Early Sexing ready for 12/12...???


I have not grown in about 4 years also Im doing this by myself for the first time...Anyways my question is Im going to put my sedlings in 12/12 to sex them early...it has been 11 days so far...my room is ready and the seedlings look ready...Some of them i put in 3 days later you can tell which ones are those...My system is a 600 watt 8 bucket system..I have a 12,000 BTU indoor waterless A/c unit inside the room...As well as a regular vent from the house goes into the room...I have already tested it and it stays at 75 or where I want it since I can control the temp with my Ac unit...

Well do you guys think i can go ahead and put some of these bad Girls (Hopefully) in and start the 12/12 also what should I feed them while im waiting for the sex just the 3 main general hydro stuff or something else...


After two weeks under 12/12 i can determind the sex...I was just wondering if they are ready to go in yet o rnot...the second set of leaves are in or should I wait for the 2nd set of leaves to get bigger...

Just didnt know if I can start them now or not in the system since I have a 600 watt system


Well-Known Member
They will show sex in 30 days. They have to be mature enough to show sex.

2 weeks or less with 12x 12 if they are mature, but not 2 weeks as a seedling.


durty boy ...randy rocket

Thankyou so far Dirty and Randy...

Dirty....I was told that ones I put them in the room and start 12/12 in about 2 weeks I can see the sex is this not true..I have seen videos and read this more then once....But maybe Im missing something....From my undrstanding you can put them on 12/12 then back to Veg once you get the Males Out

RandyROcket....NIce grow on that one plant...I read the thread you advised...Im not trying to grow straight with 12/12 I want to go back to veg 18/6 once i determind the sex...I was just under the guide that I can put 12/12 to determind sex faster then go back to Veg...Is this not the case


Well-Known Member
then why not veg from the start. then as soon as you can take a clone put that clone in 12/12 and it will dye but show sex in two week.

then you don't have to shock your plant back to veg.

also once a plant flowers it will always smell.


Well-Known Member
The plant has to be mature to show sex. So if ya take a seedling and put it on 12x12 it will not show sex until its mature. This will be in about 30 days. Just grow the plants and in 30days from seed you will see pre-flowers and then seperate the males. Ya may not have to go 12x12 to sex them. I have just went by the pre-flowers.


Randy...I dont have another room to take a clone and put on 12/12....

I think I will just start w veg

but can I put two in one bucket on some and if it is a male take it out later...


Thankyou so far you guys for the help...

Dirty same question can I put 2 in one pot and just take out the Male later If I start from veg


Randy...Look at my set up...Its a 8 bucket 5 gallon system...the clay pebbles are not in but once I transfer im putting them in...anyways so they will already be in the biggest pot they need....

also if you think i should not put two in one...can you give me a reson why...I just like to know explanation for knowledge reasons please...If you can explain why I should not put 2 vs 1...


I only have 8 buckets and 14 seedlings....so I wanted to double up for now..Im not worried about the nutriens and wasting nuts I just want to make sure I get 8 females....

So can I double up and take out the male with the 8 buckets I have...6 would have 2 in them....would this work

I figured I could just cut the male and thats that and leave the female in her place never having to touch the roots....


Well-Known Member
if you get a male the root will tangle with the girl.

you will be able to cut the top off but the root mass will be a tangled mess.


if you have two girls you will want to space them apart. some strains get big.

this is 12/12 from seed about 1 and a half weeks to harvest.

arown day 67.

Edit: after i blow the pic up it look like pot not cups. stoned not stupid.


wow day 67...

RIght i would just cut the male but like you said the tangled mess...would this be an issue for the girl I could always take as much as I can out to give her more room down there...

and if there is 2 females I would take one completly out and put in a diff bucket that had the males...

See my idea is just to put as many as I can in there play the numbers game since I have 14 seedlings and hope for 8 females...either way I would have room for my famels when I determind sex...

So I take it you agree with this method so far???


Well-Known Member
2 females in one pot it would be very difficult to seperate. You would just grow them out that way.


Thanks Randy...It comes to me as I go like I said its been 4 years..And I only did about 3 harvest...I never sold my equipment...just now able to start again...Later I want to veg and flower at same time but need two rooms....



Oh okay...So I would just leave them then if both females...okay no problem...this is just for the first grow after this Ill have clones and wont have this problem....

SO guess then ill double up on my pots Cut out the male...if 2 females leave them be...