New Member
I mentioned before I thought it was silly that people get so excited about consuming around a pot-smoking sub-culture. I don't think a bunch of people smoking in public illegally and selling MJ illegally is cool. Sorry. I have the maturity that goes beyond frat house smokers. Actually, I've become more interested in cultivating than smoking, although I do still inhale. But growing and the business side of it I think is far more interesting. It's a cigarette for chrissakes-- Not a pasttime. I'm intentionally being sour grapes here, because I don't think this expo should be viewed as a 4/20 smoking event. Replace the MJ with cigarettes or alcohol and it sounds kind of silly, doesn' it. You gonna pay $10 to look at Camel t-shirts and Marbolro gadgets made in China for 25 cents?I went today, it was pretty dope, and right outside of the entrance it was just a big cloud of smoke and like 50 heads all smokin and sharing, and exchanging, even selling...I bought a couple TightVac's, got a shitload of lighters and disposable pipes lol
I was planning on going to this, but then I started seeing this chatter of people planning to sneak around smoking, acting like school kids. It's okay to spark up if you feel you need to, and I have no issue if people smoke their MJ in designated smoking areas. But some people act like it's Disneyland, and they don'tr respect other people. I'm a smnoker, but I still can observe the fact it's disrespectful to smoke near a cop who is workingto keep you guys safe. If I went to this expo I wouldn't have smoked, nor would I have been giddy at the sight of people dealing outside a professional convention. I looked at the floor plan, and it was nothing more than a giant headshop. There was nly like 3 or 4 clubs. If more clubs attended this, than I would have been interested in meeting these people and discussing the business of Cannabis and between growers and the clubs. Since the expo does admit the general public, it was obvious there would be no seeds or clones in sight. Now I do need a couple of things for my grow room, but it didn't seem logical to drive an hour each way to this event, and then pay $10/admission & $12/parking just to save a few bucks on crap I can get at any headshop or hydro store. This thing cost you more to park your car than it was to attend.
If I offended anyone with my opinions, then tough sh!t. The THC Expo and the degenerate 'cloud crowd' are lame.