hearing in a ghetto area. Poor colored folk were getting crazy sentencing and fines before my hearing so to say the least I was freaking out.

To the OP no matter how you cut it if you are growing your are breaking the law. You are risking criminal punishment. It's a gamble, sometimes you can get off with a slap on the wrist other times you can get raped up the ass with a broken broom stick with glass shards in it. It all depends on the judge, the state's attorney on the case, and how good of a lawyer you have. Now if none of this sounds good to you then it's time to do a reality check and see if doing something illegal is right for you...I personally had my one scary ass legal encounter and I don't plan to have another one anytime soon; so I know try to fly straight like an arrow.


Well-Known Member
lmao if your black you can plead racism and if you hispanic like i am i dont know but i live in chi town and i grow and dude next door has his own biz people come and go as long as your quite and dont tell people and keep your stuff tight you would be all right


Well-Known Member
a joke? dont you know that liberals are always fucking with personal freedom? smoking weed is\should be a personal freedom. chicago sucks. that is why il is the mo st anti gun state in the union. not to mention all the corruption. im glad i left.


Well-Known Member
right on dude. so many people use that racism shit as a crutch. the court system does not give white people better treatment. if anything it comes down to how much money you have to hire a quality lawyer. the reason blacks represent a higher percentage of arrests is because they have more percentage of criminals. not to mention they have a lower average iq than whites.


Active Member
well i happen to believe that illinois is one of the worst states because of chicago liberal influence. but that is a different point. i love how people think that this med bill is gonna help the average stoner. funny they will let you have weed but want to take your guns which is protected specifically in the constitution unlike weed
Sorry I worry more about the right wing authoritarian DEA and law enforcement given untold freedom to destroy my life by your awesome politicians...I look at truth and history.


Does anybody have any experience with the laws in Illinois. I have read up on them here:

but I was just wondering about some personal experiences. Have you or someone you know been busted with a grow op in Illinois? If so, how big was the op? Busted for posession in Illinois. If so, how much?And so on.

Any information is greatly appreciated.

I had a perpetual crop going with 118 plants: 2 mother plants, 30 fresh cut clones, and the rest in flowering...picking 1 to 2 plants a week for self medication. I had a friend living with me and he moved out... sharing my very private information with some of his family members, well long story short his neice and her boyfriend whom I barely knew ratted on me to save themselves...I live in Granite City, IL..... The police show up and tell me I am cooking meth in my home and they are searching it....end of story. MEGSI and GCPD go straight to my grow room which is hid behind a false wall. Not searching anywhere else in my home. My wife and I were charged with manufacturing a controlled substance...Class 2 Felony......with the help of long time friend attourney we received 2 years probation for the charge.....What really helped us was , I was undergoing cancer treatment at the time of the bust. The size of my plants finished were around a foot tall, so combined weight of all plants was under a pound.