This hasnt been accurately answered, need pro help please

remember your name

Active Member

I have this problem happening, the leaf tips curling under like a hook, my ph is stable at around 6 im not over watering and i know for a fact it isnt nute burn, im 2 weeks into flowering, using cfl's so it isnt caused from heat, temp is fine, have a fan of course, not rootbound, help me out guys i need some serious answers from the experienced people only please, thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a little bit of a magnesium deficiency. Not much to worry about.
Add 1T/gal. epsom salt to your water and feed 1/week. :peace:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looks fine man your worrying over nothing! but to answer, plants leaves curl generally to conserve water as a result of too little either through watering, atmosphere or because the ambient temp is drying the soil out between waterings.

hard to say from the pic but id guess that the top half inch to an inch of your soil is dry, getting the balance of how much water to give vs how much will be soaked up by your baby vs how much youll lose through evaporation takes some time.

your baby looks fine n dandy man, nice n green just let her do her thang ;)

remember your name

Active Member
Ok, well the pic was not mine it was from another post on here that wasnt answered however matches mine exactly so was a perfect example of whats happening. Im not very concerned right now but i dont want to lose more leaves because i have already pruned and i dont want to sit by and do nothing while my plants telling me somethings wrong. It's happening on my preflowers and thats too close to home to sit by and watch my potential bud shoots die. So the first guy said epsom salt, i thought salt was bad in the soil? Shouldnt it already be getting mag? Im keeping this as advice and possibly will try it but i want more answers first please, different opinions. As far as watering, it isnt underwatered or dry in the air so thats not whats causing it, it also isnt very hot in the room


Well-Known Member
Ok, well the pic was not mine it was from another post on here that wasnt answered however matches mine exactly so was a perfect example of whats happening. Im not very concerned right now but i dont want to lose more leaves because i have already pruned and i dont want to sit by and do nothing while my plants telling me somethings wrong. It's happening on my preflowers and thats too close to home to sit by and watch my potential bud shoots die. So the first guy said epsom salt, i thought salt was bad in the soil? Shouldnt it already be getting mag? Im keeping this as advice and possibly will try it but i want more answers first please, different opinions. As far as watering, it isnt underwatered or dry in the air so thats not whats causing it, it also isnt very hot in the room
what about the lights? are they close enough? not enough lum's?


Well-Known Member
Just do a board search for "magnesium deficiency" and you'll see a lot more pics that look like your plant probably does. :peace:

remember your name

Active Member
The lights are 2-3 inches away from leafs on the top and sides, I looked up mag deficiency and none of those pics are what im experiencing, there is no discoloration just the hook like curling down at the point of the leaf, everything else is a good healthy green, maybe over time it would show discoloration or more signs to cover symptoms just looking for the best advice on whats causing the leaves to do what the picture is showing since i cant find it on my own

remember your name

Active Member
well im thinking its a phosphorus def.? It looks more like that than the mag def. But i got the idea to search phos def. after searching mag def. so thanks for getting that train of thought in my head lol, im thinking since shes flowering and ive used the bare minimum nutes due to early on nute burn on the pruned leavesthat maybe its the phos def. i know it needs a lot more during flower, is there anything just phosphorus i can buy at like home depot or walmart? I havent seen anything yet so ill need the name if such a thing exists.


Well-Known Member
The lights are 2-3 inches away from leafs on the top and sides, I looked up mag deficiency and none of those pics are what im experiencing, there is no discoloration just the hook like curling down at the point of the leaf, everything else is a good healthy green, maybe over time it would show discoloration or more signs to cover symptoms just looking for the best advice on whats causing the leaves to do what the picture is showing since i cant find it on my own
That's how it starts. No discoloring, just leaf tips pointed down and the actual leaves turning up lengthwise so they look like a "V".
The picture you provided, whether it's your or not, is definitely not a phosphorous deficiency. :peace:

remember your name

Active Member
ok, well my plant looks just like that so ill take your word for it =), the thing is though it cant really be a lockout because i just flushed less than a week ago so how is there a def, not asking just saying, so whats the epsom salt do?

remember your name

Active Member
i just read that using dolomite lime is supposed to ensure less lockout as well which i have and used...
[Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.]


Well-Known Member
ok, well my plant looks just like that so ill take your word for it =), the thing is though it cant really be a lockout because i just flushed less than a week ago so how is there a def, not asking just saying, so whats the epsom salt do?
Nutrient lockout and nutrient deficiency are 2 totally different things.
Epsom salt is is the marketable name for magnesium sulfate. Certain strains require more magnesium than others so you might just be growing one of those strains. For instance - I grow Alaskan Ice, among other strains, and the Alaskan Ice always show signs of mag. def. later in vegetative growth while all my other strains look fine. A little feeding with epsom salt and they're fine in a couple of days.
Don't take my word for it - do your own research and decide for yourself:


Well-Known Member
Don't take my word for it - do your own research and decide for yourself:
Actually, you should take his word for it because he's totally right. I can also assure you that it's not phosphorus deficiency. In veg a P deficiency is black. It's different in flowering though...

It looks to me like you have a mag def. as stated earlier and a slight potassium def...

I use tsp per gallon of epsom salt when I have a deficiency. The highest I've gone is 2.5 and it's never hurt my plants.

remember your name

Active Member
ok, so i just got back from the store, got some 3% peroxide (found out info on that during my searching) got some liquid bud booster 15-30-15 and some epsom salt, i was worried at first because it wasnt due for a watering, so i just diluted the peroxide 1part p. to 6parts water added my fert at less than the package recommended and added about 1/2 tsp epsom salt did the soil airated it a bit with a long pointy thing and sprayed the foliage with the fert only as i didnt know the effects of peroxide and ep salt on leafs, its only been about 20 minutes and the leafs look different already, cant describe it but they look thankful and on their way to recovery ^^ lets hope. thanks for the different ideas and solutions etc. I have learned sooooooo much about taking care of a plant other than soil water and light all due to this beautiful girl. I'm proud of my experiences and the learning and shocked as hell that my first plant has lived and survived all the abuse its been given lol, really couldnt have done it without this site. So thanks guuuuuuuys
