3 plants one rare mutant two normal plants..???Strain???


New Member
I germinate 5 seeds knowing i would pick only three to grow, each plant has their own 26watt cfl, when the seeds sprouted i saw one with three leave instead of thetraditional two leaves that a plant should have... I posted pics of it on this website and people were interested so i decided to make a grow journal... i will update randomly probably another one at week 2....THESE PICS ARE FROM DAY 10...(they are growing really slow, not sure why)


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
I germinate 5 seeds knowing i would pick only three to grow, each plant has their own 26watt cfl, when the seeds sprouted i saw one with three leave instead of thetraditional two leaves that a plant should have... I posted pics of it on this website and people were interested so i decided to make a grow journal... i will update randomly probably another one at week 2....THESE PICS ARE FROM DAY 10...(they are growing really slow, not sure why)
i had one like that born on st. patricks day. thought it might be lucky. it was a blueberry from peakseeds. it had 3 leaves the first 2 nodes then went right to alternaating branches. looked great but took 3 weeks to show sex then the 4th week into flower it went hermie. :( im glad i caught it before it was to late.
good luck with yours.


Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
God, I love a good freak show... very interesting mutation... could devour the world some day...what??? :-P


Well-Known Member

and also dude, if you want to help speed the growth, i would go ahead and go to bigger pots before they outgrow those small ones and then all the roots are tangled up in a big mess. i put all my seedling directly into 3 gallon pots, with more area for roots to grow equals more upper plant growth and faster. also your lights are 26 watt? i think they emit around 1200 lumens each. you want to go for atleast 3,000 per sq ft sometime really soon. more light also means faster growth, now that they are young those lights are enough but always stay a step ahead of these kind of problems before they catch you. And its hard to tell from the pics, but from the color of the light it seems to be leaning more towards 2700K spectrum which is redish and good for flowering. For veg you want closer to 8000K which emits more of the blue spectrum plants love for strong stems, big leaves, and over all better/faster growth. And one last thing, i couldnt help but to notice your soil. It look to have alot of wood shavings as if you have soil from the front yard mixed with mulch. What those chips of wood will do is make little barriers in the soil that stop the roots and force them to grow around. This slows the root growth which in result does the same thing for the whole plant. So that may be a possible solution as to why you say they are growing kinda slow. but since they are already in there just leave them and transplant into a organic mix of soil and perlite. Its just soft enough so roots can grow easily and your roots will get more oxygen this way as well.

Good Luck, and keep us updated.


New Member
they are 26 watt cfl witch is 100Watts of light so the lightingis fine and they are actually like 6700K bulbs and im gettin 6 lights soon, also its a potting mix not front yard dirt...


New Member
well im making my grow box now and there are four light things and im gonna get the socket doublers so i can have eight lights....i was gonna get 6 sockets and just put six bulbs in my grow box but now im getting 4 sockets and i could double them


Well-Known Member

good to hear from yah, was worried the three leafer might have bought the farm or something. :)
looking forward to the seeing the youngun again


New Member
heres the 3 leaf at 18 days, the two larger two leafers are 10days and the little ones are cali kush 5 days old (growing slow any suggestions) with the setup im gonna take one plant outta there and have two light socket doublers and haae a 100w CFL per plant...


New Member
heres the 3 leaf at 18 days, the two larger two leafers are 10days and the little ones are cali kush 5 days old (growing slow any suggestions) with the setup im gonna take one plant outta there and have two light socket doublers and haae a 100w CFL per plant...



Well-Known Member
looking pretty good, the 3 leaf looks healthy to me
100w of cfl per plant is good if you flower pretty early