any hobbies besides growing?

Whats going on roll it up i was just wondering what kinds of hobbies you might have besides growing bud...any one know about "burmingham rollers" pigeons


i garden other plants as well.... wander through the woods to find plants... and im now getting into perfumery

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Music (guitar, flute, piano, drum); film making. Some serious epic shit, man. We're currently writing the script for a zombie stoner movie. It's gonna be hilarious, man. If all goes well.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
I'm so in to underwater basket-weaving right now, seriously it's totally more awesome than it sounds.


Active Member
Playing with your right hand is a GREAT hobby.!!

I like to smoke and drive and hook up my car and take it to drag strips. Also was into collecting sports memorabillia before and reselling them.Fishing is always great for tokers.

And off course...CASINOS,,,,,<<<<------ BAD HOBBY CUZ YOU CANT GROW MONEY..=(


if i aint growing i am chillin back in a boat smoking a jay with friends and bass , walleye, pike, crappie fishing depends on what were in the mood for. got the tunes bumpin just fishing always a fun time